Since the start of the Russo-Ukrainian War, the eyes of the international community have once again focused on the game of geopolitics and the trajectory of the rise and fall of major powers.

While this conflict may seem to be a regional dispute, in reality it involves a complex web of international interests, especially those of the United States, Russia, and Japan. This situation has the potential to captivate audiences around the world.

As we all know, the United States, as the only superpower in the world today, has economic, political and military influence everywhere. as the saying goes:"Prosperity will decline, and things will turn back when they reach extremes."

After years of global dominance, the United States has begun to experience increasing domestic economic pressure, severe inflation, and intensifying social conflicts. Its hegemonic status has also begun to show signs of instability. All of these factors have laid the groundwork for a transformation in the international landscape.

The outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine war can be said to be a "proxy war" carefully planned by the United States in order to maintain its hegemonic position.

Through this war, the United States intends not only to undermine Russia's regional influence, but also to seize the opportunity to aggressively sell arms and generate funds in order to alleviate domestic economic pressure.

As the saying goes, “playing with fire will burn oneself”, the US’s such practices have not only intensified the regional tensions, but may also trigger even greater disasters.

In this context, the prophecy of military expert Zhang Zhaozhong seems to be gradually becoming a reality. He pointed out that once the United States starts to decline, Russia and Japan will likely become the new world hegemons.

This prophecy is not groundless, but is based on a deep insight into the international situation and an accurate grasp of the laws of history.

Having inherited most of the USSR's legacy, Russia has formidable military forces and abundant natural resources.

Under Putin's leadership, Russia has not only successfully resisted economic sanctions and military threats from the West, but has also played an increasingly important role in international affairs. If the United States declines, Russia will undoubtedly usher in the best time to rise.

While Japan, a developed economic and advanced technology country, has been cherishing the dream of being a major country.

In recent years, Japan has been increasing its military spending, and its ambitions have gradually become apparent. If the United States' constraints on Japan are weakened or disappear, Japan is very likely to act like an "unbridled horse", making a grand display of its strength on the international stage and vying for regional or even global hegemony.

We should also realize that the path of rising has been full of challenges and uncertainties, whether it is Russia or Japan.

After all, "one mountain does not tolerate two tigers." The conflicts of interest and geopolitical contests between the two countries will be an important point of interest in the future international situation.

Therefore, faced with a profound transformation of the international landscape, we should maintain a clear state of mind and rational judgment, and also actively cope with the potential risks and challenges.

Only by adapting to the trend of the times, seizing opportunities, and making great efforts can we remain invincible in this magnificent rise and fall of great powers.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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