On April 3, the "Notice on Several Policies and Measures to Support Green, Low-Carbon and High-Quality Development in Inner Mongolia" issued by the National Development and Reform Commission and other departments pointed out that focusing on the Kubuqi, Ulan Buhe, Tengger and Badain Jaran deserts, plan and build large-scale wind power photovoltaic bases, simultaneously carry out planning environmental assessments, effectively play the leading role of planning, and actively develop solar thermal power generation. Focus on the rational layout of new energy projects in deserts, Gobi, desert areas, border areas, coal mining subsidence areas, and open-pit mine dumps. Encourage cooperation between central and local enterprises and enterprises of all kinds of ownership to jointly build and operate scenery bases.

following is the original text

National Development and Reform Commission and Other Departments on Supporting Green and Low Carbon in Inner Mongolia

Notification of some policy measures for high-quality development

Fa Gai Huanzi [2024] No. 379

Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Development and Reform Commission, Department of Industry and Information Technology, Department of Natural Resources, Department of Ecological Environment, Energy Bureau, Forestry and Grassland Bureau:

In order to thoroughly implement the "Opinions of the State Council on Promoting High-Quality Development in Inner Mongolia and Striving to Write a New Chapter in Chinese-Style Modernization"(Guo Fa [2023] No. 16), support Inner Mongolia in vigorously developing new productive forces with green and low-carbon as distinctive characteristics, and further Promote Inner Mongolia's green, low-carbon and high-quality development, the following measures are proposed.

** 1. Accelerate the transformation of energy green and low-carbon

(1) Develop new energy with greater efforts. Focusing on Kubuqi, Ulan Buhe, Tengger and Badain Jaran Desert, we plan to build a large-scale wind power photovoltaic base, carry out planning environmental assessment simultaneously, give full play to the leading role of planning, and actively develop solar thermal power generation. Focus on the rational layout of new energy projects in deserts, Gobi, desert areas, border areas, coal mining subsidence areas, and open-pit mine dumps. Encourage cooperation between central and local enterprises and enterprises of all kinds of ownership to jointly build and operate scenery bases.

(2) Vigorously promote green mining and clean and efficient utilization of coal. Optimize the coal production capacity of Ordos, Hulunbeier and Xilingol, orderly promote the construction of advanced production capacity in Tongliao and other regions, and protect the utilization of rare coal species. Support Inner Mongolia to fully implement the "three reforms linkage" of energy-saving and carbon-reduction transformation, heating transformation and flexibility transformation of coal-fired power units, promote the construction of low-carbon demonstration projects of coal-fired power, and take various measures to gradually reduce the consumption of fuel coal in non-electric industries. Effectively implement policies and measures to encourage comprehensive utilization of coal gangue, promote mine water to be used for ecological replenishment of river basin after treatment up to standard, coordinate pollution control and ecological restoration of open-pit coal mines, properly solve existing ecological environment problems in Kuangqu, increase coal mine gas drainage and utilization, reduce methane emission from coal mining, and improve coal green development level.

(3) Increase efforts to green development of oil and gas resources and increase reserves and production. Strengthen geological exploration of oil-bearing basins, promote deep potential tapping of old oil-gas areas, and intensify unconventional natural gas exploration. Implementation of Bayan, Jilantai oil fields production projects, Sulige, Daniudi, Dongsheng gas fields production projects, Hulunbeier, Xilingol coal bed methane development and utilization projects. Support the deep integration and development of oil and gas exploration and development and new energy. We will increase the comprehensive utilization of helium and other associated resources in natural gas.

(4) Strengthen the construction of power grid infrastructure. Strengthen the 500 kV trunk grid of Mengxi and Mengdong power grids, speed up the planning and construction of power transmission channels, and meet the needs of large-scale development of new energy and rapid load growth. We will improve the scale and capacity of new energy transmission channels and promote the completion and operation of the transmission channel from Mengxi to Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei on schedule.

(5) Promote comprehensive demonstration of smart grids. Build a power intelligent dispatching system adapted to the coordination and interaction of high proportion of new energy and source network loads, and carry out intelligent transformation of dispatching operation systems on the grid side, new energy side, energy storage side and user side. Actively develop smart microgrids with new energy as the main body to achieve compatibility and complementarity with large power grids. Promote the construction of comprehensive demonstration zones for smart grids such as Hohhot, Baotou and Erdos.

(6) Innovate energy green and low-carbon development systems and mechanisms. Support Inner Mongolia to explore differentiated policies conducive to the development and utilization of new energy according to local conditions. Support coal-fired power enterprises and new energy enterprises substantive joint ventures, implement coal-fired power capacity electricity price mechanism relevant requirements, and promote the sustainable and healthy development of coal-fired power enterprises. Innovate the high-proportion consumption and utilization mode of renewable energy, and orderly promote the replacement of green electricity for high-energy-consuming enterprises. Support Inner Mongolia to carry out green power trading pilot, and timely incorporate Inner Mongolia Power Trading Center into the national green power certificate trading platform. Promote and improve the construction of power market in Inner Mongolia and promote the healthy development and efficient consumption of new energy in a market-oriented manner.

** 2. Build a green and low-carbon modern industrial system

(7) Accelerate the transformation and upgrading of industrial structure. Support Inner Mongolia in building a modern industrial system, optimize and strengthen key industrial clusters and key industrial chains, actively cultivate strategic emerging industries and modern service industries, and continue to optimize the industrial structure. Support Inner Mongolia in in-depth implementation of the "three products" action to increase varieties, improve quality and create brands, and cultivate and create a "three products" strategic demonstration city for the consumer goods industry.

(8) Promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries. Adhere to the green and low-carbon orientation, rely on resource advantages and industrial foundation, and on the basis of implementing the ecological environment zoning management and environmental impact assessment system, we will build a high-standard demonstration zone for undertaking industrial transfer in eastern Mongolia. Support and guide enterprises to implement energy-saving and carbon-reduction renovations, and continue to improve the level of green and low-carbon development in key industries. Promote enterprises in thermal power generation and other industries to use environmental information disclosed in accordance with the law to carry out environmental, social and corporate governance evaluations. Promote the high-end, diversified and low-carbon development of the modern coal chemical industry, build the Ordos Modern Coal Chemical Industry Demonstration Zone and the coal-to-oil and gas strategic base with high quality, explore the coupled development model of modern coal chemical industry with green hydrogen, carbon capture, utilization and storage, and actively promote the research and development and industrial application of coal-based special fuels, coal-based biodegradable materials and other technologies.

(9) Accelerate the development of new energy industries. Support Inner Mongolia in exploring innovative development models for new energy industries, develop high-quality industrial clusters such as wind turbines, photovoltaics, solar heat, hydrogen energy, and energy storage on the premise of ensuring consumption, and make carbon-based material industries such as carbon fiber bigger and stronger. Support Inner Mongolia to build a national cluster for the integrated development of new energy and advanced high-energy industries.

(10) Promote the coordinated transformation and development of digitalization, green and technology. Accelerate the "Eastern Computing and Western Computing" project and build a national computing power network hub node and a nationwide computing power support base. Support the construction of incremental distribution network in big data industrial park to provide long-term stable green energy guarantee for computing power industry. Cultivate and strengthen emerging digital industries such as artificial intelligence, big data, blockchain and cloud computing to promote the green development of digital economy.

(11) Improve the level of green and low-carbon development of agriculture and animal husbandry. Support Inner Mongolia to vigorously cultivate traditional advantageous food producing areas and local characteristic food industries, promote high-quality development of dairy industry, beef cattle, mutton sheep, cashmere, potato, forage grass and other industries, and build a world-class dairy industry chain ecosystem. Encourage eligible agricultural industry projects in Inner Mongolia to declare strong agricultural industry towns, national modern agricultural industrial parks, rural industrial integration development demonstration parks and advantageous characteristic industrial clusters according to procedures, and support Xilingol to build a West China cattle provenance base.

** 3. Promote green development in key areas

(12) Carry out pilot tests to reach carbon peak and carbon neutrality. Support Inner Mongolia to explore the shift from energy consumption dual control to carbon emission dual control, consolidate the foundation of carbon emission statistical accounting, and accelerate the construction of carbon emission dual control degree and supporting policies. Support Erdos, Baotou, Inner Mongolia Chifeng High-tech Industrial Development Zone and other national carbon peak pilot projects. Support Inner Mongolia to build a national carbon measurement center. We will incorporate greenhouse gas control into environmental impact assessment management, carry out pilot environmental impact assessment on greenhouse gas emission of industrial parks and key industry construction projects, and promote carbon reduction at source. Encourage the construction of green parks, low-carbon parks and zero-carbon parks such as zero-carbon industrial parks in Erdos Mengsu Economic Development Zone. Support Inner Mongolia to vigorously develop green finance, strengthen financial support for low-carbon transformation economic activities, carry out pre-and post-evaluation of environmental benefits of green finance support projects, and explore innovative carbon account, carbon inclusion and other modes.

(13) Comprehensively strengthen resource conservation. Encourage Inner Mongolia to improve the evaluation index system for resource conservation and intensification. Promote energy conservation and carbon reduction transformation in key industries, and coordinate the promotion of energy conservation reviews and carbon emission evaluations of fixed asset investment projects. Support Hohhot, Ordos, Ulanqab and other countries in building national water-saving cities, and encourage cross-provincial and cross-league city water rights transactions. Carry out national actions for green and low-carbon living, and further promote national energy conservation, water conservation, material and grain conservation. Optimize the allocation of land resource elements, improve policies for the redevelopment of inefficient urban land, and take multiple measures to revitalize the utilization of inefficient land. Support Inner Mongolia in improving the efficiency of mineral resource mining and strengthening the utilization of low-grade resources.

(14) Vigorously develop circular economy. Support Inner Mongolia in implementing large-scale equipment updates and replacing old consumer goods with new ones, strengthen standard guidance, and smooth the resource recycling chain. Support Inner Mongolia to comprehensively promote the recycling transformation of the park and implement comprehensive utilization of waste, cascade utilization of energy, and recycling of water resources. Support the construction of urban waste classification and recycling facilities and promote the construction of key cities in Hohhot's waste material recycling system. Promote the construction of comprehensive utilization bases for industrial resources in Ordos City, Tuoketuo County, and Urad Front Banner. Strengthen the comprehensive utilization of bulk solid waste such as fly ash and coal gangue, and smooth channels for utilization and consumption of underground filling, ecological restoration, and subgrade materials. Strengthen the recycling of waste from emerging industries such as retired power batteries, photovoltaic modules, and wind turbine blades.

(15) Improve the low-carbon development level of urban and rural construction. Accelerate the development of green buildings and encourage demonstrations of ultra-low energy consumption buildings and near-zero energy consumption buildings. Combined with urban renewal actions and other work, support the renovation and upgrading of old communities and heating pipe networks. Carry out the construction of clean heating pilot cities in a steady and orderly manner, support the large-scale application of industrial waste heat heating, encourage the promotion and application of heat pump technology in old Urban area, urban-rural fringe areas and rural pastoral areas that cannot be reached by the heat pipe network, and support decentralized renewable energy heating. Promote the transformation of heating metering in an orderly manner and steadily promote heating metering and charging.

(16) Accelerate the green and low-carbon transformation of transportation. Support Inner Mongolia in building a low-carbon transportation system, implement the public transportation priority development strategy, and improve the modern transportation system that is conducive to guiding green travel. Promote new energy and clean energy transportation vehicles according to local conditions, encourage pure electric heavy trucks, electric-replacement heavy trucks and other alternative fuel heavy trucks, and strengthen the construction of special railways in Kuangqu. Support Inner Mongolia in improving infrastructure systems such as charging and replacing power stations and hydrogen refueling stations, and strengthen the deep integration of transportation, power and energy facilities.

** 4. Strengthen green and low-carbon technological innovation

(17) Strengthen the building of scientific and technological innovation capabilities. Support Inner Mongolia scientific research units and enterprises to cooperate with domestic advantageous scientific research teams to strengthen green and low-carbon technological innovation. Support superior scientific and technological forces in Inner Mongolia to participate in the construction of relevant national laboratories and national key laboratories. Support the National High-tech Zone in Hohhot, Baotou and Ordos to jointly establish the Hohhot, Baotou and Erdos National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone in accordance with procedures.

(18) Promote the demonstration and application of green and low-carbon technologies. Support Inner Mongolia to participate in the construction of green and low-carbon advanced technology demonstration projects, give full play to the advantages of resource endowments and application scenarios, implement a number of demonstration projects with leading technological levels and outstanding emission reduction effects, and strengthen the promotion and application of advanced green and low-carbon technologies. Support Inner Mongolia in building a regional green technology trading platform and promote the industrial application of advanced and applicable technological achievements.

(19) Strengthen the training of talents in green and low-carbon fields. Support the construction of disciplines and majors related to green and low-carbon technologies in Inner Mongolia and improve the multi-level talent training system. Encourage Inner Mongolia universities and scientific research institutions to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with domestic and foreign universities and academic institutions to carry out joint training of talents. Encourage enterprises to attract and gather talents in various ways. Encourage and standardize social training in green and low-carbon related fields.

** 5. Comprehensively improve the quality and stability of the ecological environment

(20) Strengthen comprehensive prevention and control of desertification and promote the construction of key ecological projects such as the "Three Norths". Adhere to "determining green through water" and scientifically promote the construction of key ecological projects such as the "Three Norths". We will fight three landmark battles: the battle of the Yellow River's "Jizibend", the annihilation battle of Horqin and Hunshandak Sandlands, and the interception battle of the Hexi Corridor and the edge of the Taklimakan Desert, actively explore and promote the photovoltaic desertification control model, and continue to consolidate the return of farmland to forests and grasslands. Achievements, improvement of quality and efficiency.

(21) Innovate ecological protection and restoration models. Explore new paths for high-level protection and sustainable utilization of forests, grasslands, wetlands, and deserts, improve the management system for land expropriation and occupation, implement compensation for ecological protection of forests and wetlands, implement subsidy and reward policies for grassland ecological protection, support the development of ecological environment-oriented development projects, and Create a regional public brand of ecological products. Carry out pollution control for historical mines with serious pollution levels, and coordinate mine pollution control and ecological restoration in accordance with the principle of "pollution control first, then restoration, and then evaluation". Support Inner Mongolia in building a national ecological civilization pilot zone and creating national parks such as Helan Mountain and Daqingshan Mountain.

(22) Consolidate and improve the carbon sink capacity of the ecosystem. Support background surveys, carbon stock assessments, and potential analysis of forests, grasslands, wetlands, deserts, and soils. Support Inner Mongolia in strengthening pilot construction of forest and grass carbon sinks, encourage qualified bush afforestation and other projects to develop into national voluntary greenhouse gas emission reduction projects, improve ecological protection compensation mechanisms that reflect the value of carbon sinks, and innovate ways to realize the value of ecological products.

(23) Continue to improve the quality of the atmospheric environment. Promote joint prevention, control and control of air pollution in Hohhot, Baotou, Wuhai and surrounding areas and in-depth control of air pollution in key industries, implement performance grading and differentiated management and control of key industries in heavily polluted weather, and encourage key enterprises to carry out "Action A". Strengthen monitoring and early warning of sand-dust weather, and improve the construction of meteorological and air quality monitoring networks in sand-source areas and sand-dust path areas.

(24) Strengthen water ecological protection and water pollution control. Strengthen the ecological protection and restoration of key rivers and lakes, ensure the ecological water use of rivers and lakes, and scientifically and rationally allocate ecological water use for forests and forests. Support Inner Mongolia in implementing key national water and soil conservation projects such as comprehensive management of small watersheds to improve quality and efficiency, comprehensive management of sloping farmland, new check dams and sand retaining dams, and management of erosion ditches in black soil areas in Northeast China. Strengthen the construction of sewage treatment infrastructure in towns and industrial parks, promote the performance grading of sewage treatment and discharge levels of enterprises in key industries, and improve the comprehensive utilization rate of coal mine water.

(25) Promote soil pollution prevention and control and solid waste management. Implement actions to prevent and control the source of soil pollution in agricultural land, strengthen soil risk management and restoration of contaminated cultivated land, construction land and other soil, and encourage green and low-carbon restoration. Support Baotou, Hohhot and Ordos in building "waste-free cities" and promote the construction of Baotou's demonstration base for comprehensive utilization of bulk solid waste.

** 6. Deepen regional all-round open cooperation

(26) Strengthen regional cooperation in green and low-carbon development. Promote cooperation between Inner Mongolia and provinces along the Yellow River and adjacent regions, strengthen joint protection of the ecological environment and joint management of water pollution, and promote joint prevention and control of regional areas such as the Mu Us Sandy Land, the Tengger Desert, and the southern edge of the Hunshandak-Horqin Sandy Land., continue to promote the upgrading and improvement of transportation networks such as the Linhai Railway, and coordinately promote the construction of clean energy transmission corridors. Promote the construction of the Inner Mongolia section of the Changchun-Shijiazhuang natural gas pipeline. Support Inner Mongolia's integration into the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, and innovate cooperation models in industrial development, energy security and other aspects. Encourage strengthening mutually beneficial cooperation with the Yangtze River Delta, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and the three northeastern provinces through joint construction of parks, enclave economies, and off-site incubation.

(27) Expand international cooperation in green and low-carbon. Support Inner Mongolia in integrating into the joint construction of the Green Silk Road and deepen practical cooperation in green and low-carbon cooperation with Russia, Mongolia and other countries. Strengthen the interconnection of energy infrastructure, explore multi-point interconnection of power between China and Mongolia, and support cooperation such as Erenhot and other places and adjacent areas of Mongolia in piloting scenery projects. Strengthen cross-border ecological and environmental protection and desertification prevention cooperation, and support Erenhot and Zamenude of Mongolia to cooperate on jointly building ecological civilization and promoting green development. Encourage advantageous enterprises in Inner Mongolia to "go global" and carry out international cooperation in green and low-carbon fields through various methods.

** 7. Safeguards

(28) Uphold and strengthen the party's overall leadership. Conscientiously implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on green and low-carbon development in Inner Mongolia, adhere to the same responsibilities of the party and government, and integrate the concepts of ecological priority and green development into the entire process and all aspects of Inner Mongolia's economic and social development. Give full play to the role of grassroots party organizations as a fighting fortress, mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity of party members, cadres and officials to start businesses, and continuously enhance their ability to promote green and low-carbon development.

(29) Strengthen financial guarantee. The central government provides support to Inner Mongolia's ecological barriers, ethnic areas, border areas, etc., and implements existing support policies for clean heating in winter in Inner Mongolia, development and utilization of renewable energy, energy conservation and promotion of new energy vehicles. On the premise of effectively preventing and resolving local debt risks, we will make overall use of investment within the central budget and special local government bonds to support the construction of qualified major projects such as industrial transformation and upgrading, energy conservation, emission reduction and carbon reduction, environmental infrastructure, and ecological protection and restoration in Inner Mongolia.

(30) Improve the working mechanism. Inner Mongolia must implement its main responsibilities, improve working mechanisms, promote solid results in various tasks, and effectively improve the level of green and low-carbon development. The National Development and Reform Commission, together with relevant departments, has strengthened work coordination, improved policies and measures, supported Inner Mongolia in implementing various goals and tasks, actively promoted the resolution of difficulties and blockages encountered in Inner Mongolia's green, low-carbon and high-quality development, and promptly summarized and refined experience and practices.

National Development and Reform Commission

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Natural Resources, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, National Energy Resources Bureau, National Forestry and Grassland Bureau, March 26, 2024


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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