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Recently, the Ministry of Commerce and 14 other departments jointly issued the Action Plan for Promoting Consumption of New Products by Replacing Old Ones (hereinafter referred to as the "Action Plan") to promote the replacement of consumer goods with new ones and stimulate potential consumption. The head of the Department of Consumption Promotion of the Ministry of Commerce interpreted the Action Plan.

Background of the development of the Action Plan

The automobile, home appliance, and home improvement and kitchen and bathroom markets have a large combined volume and a strong driving effect. A considerable proportion of the products have a long service life, high energy consumption and emissions, and potential quality and safety hazards, and have great potential for replacement and upgrading. It has been nearly 15 years since the last national campaign to promote the replacement of old consumer products with new ones. The demand for replacement has entered a period of concentrated release. In recent years, some regions have carried out replacement of old automobiles and home appliances and promoted home improvement "renovation", which has achieved positive results and accumulated certain experience.

Meanwhile, replacing consumer products with used products still faces some problems. The main problems are that the incentive policies need to be improved, the recycling and dismantling system needs to be perfected, and the circulation blockages need to be cleared. It is urgent to introduce measures to drive the release of the replacement potential.

Based on extensive research and solicitation of advice and suggestions from all parties, the Ministry of Commerce has proposed a policy measure for trade-in of used products in the consumer product market, including automobiles, home appliances, home decoration, kitchenware, and so on. On February 23, 2024, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over the fourth meeting of the Central Finance and Economics Committee. The meeting emphasized promoting a new round of large-scale equipment updates and trade-in of old consumer products to effectively reduce overall social logistics costs. On March 1, Premier Li Qiang presided over a State Council executive meeting which reviewed and approved the Action Plan for Promoting Large-Scale Equipment Updates and Trade-In of Used Consumer Products. The Ministry of Commerce has earnestly implemented the relevant requirements set by the Central Committee of the Communist Party and the State Council, and has worked with relevant departments to further refine and formulate the Action Plan.

II. Main Contents of the Action Plan

The  Action Plan is mainly divided into five sections.

**General Translation Request**: Translate the following Chinese text into English. Ensure that the translation is fluent, grammatically correct, and clear. Please provide the translation only. **Part 1: Overall Request** 提出坚持中央财政和地方政府联动,以提高技术、能耗、排放等标准为牵引,以政策为激励,以畅通循环为驱动,逐步建立“去旧更容易、换新更愿意”的有效机制,推动消费从疫后恢复转向持续扩大,更好满足人民群众美好生活需要。并提出了政策实施的工作目标。

The second part is to carry out the replacement of old cars with new ones. 推动汽车换“能”,着眼新车、二手车、报废车、汽车后市场等汽车全生命周期各环节,加大政策支持力度,畅通循环堵点,强化改革创新引领,全链条促进汽车以旧换新。提出了六方面政策措施:一是加大财政金融政策支持力度。中央财政与地方政府联动,安排资金支持汽车报废更新,鼓励有条件的地方支持汽车置换更新。适当降低汽车贷款首付比例,合理确定汽车贷款利率、期限。二是突出汽车领域标准牵引。依法依规淘汰符合强制报废标准的老旧汽车。制定实施老旧汽车相关标准。三是完善报废车回收拆解体系。引导报废机动车回收拆解企业提升回收服务水平,便利车主交车。防范安全、环保风险。四是促进二手车放心便利交易。进一步优化跨地区登记管理,推动汽车领域非保密、非隐私信息开放使用,支持新能源二手车动力电池检测和估值平台建设。五是培育壮大二手车经营主体。支持二手车销售经纪转经销,扩大二手车出口。六是推动汽车流通消费创新发展。开展城市汽车流通消费改革试点,加快构建统一高效、绿色循环的汽车流通消费大市场,推动建设汽车全生命周期信息交互系统。

The third part is to promote the trade-in of old household appliances for new ones. 推动家电换“智”,以便利城乡居民换新为重点,健全废旧家电回收体系,打通废旧家电回收“静脉循环”堵点,畅通家电更新消费循环。提出了七方面政策措施:一是发挥财税政策引导作用。鼓励有条件的地方统筹使用中央财政安排的现代商贸流通体系相关资金,充分利用县域商业体系建设等现有资金渠道,支持家电以旧换新。二是鼓励出台惠民举措。鼓励有条件的地方对消费者购买绿色智能家电给予补贴。三是完善废旧家电回收网络。合理布局回收网点、街道(乡、镇)中转站和区域性分拣中心。四是加大多元化主体培育力度。培育一批废旧家电等再生资源回收典型城市和企业。五是强化家电标准引领与支撑。加快制修订废旧家电估值评价规则、废旧家电回收规范等相关标准。六是全面提升售后服务水平。深入实施家电售后服务提升行动。七是发展二手商品流通。开展二手商品流通试点工作,培育一批二手商品流通龙头企业。

The fourth movement is to promote the "revitalization" of home decoration in kitchen and bathroom. 以扩大存量房装修改造为切入点,推动家装厨卫消费品换新,促进智能家居消费,持续释放家居消费潜力。提出了四方面政策举措:一是加大惠民支持力度。鼓励有条件的地区支持居民开展旧房装修、厨卫等局部改造和适老化改造,对购买智能家居产品给予补贴。二是提升便民服务水平。三是培育家居新增长点。推动智能家居在智慧厨房、健康卫浴、家庭安防、养老监护等更多生活场景落地。四是优化家居市场环境。健全家居行业信用评价体系。

Part V is the implementation of the organization. Strengthening the implementation from five aspects: perfecting organizational leadership, intensifying fund management and element guarantee, coordinating activity promotion, increasing the efforts of policy promotion interpretation, and enforcing the supervision implementation.

Next step, the Ministry of Commerce will together with relevant departments and local authorities do a good job in implementing the documents and policies, promoting the replacement of used consumer goods with new ones, striving to expand domestic demand, and better meeting the needs of the people for a better life.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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