On March 28, the China Coal Industry Association held the 2023 annual press conference for the coal industry in Beijing. Liang Jiakun, president of the association, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Zhang Hong, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Association, Zhao Yongfeng, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of China Coal Science and Industry Group, Huang Qing, Assistant General Manager and Secretary of the Board of Directors of National Energy Group, Liu Jian, Member of the Party Committee and Deputy General Manager of Shandong Energy Group, and Du Ping, Deputy General Manager of Shaanxi Coal Chemical Industry Group attended the press conference. The press conference was hosted by Zhang Hong.


The report analyzes the coal economic performance in 2023 and looks forward to the trend of the coal market in 2024.

At the press conference, National Energy Group and Shandong Energy Group introduced the reform and development of their units in 2023, and proposed new goals and new measures for high-quality development in 2024, demonstrating a good image of the coal industry forging ahead in a new era.

Zhang Hong answered questions from reporters on hot issues in the development of the industry, such as peak coal consumption, the role of coal protection, and the development and utilization of coal resources.

In his concluding speech, Liang Jiakun said that the coal industry has implemented the spirit of a series of important instructions and instructions issued by General Secretary Xi Jinping when he inspected coal companies with practical actions, carried forward the glorious tradition of "being particularly capable of fighting, being particularly capable of hardship, and being particularly capable of dedication", and taking into account the overall situation., self-discipline, pioneering and innovative, transcending oneself, breaking through the constraints of coal mining conditions, giving full play to the advantages of synergy and linkage of the industrial chain, and realizing industrial structural changes, development momentum transformation and corporate governance changes. It provides strong energy security to ensure national energy security and economic and social development, demonstrating the power, speed and demeanor of coal in the new era.

他指出,煤炭行业要高度重视产业布局优化、煤矿资源接续、老矿区转型发展等现实问题,深化供给侧结构性改革, Promote the deep integration of scientific and technological innovation and real industries, and accelerate the construction of intelligence and digital transformation ,坚持建立现代企业制度的改革方向,狠抓煤矿安全生产、提高职业健康水平,深化高水平对外合作,加强煤炭清洁高效利用,加快建设安全、高效、智能、绿色的现代化煤炭产业体系,以高素质创新型煤炭职工队伍赋能新质生产力发展,在新的历史起点上推动高质量发展再上新台阶,以行业发展的“稳、进、立”为全国大局多作贡献。

Liang Jiakun sincerely invites friends from the news media to go deep into the enterprise's Kuangqu and the grassroots to focus on the powerful measures, highlights, achievements and touching deeds in the reform and development of coal enterprises, and launch a large number of excellent works with high standing, heavy weight, depth and warmth. He said that the China Coal Industry Association will build an effective interactive platform in conjunction with key annual activities, smooth communication channels between media and enterprises, further promote central media mining activities, and work with news media friends to create a good atmosphere for promoting high-quality development of the coal industry. Public opinion atmosphere.

More than 40 media reporters including People's Daily, China Central Radio and Television Station, Economic Daily, China Coal News, Xinhuanet, People's Daily, China Coal Industry Association Network; National Energy Group, China Coal Group, China Coal Science and Industry Corporation, Shandong Responsible comrades of relevant departments of Energy Group and Shaanxi Coal and Chemical Industry Group; relevant comrades of the Development and Reform Commission of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region; The main responsible comrades of Shanxi Province Coal Industry Association, Shaanxi Province Coal Industry Association, Shandong Province Coal Industry Association, Anhui Province Coal Industry Association, and Ordos City Coal Association; responsible comrades from various departments and offices of the association and the escrow association attended the meeting.

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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