中国海军的驱逐舰命名,事实上是以动力系统为主导的,同一类型的动力系统形成同一类舰型,052就是如此,最早的2艘052采用了美国LM2500燃气轮机和德国柴油机(MTU 20V956TB92)为动力组,也为后来的柴燃交替动力组打下了基础,当然最早的2艘052吨位并不大,只有四千多吨,武器系统也比较落后,只有8枚鹰击8反舰导弹,还有8枚海红旗7防空导弹,副炮还是只有4门76A型37毫米舰炮,船电系统也不先进,缺乏比较好的对空、对海警戒雷达,都是在凑合,而且后来由于美国燃气轮机断供,052也没法继续建造了,就建造了这两艘。
▲ 052C型驱逐舰西安舰
▲ 052D型驱逐舰银川舰

So the final masterpiece of the 052 series, 052D, appeared. Compared with the 052C, the 052D hull is similar. The focus has been on upgrading the phased array radar, upgrading the 346 radar to the 346A using gallium arsenide components, and comprehensively updating the weapon system, such as replacing the original with a new generation of universal vertical hair. The revolver vertical hair is compatible with anti-aircraft missiles and anti-ship missiles. The 1130 near-anti-aircraft gun and Haihongqi 10 short-range anti-aircraft missile are used to replace the original two 730 near-anti-aircraft guns. The immature 100mm single-barrel naval gun was replaced by the 130mm naval gun. After this series of changes, many of the performances of the 052D have undergone qualitative changes, especially air defense, which has been greatly improved compared to the 052C. This is the origin of the legendary 052D destroyer.

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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