The Hunan Bureau of the State Administration of Mine Work Safety carried out a "one-on-one heart-to-heart talk" activity on prominent mines in the province

Recently, the Hunan Bureau of the National Mine Safety Supervision Administration issued the "Notice on Organizing" One-on-One Heart-to-Heart Talks "in Outstanding Mines in the Province" to do a solid job in the resumption of work and production of 23 coal and gas outburst mines in the province after the Spring Festival. Strictly control major safety risks in coal mines.


The notice emphasized that it is necessary to vigorously publicize and implement the "Opinions on Further Strengthening Production Safety in Mines","Production Safety in Coal Mines" and "Hard Measures for Preventing and Curbing Major Production Safety Accidents in the Mining Field", and urge coal mines to teach "the first lesson", carry out advanced management of major disasters, vigorously promote intelligent construction, strengthen basic work at the grassroots level, and put forward specific work suggestions for existing outstanding problems to comprehensively consolidate the peripheral safety responsibilities of the grassroots.

##Sichuan Province held 2024 non-coal mine production safety accident emergency drill

3月14日,由四川省安全生产委员会办公室、巴中市人民政府主办,巴中市安全生产委员会办公室、南江县人民政府承办的四川省2024年非煤矿山生产安全事故应急演练在巴中市南江县举行。 演练模拟南江县高山镇大林村李家沟地面沉陷,导致山体滑坡,同时沉陷区气流冲击六盘山铜矿,造成多人被困而展开。“事故”发生后,企业及时上报事故信息并先期处置,镇、县、市、省逐级启动响应,省应急管理厅调度国家矿山应急救援川煤队参与救援,并从临近的广元市调度救援队伍紧急支援。在演练现场,信息报告和先期处置、应急响应、响应升级、应急救援、信息发布和舆情引导等演练科目逐一上演,全方位、全要素、全流程实战实训,全面检验应急预案体系、指挥协调机制、应急救援能力等建设情况。 此次演练包含事故灾难和自然灾害相互交织,多支救援队伍协作配合,组织实施了情景多元、任务复杂、多方参与的综合性实战演练,全面锻炼应急救援队伍专业能力,提升应对突发事件的防范能力和处置能力,构建了“全灾种、大应急”应急救援力量体系。
Cai Jianjun, Party Secretary and Director of the Yunnan Bureau of the National Mine Safety Supervision Administration, led a team to Honghe Prefecture to carry out coal mine safety supervision and inspection

Recently, Cai Jianjun, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Yunnan Bureau of the National Mine Safety Supervision Administration, led a team to Honghe Prefecture to carry out coal mine safety supervision and inspection. He went deep into Xiaolongtan Mining Bureau and its two affiliated open-pit coal mines to promote the implementation of the spirit of the National Two Sessions and the deployment requirements of the government work report., listened to reports on the staffing of coal mining enterprises, major disaster management, intelligent construction, etc., conducted on-site inspections of coal mines and dump sites, held feedback meetings, and pointed out that coal mines are in safety management, Problems and deficiencies in intelligent construction and other aspects, and put forward requirements for the next work.

Cai Jianjun stressed that the Xiaolongtan Mining Bureau and its open-pit coal mines should raise their political positions, continue to deeply study and understand the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on production safety, conscientiously implement the spirit of the National two sessions and the deployment requirements of the government work report, soberly understand the current grim situation facing mine safety production, adhere to the "four views," and conscientiously do a good job in the key work of mine safety prevention. It is necessary to take the initiative to compare with the opinions of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on further strengthening the work of Mine Safety, the hard measures of the production Safety Commission of the State Council on preventing and curbing serious and serious production Safety Accidents in the Mine Field, and the regulations on Coal Mine Safety, draw examples from one example to investigate the hidden dangers, formulate rectification and reform measures, and take the action of tackling the root causes for three years as an opportunity. Comprehensively eliminate the fundamental and difficult problems of one's own existence. It is necessary to put an end to paralysis, profoundly draw lessons from accidents in open-pit coal mines, continuously strengthen disaster management, and deepen risk graded control, especially for slopes, water disasters, fires, etc., to effectively promote the effective implementation of various safety prevention measures, make new progress in the intelligent construction of coal mines, raise the level of essential safety, and resolutely prevent and contain production safety accidents. Persist in promoting the high-quality development of coal mine safety with new-quality productive forces.

##Shandong strengthens the management of major disasters in the mining field

In order to prevent and contain major production safety accidents in the mining field, Shandong will further strengthen the management of major disasters in mines and promote mining enterprises to focus on strengthening the survey and management of hidden disaster-causing factors, promoting the management of major disasters in open-pit mines, and promoting the management of major disasters in tailings ponds. Investigate and rectify hidden dangers.

Mining companies need to comprehensively conduct a survey of the distribution of water bodies, geological structures, old goaf areas, gas-rich areas, rock burst and rock burst danger areas, and comprehensively adopt drilling, geophysical exploration, and chemical exploration methods to verify each other, and find out 3 to 5 years before mining operations can be carried out after disaster-causing factors are concealed within the mining scope and effective measures are taken. Open-pit mines must be mined in stages from top to bottom according to design requirements, and the stability of slopes and dumps must be analyzed and evaluated according to regulations. If the geological structure of the slopes is developed, deformation or landslide signs appear, wall pressing, slope cutting, grouting and other engineering management measures must be implemented. The tailings pond must conduct a comprehensive safety review of the dam body in accordance with regulations, and complete flood regulation and calculation before the end of May every year. The tailings ponds in use must conduct comprehensive quality inspections on flood discharge structures, and organize comprehensive pre-and post-flood safety inspections on the dam bodies, flood discharge systems, etc. Local governments should strengthen the comprehensive management of tailings ponds, clarify the closure time and implement closure management for tailings ponds that have been operated to the final design elevation, no longer operated tail discharge, have been suspended for more than three years, and have no production and operation entities.

Mining enterprises must establish and implement a system for timely reporting of major changes in disaster situations and timely evacuation of people in emergencies such as signs of accidents. In case of extreme weather, people are strictly prohibited from entering wells. The people's governments of various cities and counties should regularly organize tailings pond enterprises to jointly carry out emergency drills with relevant government departments, township (town) governments and downstream residents to effectively enhance emergency response capabilities.

Jiangxi Bureau of the National Mine Safety Supervision Administration plays a "combination punch" to protect mine safety during the National Two Sessions

The Jiangxi Bureau of the National Mine Safety Supervision Administration regards strengthening production safety during the National Two Sessions as an important political task. Based on the goal of "being ahead, being brave enough to be the first, and doing good", it truly transforms the sense of responsibility of "always worrying" into "everything" The action force of "having a bottom in mind" plays a "combination punch" to ensure safe production in mines during the National Two Sessions, and strives to safeguard the safety of people's lives and property and the overall stability of society.

The first is to improve the "safety concept" of employees. Work tips were issued, requiring all supervision and law enforcement departments and local emergency management departments to urge mining enterprises in their jurisdiction to take the first lesson in starting work, watch a warning education film (the Xinjing open-pit coal mine accident in Alxa, Inner Mongolia), and learn a safety education article "Safety For Who?" and conduct an emergency drill.



The fourth is to create a three-dimensional "protective network" for mine safety. Urge local governments and mine safety supervision departments to horizontally form a grid of city, county, and township production safety points, consolidate the territorial responsibilities of "who hangs the points, who serves, who inspects, and who is responsible", and vertically build a three-level contact guarantee responsibility grid for underground mines and tailings ponds by the main leaders of the township government and department, and consolidate the "three management and three musts" responsibilities.

The fifth is to strictly build a fire safety "fire line". Deeply learn from the "January 24" catastrophic fire accident in Xinyu City, compare with the province's 100-day fire safety campaign, benchmark inspection of mining enterprises in "three halls and one house", implement measures of "removing licenses, breaking nets, and clearing channels", enhance employees 'awareness of safety precautions, and improve their ability to deal with fires.

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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