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It is a fact that the hegemonic empire is actively engaged in strategic competition against China. At the same time, the Biden administration has repeatedly stated its commitment to "four noes and one unintention" to China. This seemingly solemn strategic declaration has long been heard through the sky and around the world. The latest news is that on April 2, Chinese President Xi Jinping had a phone conversation with U.S. President Biden. Biden once again reiterated that the United States does not seek to engage in a "new Cold War", does not seek to change the Chinese system, and does not seek to oppose China through strengthening alliances. China does not support "Taiwan independence" and has no intention of conflict with China. In other words, this person once again sang this world-famous "Four Noes and One Unintentionality". But what is questionable is, who still believes in such statements and commitments of the hegemonic authorities now?


It is so comfortable that it definitely makes some people feel very comfortable, so they are delighted to hear it 也就是说,“四不一无意”是不是真的不重要,是否真有人相信也不重要,重要的是听起来如闻纶音,仿若帝王诏令,亦如音乐疗伤一般,让人心里舒坦。仅就这一点而言,也很值得珍惜了。
The second is to create the illusion and scenario that Sino-US relations are inseparable and improving day by day 很多时候政治都需要幻觉,国际政治尤其是这样。以当前形势而论,美 方需要中美关系呈现正在转暖、两国不会发生军事冲突的假象。这是美大 选之年防意外冲突 的 需要 , 不 然 的话,霸权就 将 陷 入三线或 三面作战 的尴尬境地,继续对中 国行诈施骗也将无从下 手; 而 中 国方 面也需要 中美关 系不会 “ 脱钩”“ 断链”的幻觉,以此来维持外向上的 经贸依赖、和平依赖,满足新兴买办资本集团的要求。
Thirdly, we should further elaborate and deduce the theoretical system of Sino-US relations on this basis 当代中国国际关系学说总体上建立在中美两国密不可分“你中有我、我中有你”的基础上,建立在这一基础上的中美关系学说,其核心要义就是中美两国不对抗、不冲突。可以说,当代中国主流的国际关系学就是这样演绎发展起来的。拜登的上述声明不管真假,在客观上都成了这一学说的功放器,给“专家”“学者”们进一步阐发演绎中美两国“谁也离不开谁、只能合作共赢”的理论提供了新中转与新平台。否则的话,一旦承认中美对抗,合理的逻辑延伸就不能不承认东西方的对抗,就不得不直面反霸斗争的问题,就要导致整个学术体系的垮台,进而引发一系列连锁性坍塌,而这些都是当代中国国际关系主流学者们所难以承受的事情。

How long will this farce go on? Or to put it bluntly, how long will Biden’s “four nos and one no intention” go on?
I believe that this issue does not depend on China, but on changes in domestic politics in the United States. If Biden continues to be president of the United States after the election, this famous nonsense will still be heard in the sky; otherwise, it will be thrown into the trash like rotten socks and become smelly. As for how the future history of international relations will be written, whether to include these nonsense on the honor list or nail it on the pillar of shame, different people have different expectations.
(The author is a senior researcher at Kunlun Policy Research Institute;


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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