Why young people like to visit the basement floor of shopping malls once triggered media discussions, and the first floor of the shopping mall serves as a facade and is also an eye-catching existence. Not only are there dazzling gold jewelry and cosmetics counters here, but a new member has also emerged in recent years-new energy vehicles. So, why are these sold on the first floor of the mall?

source:visual China

要探究商场一层的秘密,首先得从经济学的坪效说起。简单来说,坪效是单位面积的效益,衡量的是商场每平方米面积所产生的销售额。 Gaoping efficiency's business format usually occupies the core position of shopping malls, with gold jewelry and cosmetics among the best. 化妆品店坪效相对较高。一方面是单价较高,市场需求量大;另一方面化妆品的毛利率也相当可观。尽管近年来,化妆品柜台受到线上销售的冲击,线下销售额有所减少,但一线品牌仍偏好在商场一层设门店,商场也乐于在一层引进大牌化妆品店,前者是为了宣传和定位,后者是为了门面,双方各取所需。

source: visual China

What appears on the first floor is often the best-selling business formats and brands that are currently the most popular and have the strongest leasing power. 近年来,新能源汽车也陆续开进商场一层,这又是为什么呢?传统燃油车的销售主要通过4S店进行,4S店一般位于城郊地带,燃油车种类繁多的售后保养维修是其利润的主要来源 。New energy vehicles without complex mechanical structures are different, and profits mainly come from selling the car itself。除此以外,The sales of new energy vehicle brands often adopt the ultimate single-product strategy, mainly promoting several models. 对于有车辆陈列空间的商场来说,在一层展示酷炫的新能源汽车变得越来越常见。

当然,消费体验感也是新能源汽车与商场一层双向奔赴的原因。The new energy vehicle booth on the first floor of the mall creates a "sense of technology","sense of intelligence" and "sense of future", which can always impress consumers. 。新能源汽车开进商场一层,在众多大家熟悉的品类里营造出一种赛博朋克的感觉,实现了商场与新能源车企的双赢。

With the development of the times, shopping malls have no longer been a single shopping place in people's minds, but have transformed into a modern commercial complex that integrates food, tourism, entertainment, shopping and other functions. Different shopping malls have different locations, and the layout of the first floor will also be different. As the shopping mall with the highest efficiency in China, those appearing on the first floor of SKP are often luxury brands; while some shopping malls that focus on young consumers have many Internet celebrity fashion brand and fast fashion brands on the first floor. Maybe one day, we will see artificial intelligence robots appear in the window on the first floor of the mall. But no matter how the first floor of the mall changes, some things remain unchanged, such as the mall's pursuit of high-level efficiency, such as the brand filters consumers have for products appearing on the first floor. The mall is committed to improving the efficiency per square meter and providing consumers with more and better choices. Consumers also use their real money to cast a "vote of confidence" for the goods on the first floor of the mall.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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