###Wang Shaohui, Party Secretary and Director of the Guizhou Bureau of the National Mine Safety Supervision Bureau, went to Liupanshui City to inspect and guide the work and gave a special lecture on production safety in the mining field

From March 21 to 22, Wang Shaohui, Party Secretary and Director of the Guizhou Bureau of the State Mine Safety Supervision Bureau, went to Liupanshui City to inspect and guide the work and provide special lectures and guidance on production safety in the mining field.

21日,王韶辉一行到水矿公司大湾矿检查指导安全生产工作,深入该矿120706运输巷瓦斯治理巷和1450轨道石门实地检查,并在大湾矿主持召开“双全日”工作培训会。王韶辉要求,要提高思想认识,清醒认识当前严峻的安全生产形势,深刻领会开展“双全日”工作的意义和目的,牢固树立“人人都是‘双全日’的积极参与者”理念, The main person in charge took the lead and personally, re-optimized the design of each system based on actual conditions, gave full play to the role of chief experts and expert assistants, effectively improved the engineering quality of major underground systems, optimized the construction of mine talent teams, and promoted the intrinsic safety of mines.

On the 22nd, at a special lecture on production safety in the mining field in Liupanshui City, Wang Shaohui conducted an in-depth analysis of the background, significance and main characteristics of the promulgation of the "Coal Mine Production Safety Regulations" and "Hard Measures" from three aspects: understanding, deep understanding, and application of what he learned. He profoundly pointed out that they are of great significance in promoting the transformation of the mine safety management model to preventive prevention and promoting the stable improvement of the mine safety production situation.

Wang Shaohui emphasized that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on production safety, firmly establish the concept of safety development, strengthen bottom-line thinking, enhance red line awareness, strictly follow the requirements of national supervision, local supervision, and corporate responsibility, adhere to problem-oriented and both symptoms and root causes., systematic treatment, accountability for dereliction of duty, integrated promotion of the implementation of mine production safety responsibilities, and continuously improve the effectiveness of supervision and supervision; We will solidly carry out the "full day" work, continue to promote the "crackdown on illegal activities and control violations", strive to solve outstanding problems in mine production safety, and strive to promote safe development in the mining field.

###Liaoning will complete the management of more than 140,000 acres of abandoned mines this year

On March 18, it was learned from the Provincial Department of Natural Resources that this year Liaoning Province plans to complete the management of 141,000 acres of abandoned mines, including 24,000 acres of green area and 2.498 million trees planted. The province will focus on Fushun West Open-pit Mine and Fuxin Haizhou Open-pit Mine, and promote the management and greening of abandoned mines based on inventory management, project implementation, and engineering, laying a solid foundation for completing the "clearing" of abandoned mine management by the end of 2025.

It is understood that last year, Liaoning Province completed 148,000 acres of abandoned mine management area, with a completion rate of 117%; 100,000 acres of green area, with a completion rate of 122%; and 18.063 million trees were planted, with a completion rate of 111%. The three indicators of governance area, green area, and number of trees planted in the province and each city all exceeded the annual target tasks. In the governance process, all localities followed the working mechanism of "provincial overall planning, city overall responsibility, and county implementation", adhered to the principle of suitable land and suitable trees, gave priority to the selection of native tree species, and improved the quality of abandoned mine management.

In response to this year's work tasks, Liaoning Province requires that the responsible unit, responsible person and completion time limit be implemented one by one according to the map ledger, wall chart operations, and investigation and research should be strengthened. If there are issues such as ownership disputes that affect governance and cancellation, a ledger should be established and disposal plans should be formulated in categories. It is necessary to adhere to classified policies and complete the annual greening tasks with high standards. In particular, we must do a good job in the management of engineering maps in abandoned mines by government responsible entities, and strictly follow the project and fund management methods to carry out project projects and design in a standardized and orderly manner., bidding, site construction, tree planting and grass, project acceptance and post-management and protection, etc.

While carrying out the management of abandoned mines, Liaoning Province has made it clear that it must consolidate the results of existing greening work and keep a close eye on the survival rate of afforestation. At present, the results of green restoration last spring have been verified, and the next step will be to conduct provincial verification of the results of green restoration last autumn. All cities are required to organize a "review" work on the results of greening in 2023, verify the survival rate of afforestation on one map plot by one, and replant those with low survival rates according to actual conditions. At the same time, strictly implement the management and protection entities and management plans for the management and restoration areas, strengthen post-management and protection, and ensure the effect of green restoration.

The Yunnan Bureau of the State Administration of Mine Work Safety went to Dehong Prefecture to carry out secret inspections on non-coal mine safety 近日,国家矿山安全监察局云南局党组书记、局长蔡建军率队,到德宏州开展非煤矿山安全暗查暗访,深入3处非煤矿山和1处尾矿库开展现场检查,听取地方非煤矿山安全生产工作情况汇报,检查两办《意见》、“八项硬措施”贯彻落实情况。强调各监管部门要深入学习领会习近平总书记关于安全生产的重要论述和重要指示精神,充分认识当前矿山安全生产面临的严峻复杂形势,认真贯彻落实全国两会精神和政府工作报告部署要求,坚决防范化解露天矿山高陡边坡和尾矿库“头顶库”安全风险,锚定重点工作,严防漏管失控,真正将“时时放心不下”的责任感转化为“事事心中有底”的行动力。各矿山企业要杜绝麻痹思想,树牢“事故可防可控”理念,坚持“四个看待”,常态化开展全员安全警示教育;要以治本攻坚三年行动为抓手,找准自身根本性、老大难问题,着力强化隐蔽致灾因素普查、重大灾害治理、重大风险管控、重大隐患整改、应急能力建设,持续在落实全员安全生产责任制、提升从业人员素质、加大安全投入、优化采掘工艺等方面下功夫,切实推动安全生产各项工作落实落地落细,坚决防范遏制生产安全事故。

Jin Xiangjun, Governor of Shanxi Province, presided over the 36th executive meeting of the provincial government to study production safety and other work

On March 25, Governor Jin Xiangjun presided over the 36th executive meeting of the provincial government to study safety production, promoting large-scale equipment renewal and the replacement of old consumer goods with new ones, the construction of beautiful Shanxi, the construction of affordable housing, and the renovation of villages in cities.

会议听取关于国务院安委会对2023年度省级政府安全生产和消防工作考核巡查通报有关情况的汇报,指出,要深入贯彻习近平总书记关于安全生产的重要论述,认真落实国务院考核巡查通报精神,聚焦通报的共性问题和对我省反馈意见,精准制定整改方案,加强重点难点问题挂牌督办,以高度的政治责任感和强有力措施,从严从实抓好问题隐患整改工作。坚持举一反三, We will carry out in-depth three-year campaign to tackle the root causes of production safety, major rectification of fire control and disaster elimination, and centralized investigation and rectification of mine production safety, strive to eliminate hidden dangers of major accidents, continue to make up for shortcomings and strengths, and comprehensively improve the intrinsic safety level of various industries and fields. 省安委会办公室要切实发挥统筹、协调、指导作用,较真碰硬履职尽责,各成员单位要严格落实“三管三必须”要求,宁可往前一步有交叉,不可后退一步留盲区,层层压紧安全生产责任链条,压实企业主体责任,推动全省安全形势持续稳定,以高水平安全保障高质量发展。

The meeting adopted the "Implementation Plan for Shanxi Province to Promote Large-scale Equipment Renewal and Exchange of Consumer Goods with Old Items", emphasizing that it is necessary to thoroughly implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, coordinate the expansion of domestic demand and deepen supply-side structural reforms, and thoroughly implement equipment renewal actions in key areas such as industry, agriculture, construction, transportation, education, culture, tourism and medical care, continue to increase the proportion of advanced production capacity, promote high-end, intelligent and green development of the industry, and actively cultivate new productive forces. Implement the trade-in action of consumer goods to promote more high-quality durable consumer goods in the fields of automobiles, home appliances, home decoration and other fields to enter residents 'lives. Implement actions to smooth the resource recycling chain and improve the level of waste recycling and reuse. Implement standard improvement and convergence actions to promote the formulation, revision and implementation of standards in key areas. It is necessary to better play the role of the government, strengthen the guarantee of policy elements, form a scale effect for upgrading, and improve the quality and level of economic cycles.

The meeting pointed out that it is of great significance to comprehensively promote the construction of Beautiful Shanxi. Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, we must resolutely fight the battle against pollution, coordinate industrial structure adjustment, pollution control, ecological protection, and respond to climate change, and coordinate the promotion of carbon reduction, pollution reduction, Expand green and grow, create an important experimental area for ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin, and accelerate the comprehensive green transformation of the province's economic and social development.

The meeting studied the planning and construction of affordable housing, and emphasized that we must adhere to the people-centered approach, do our best and within our capabilities, strengthen awareness of opportunity, focus on matching supply and demand, increase the construction and supply of affordable housing, and accelerate the solution of wage earners. Basic housing needs, improve the "guarantee + market" supply system, promote the establishment of a new model for the transformation and development of the real estate industry, and promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market and the improvement of people's livelihood.

The meeting adopted the "Implementation Opinions on Actively and Steadily Promoting the Transformation of Villages in Cities", pointing out that it is necessary to implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, seize policy opportunities, persist in proceeding from reality, scientifically plan and implement them in categories in accordance with urban standards, and promote urban villages in a steady and orderly manner. Transformation, strengthen factor guarantees, make good policy connection, strengthen comprehensive management of villages in cities, systematically improve urban quality, and promote high-quality urban development.

Other matters were also considered at the meeting.

Hebei Bureau of the National Mine Safety Supervision Bureau supervises non-coal mines to consolidate responsibilities of all parties and promotes advanced disaster management

Recently, Shen Shaobo, Party Secretary and Director of the Hebei Bureau of the National Mine Safety Supervision Administration, led an inspection team to Tangshan City and Chengde City to carry out safety supervision and inspection work in non-coal mines.

The inspection team and his party inspected the implementation of the relevant requirements on production safety by the mine safety supervision departments and mining enterprises of the two cities, held symposiums and carried out accident warning education. Subsequently, the inspection team went deep into Tangshan Sanyou Mine Co., Ltd., Heishan Iron Mine, Baiquan Iron Mine for inspection, and put forward requirements for doing a good job in the next step. The inspection team stressed that it is necessary to have a clear understanding of the grim and complex situation facing mine safety production, and earnestly turn the sense of responsibility of "always worrying" into the action force of "knowing everything in mind." It is necessary to strictly implement the "three-year Action Plan for tackling the root causes of Mine Safety production (2024-2026)", firmly establish the concept of safety development, consolidate safety responsibilities, and promote the high-quality development of mines. Mine safety supervision departments and mining enterprises should unify their thinking, do solid work, work together, and make every effort to enhance the ability to guarantee mine safety in production. It is necessary to continue to promote the general survey and treatment of hidden disaster-causing factors, vigorously promote the advanced management of major disasters, and effectively eliminate hidden risks and dangers in the bud. It is necessary to continuously strengthen practical training in the light of the characteristics of the post, strive to enhance the safety awareness of staff and workers, enhance their ability and quality, and strictly implement the requirements for examination at every inspection. It is necessary to strictly check and accept the resumption of work and production, strengthen process control, and strictly prevent disorderly and "sick" resumption of work and production. It is necessary to constantly improve the quality and efficiency of expert services and effectively solve practical problems. Please watch, like and share three hits again, so that more people can see it! Disclaimer:The content contained in this article is online data and cannot be contacted to the copyright owner. If the text and pictures of the article are infringed, please contact the public account operator, WeChat signal:qjd2013, we will delete it!


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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