Notice of the National Development and Reform Commission, the National Energy Administration and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs on Organizing and Carrying out the “Thousands of Towns and Ten Thousands of Villages Harnessing the Wind” Campaign

NDRC Energy [2024] 378

Development and Reform Commissions, Energy Bureaus, and Agriculture and Rural Affairs (Animal Husbandry and Pastural) Departments (Bureaus, Committees) of provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps; branches of the National Energy Administration; State Grid Corporation of China; China Southern Power Grid Company Limited; Inner Mongolia Power Group Co., Ltd.:

Wind energy resources in rural areas of China are rich and widely distributed. Making full use of scattered land in rural areas and promoting the local and nearby development and utilization of wind power according to local conditions is of great significance to strengthening the village collective economy, assisting rural revitalization, promoting the green and low-carbon transformation of rural energy, and achieving carbon peak and carbon neutrality. In order to implement the spirit of the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Learning and Applying the Experience of the" Thousand Villages Demonstration and Ten Thousand Villages Renovation "Project to Effectively Promote Comprehensive Revitalization of Rural Areas" and implement the "14th Five-Year Plan for Renewable Energy Development", we are now organizing and carrying out the "Action to Control the Wind in Thousands of Villages" is notified as follows.

1. Overall requirements

(1) Guiding ideology

Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we will fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, thoroughly implement the new energy security strategy of "Four Revolutions, One Cooperation", anchor the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality, and implement the "Thousand Villages Wind Control Action" promotes the local and nearby development and utilization of wind power in rural areas, innovates development and utilization scenarios, investment and construction models and revenue sharing mechanisms, and promotes wind power to become a new carrier of the rural energy revolution and a new driving force for rural revitalization. Provide strong support for the green and low-carbon transformation of rural energy and the construction of a livable, business-friendly and beautiful countryside.

(2) Basic principles

Localized adaptation and coordinated planning 以各地农村风能资源和零散空闲土地资源为基础,统筹经济社会发展、生态环境保护、电网承载力和生产运行安全等,合理安排风电就地就近开发利用的规模、项目和布局,能建则建,试点先行,条件成熟一个就实施一个,不一窝蜂,不一哄而上。

Village-enterprise cooperation, benefiting and facilitating the people. 结合村集体经济发展,以村为单位,以村企合作为主要形式,以收益共享为目的,充分调动村集体和投资企业双方积极性,充分尊重农民意愿,切实保障农民利益,使风电发展更多惠及农村农民,赋能乡村振兴。

Ecological Priority, Coordinated Development 以符合用地和环保政策为前提,促进风电开发与乡村风貌有机结合。鼓励采用适宜乡村环境的节地型、低噪声、高效率、智能化的风电机组和技术,实现与农村能源协同互补,与乡村产业深度融合。

(3) Main goals

During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, in rural areas of qualified counties (cities, districts, flags), a number of wind power projects developed and utilized nearby will be built on a village basis. In principle, each administrative village will not exceed 20 MW. Explore the formation of a new wind power investment and construction model of "village-enterprise cooperation" and a new income distribution mechanism of "co-construction and sharing", and promote the construction of a new pattern of wind power development and utilization in which "the village has wind power, the collective increases profits, and the villagers benefit".

2. Organize and implement

(1) Each provincial energy authority, together with the agricultural and rural departments, power grid enterprises and other units, has proposed the overall plan of the province (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government)'s "Wind Control Action in Thousands of Villages" based on actual research, clarifying the scale of development and utilization, key development areas, and ecology. Environmental protection requirements and relevant safeguard measures, etc., select qualified administrative villages in the province (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) to pilot them in a timely manner according to the pilot situation.

(2) According to the provincial overall plan, each prefecture will prepare detailed implementation plans by county (city, district, flag), clarifying the project site layout, installed capacity scale, construction arrangements, land use, ecological environmental protection, and benefit distribution mechanism, etc., and promote implementation in an orderly manner under the organization of provincial energy and other departments.

(3) Power grid enterprises cooperate with energy authorities at all levels to prepare the overall plan and implementation plan of the "Wind Control Action in Thousands of Villages", do a good job in the grid connection of wind power projects, and combine the needs of counties (cities, districts, and flags). Actively carry out the transformation and upgrading of rural power grids and the construction of supporting power grids to ensure that relevant wind power projects are "completed and completed". Strengthen the safety technical management of unit grid connection to ensure that units meet the safe operation conditions of the power grid.

(4) Various investment entities and relevant village collectives follow the "village-enterprise cooperation" model to establish a cooperation mechanism with clear property rights, shared responsibilities, and shared benefits, jointly participate in the development, construction and operation of wind power projects, strengthen operation, maintenance and maintenance management, and ensure stability of units. Reliable operation and project production safety. The project revenue sharing status shall be reported to the county-level agricultural and rural authorities in a timely manner.

(5) County-level agricultural and rural authorities should promptly understand and grasp the implementation of revenue sharing of local wind power projects that have been included in the "Thousand Villages Wind Control Action", and coordinate the role of project benefits in strengthening the village collective economy and assisting rural revitalization.

(6) Wind power equipment manufacturing enterprises strengthen technological innovation, actively develop wind turbines suitable for rural environments, and provide equipment support for the "Thousand Villages Wind Control Action".

3. Policy support

(I) Optimize approval procedures. 鼓励各地对“千乡万村驭风行动”风电项目探索试行备案制,结合实际提供“一站式”服务,对同一个行政村或临近村联合开发的项目,统一办理前期手续。对于不涉及水土保持、环境保护、植被恢复、压覆矿产等敏感区域的项目,由投资主体会同村集体出具承诺,相关主管部门出具支持意见,即可依法加快办理相关手续。

(ii) Handle land use in accordance with the law. 在符合国土空间规划,不涉及永久基本农田、生态保护红线、自然保护地和国家沙化土地封禁保护区的前提下,充分利用农村零散非耕地,依法依规办理“千乡万村驭风行动”风电项目用地。对不占压耕地、不改变地表形态、不改变土地用途的用地,探索以租赁等方式获得。确需占用耕地的,应当依法依规办理用地手续。鼓励推广使用占地面积小、不改变地表形态、不破坏耕作层的节地技术和节地模式,节约集约使用土地。

(3) Guaranteeing grid-connected power consumption “千乡万村驭风行动”风电项目由电网企业实施保障性并网,以就近就地消纳为主,上网电价按照并网当年新能源上网电价政策执行,鼓励参与市场化交易,参与市场交易电量不参与辅助服务费用分摊。

(4) Encourage pattern innovation. 鼓励依法通过土地使用权入股等方式共享“千乡万村驭风行动”风电项目收益,探索乡村能源合作新模式。鼓励风电与分布式光伏等其他清洁能源形成乡村多能互补综合能源系统,对实施效果显著的项目,适时纳入村镇新能源微能网示范等可再生能源发展试点示范。

(5) Strengthen financial support. Implement green finance and rural revitalization finance policies, innovate investment and financing models, and further increase financial support for the “Wind Power Action in Thousands of Towns and Villages” wind power projects in terms of financing, loans, etc.

4. Safeguard measures

(1) Strengthen organizational leadership. 各地要充分认识实施“千乡万村驭风行动”对于推动农村能源革命、助力乡村振兴的重要意义,切实发挥乡村风电的经济、社会和环境效益,科学谋划、精心组织,在确保安全、质量、环保和高水平消纳的前提下,积极稳妥有序实施。

(II) Improve the market mechanism. 充分发挥市场配置资源的决定性作用,更好发挥政府作用,不得以配套产业、变相收取资源费等名义,增加不合理投资成本,积极营造公平、公开、公正环境。鼓励和支持民营企业和民营资本积极参与“千乡万村驭风行动”。

(3) Protect the eco-environment. “千乡万村驭风行动”风电项目依法开展环境影响评价,在满足风电通用技术标准和生态环境保护要求的基础上,重点关注项目对周边生产、生活、生态可能带来的影响,采用低噪声风电机组,提高安全防护要求,避让鸟类迁徙通道、集群活动区域和栖息地,做好风电设施退役后固废处理处置工作,积极融入乡村风貌,助力建设宜居宜业和美乡村。

(4) Strengthen monitoring 。各省级能源主管部门每年12月底前将“千乡万村驭风行动”实施情况报送国家能源局和农业农村部,抄送相关国家能源局派出机构,并将具体项目抄送国家可再生能源信息管理中心开展建档立卡。各省级能源主管部门、农业农村部门和国家能源局派出机构加强项目监管,加强信息公开,充分发挥社会监督作用,切实保障各方合法合理权益。

National Development and Reform Commission

National Energy Administration

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs

25 March 2024



Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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