在 X 上,一名叫 @beckylitv 的用户发了一段推销产品广告,这么一个 46 秒的“怼脸”视频只能说平平无奇,但如果视频的标注写着“This is all done by AI”呢?

有人一开始没觉得这是 AI 生成,后来When I looked at it with the mentality of "finding fault", I discovered something strange.……但如果没人提示他,他就会当这个是真人出镜了:

Someone stared at this video and found two points that made her not like a real person.:

First, her eyes are always open very wide, the width does not match the meaning expressed in her words, and she hardly blinks;

Second, the timbre and cadence are not natural enough.

Some people say that the taste of Terror Valley is still too strong:

But if no one reminds him that this is AI generated, can he still see what is abnormal at a glance?

有人Worried about the models who collect subscriptions from pornographic videos on OnlyFans,AI 技术让人分不清真假,那订户为啥还非得看真人模特们的表演呢:

有人质疑博主,得说清楚Is AI generated, or does AI participate in local editing,如果是后者还说是 AI 原创那就是欺诈了吧:

有人问声音和视频哪部分是 AI,女主角 Beck 说Everything, except that she wrote the script herself

Beck said she even received death threats, and some people said she just used the word "AI" and had to suffer all this.

最后,Beck(见视频通话里缩略图)自己出来解释,那则视频用了 HeyGen 和 Arcads 这两个 AI 工具,以及露面的人 Ariel(一个经常商务宣传的出镜 KOC),and said that in the future, people should not be so misleading……

现在,那则广告被网友标注上了:This video is a pre-recorded video of a real actor, and only the voice and mouth shape are generated using AI.

有人建议成立一个法律,效仿《红字》里写的那样,On all AI-generated human faces, write a capital A on the left face and a capital I on the right face.,免得其他人被误导:


edit:lying insect



Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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