April 11th

The reporter learned from the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel Management Center

At the recent

2024 International Bridge Conference

Shenzhong Channel Lingdingyang Bridge

Awarded the George Richardson Award

The George Richardson Awards are renowned as

The "Nobel Prize" of the Bridge World

Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor Lingdingyang Bridge

The only project from China to win this honor

This is also a bridge engineering project in Guangdong Province

First time receiving this award

International Bridge Conference believes

The Deep-Middle Channel project always follows sustainable development concepts of human-centered, harmonious coexistence between humans and nature, energy saving and emission reduction, and public satisfaction. The design pursues conciseness and rhythm and adopts a full-line integrated crystal facet design element. It has made innovations in wind resistance technology, U rib welding joints of steel bridge deck, high-strength durable main cables, construction of offshore anchorages and industrialized construction of cable towers. The project has implemented the concepts of standardized, factory-based, and intelligent construction in the whole process from early design to technological innovation, ensuring excellent intrinsic quality and beautiful appearance, which strongly advances the development of the world's suspension bridge technology.


主跨1666米的Lingdingyang Bridge在2023年4月底顺利合龙,成为World's longest full-span offshore suspension bridge with steel box girder
伶仃洋大桥有相当于90层楼高的主塔,中国的桥梁工程师预留了76.5米的通航净空高度,足够容纳两艘上下叠置的泰坦尼克号,让伶仃洋大桥成为** 世界最高通航净空海中大桥**。
桥上装载的Suspension bridge main cable wire ,单根主缆重达1.7万吨,两根主缆钢丝总长度加起来能环绕地球4圈,每根主缆缆力超10万吨,相当于能同时承受3艘中型航母的重量。
大桥还拥有World's Largest Sea Anchor,单个重约100万吨的锚碇,面积相当于17个篮球场大小,像巨大的“秤砣”牢牢固定住悬索桥主缆的两端。



Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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