With "unplugged" light-emitting power generation fibers, the scientific research team of Donghua University has made important breakthroughs in the field of smart fibers.

4月5日,东华大学材料科学与工程学院先进功能材料课题组在《科学》上发表研究论文。 The research proposed an energy interaction mechanism based on "human body coupling" and successfully developed a new smart fiber that integrates functions such as wireless energy collection, information sensing and transmission. 由其编织制成的智能纺织品无需依赖芯片和电池便可实现发光显示、触控等人机交互功能。这一突破性成果为人与环境的智能交互开辟了新可能,具有广泛应用前景。

▲ The working mechanism of "body-coupled" smart fiber and its comparison with traditional electronic fabrics. Photo provided by interviewees

The research proposes to use the human body as a carrier for energy interaction, opening up a convenient energy "channel". The electromagnetic energy originally dissipated in the atmosphere preferentially enters the circuit composed of fibers, human body, and earth. It is precisely this principle of "daily use without realizing it" that promotes a new energy interaction mechanism of "human body coupling". After adding specific functional materials, this new fiber will show a "magical scene" of luminescence and power generation only after being touched by the human body.

Researcher Hou Chengyi from the State Key Laboratory of Fiber Materials Modification at Donghua University said:"This new type of fiber can be used in daily textiles such as clothing, fabric decoration, etc. When they come into contact with the human body, they can visually sense, interact and even highlight lighting through light emission. At the same time, they can also act on different postures of the human body. Generation of wireless signals, and then wireless remote control of electronic products such as smart home appliances. These novel functions are expected to expand the application scenarios of electronic products and even change the way people live smart lives."


Author: Emma

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