The following article comes from Armored Bear, author Blazing Fire

armored bear.

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最近一段时间来,乌军对俄本土区域发动了持续性的攻击。 不过从俄方的反馈来看,早在乌军行动前两周就已经获得了相关情报;因此俄军事先用合同兵、志愿兵部队替换了原本在边境的防卫队;同时还特意调配了空天军、炮兵力量,可以说是严阵以待。 在这种背景下,乌军的所谓突袭作战,其实就变成了强攻作战。 而且早在3月10日乌军尚在集结的阶段,俄军远程火力就对乌军集结地发动打击,这不仅打乱了乌军的进攻节奏,也对其进攻力量造成了一定损失。 在进攻企图暴露后,乌军仍然坚决向俄边境突击,从3月12日以来,攻击连续不断,结果因为俄军预先有准备,乌军所得的成果实在不大。 其中最先出现的插旗打卡画面,竟然还是在乌克兰边境一侧的村庄——里日夫卡内拍摄的。

As usual, the Ukrainian army (flying the banner of the so-called Free Russian Army) deliberately lowered the perspective in the relevant videos to prevent it from being positioned; but coincidentally, the village it photographed was exactly a village passed by the Russian army after the war between Russia and Ukraine in 2022, and image data was left next to the house photographed by the Ukrainian army. This is embarrassing, because the Ukrainian army claims to control a settlement with a population of 3700 people across the border, but this check-in point is still about 300 meters away from the border. How can you check in here but control the opposite village?

直到现在,乌军都没有放出实际控制乔特基诺的证据,反倒自己在打卡摆拍的里日夫卡村遭到了航弹轰炸。 而且这一方向到目前为止,乌军放出的“战果”物料,只是一段无人机打击俄军装甲车辆的视频,而且造成的损伤还相当轻微。 此后,乌克兰国防部情报总局放出的巷战画面,也被证实并不在战区,虚空开火的场景被讥讽为IDF式的作战。 那么乌军这次投入了数千名精锐,真就空空如也,白走一遭? 这倒也不至于,进还是进了的,关键是进去后能不能全须全尾活着回来的问题。 目前,乌军放出的最有价值的画面是在3月12日当天,短暂地冲入到了戈里科夫斯基村(C点,格赖沃龙以南方向)的一处学校内插旗打卡,然后将俄方的旗帜和路牌偷走后,再来摆拍一波。

This village is about 1700 meters away from the border and is the farthest point that can be confirmed that Ukrainian troops have reached Russia.

Originally, this wave of results could have been publicized, but the Ukrainian army could not control the village after entering and was afraid that the Russian army would clear it up, so they quickly fled. Although the Russian army did not set up a defense line in the village, because they had deployed firepower long ago, when the Ukrainian army retreated, they chased and killed more than 60 of them on the Uzbek side of the border line. The Ukrainian army here was not the main direction of attack. It was originally a small group of troops who "flashed" to check in. After experiencing these twists and turns, it took several days to deal with the aftermath; so the materials they produced at that time were not released to the public as soon as possible until a few days later. It was announced to the public.

而乌军真正主攻的其实是科津卡——格赖沃龙方向。 这里其实也不用多强调,它恰恰就是2023年乌军搞“特别建国行动”的突入点,当时不仅进了村子,还缴获了俄军的装备并且占据了几天时间。
可能是心理和实践上的“路径依赖”,乌军这一波东晃西绕,搞了好几个策应点,但最终还是要打这里。 乌军总计部署在这一方向的兵力达到了旅级,就连地面步兵的投入都是大把大把地撒。 最开始乌军打算从先拿下科津卡北的斯波达尤希诺村,这个村紧贴着边境线,而且附近就是大片林区,便于乌军隐蔽,但在这里遭到了很大折损。 既然进攻企图都已经暴露,那也没必要装了,乌军直接强攻科津卡,反正这里也紧贴着边境线,俄军的防线又不是卡在边境上? 因此乌军步兵群大约还是进入到了村西北距边境线200到300米处;但好不容易过去了,却被炸得死伤连片,死人、活人都不好拖回来了。

为了尽可能有所战果,并将伤员、阵亡者回收,乌军还罕见地在这一方向动用了直升机进行空突作战,将一个加强排的兵力增援至此。 应当说单纯就3月14日的空突作战来看,在直升机投送、转运兵力方面还是成功的,但在地面作战中依旧没有得手。 在俄方拍摄的画面中,乌军在战区折损掉了大量装甲车辆和步兵。甚至在无人机的侦察支援下,一格一格地清理村西的乌军步兵。 另外对于乌军在边境线乌方一侧村庄的集结点,也进行了大量的航空弹药和炮火打击。 应当说,这次乌军的插旗打卡活动付出了这么大代价,但能够拿出来的战果与代价相比是严重不相衬的。

所以乌军在后续几天依旧对俄本土发动猛攻,甚至在3月17日还出动了直升机进行支援。 不过这次使用直升机因为俄军已经有了防备,所以直接被干下一架来;对于非常缺乏直升机的乌军而言,这也是很肉疼的。 原本乌军试图通过这样的进攻作战,给俄罗斯大选造成干扰,并影响主战场作战不利的舆论。
但从目前看,实在是有些“偷鸡不成蚀把米”的意味。 眼下俄罗斯大选已经有了结果,硬碰俄本土也撞得头破血流,到底是及时止损还是硬着头皮再上,这几天就有结果了。

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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