###The Guizhou Bureau and Provincial Energy Bureau of the State Administration of Mine Safety jointly held a special publicity and implementation training meeting on "Doing a Good Job in" One Pass and Three Prevention "in Coal Mines"

In order to solidly promote the three-year campaign to tackle the root causes of coal mine production safety, we will effectively strengthen the management of "one connection and three prevention" in mines. On March 29, the Guizhou Bureau of the State Administration of Mine Work Safety and the Provincial Energy Bureau jointly held a special publicity and training meeting on "Doing a Good Job in" One Pass and Three Prevention "in Coal Mines"("Thirty Measures"). More than 1000 people, including personnel related to coal mine safety supervision and supervision in the province, technical leaders of coal mining enterprises and chief coal mine engineers, attended.

From the aspects of strengthening mine ventilation system management, gas prevention, fire prevention, dust prevention and strengthening inspection and law enforcement, combined with coal mine gas and fire accident cases in Guizhou Province in recent years, the meeting discussed the "Thirty" measures for doing a good job in "one connection and three prevention" work in coal mines were publicized and interpreted.

The meeting required that coal mining enterprises should publicize and study the "Thirty Measures" by all employees, and include the specific contents in the "Double Day" hidden danger investigation and control form, and pass the test. Supervision and supervision personnel should regard the "Thirty Measures" as one of the contents of key business study,"half an hour of legal publicity" and "compulsory examination for every inspection", and regard the implementation of coal mines as a mandatory inspection item for the supervision and inspection of "full-day" work.

The meeting emphasized that the province's coal mine safety supervision and supervision departments and coal mining enterprises must persevere in the implementation of the "Thirty Measures", closely focus on the province's plan of "rich ore and refined mining", and provide high-level safety services for coal mine production. Quality development.

#The Safety Commission Office of Shaanxi Province issued a notice on safety precautions during the Qingming Festival

A few days ago, the Provincial Safety Commission Office issued a notice requiring effective safety precautions during the Qingming Festival.

The notice emphasized that the Qingming Festival is a traditional festival of the Chinese nation and a peak tourist season in early spring. People travel intensively, mass sweeping activities are frequent, and tourist scenic spots, hotels, restaurants, sweeping sites and other crowded people, inducing fires, explosions, crowded stampede, and various types of unsafe factors have increased, and the pressure on safety precautions has increased. All localities and departments must deeply understand the extreme importance of ensuring safety precautions during the Qingming Festival, thoroughly analyze the current production safety situation, strictly implement local territorial management responsibilities and industry department supervision responsibilities, make careful arrangements and careful arrangements, and pay close attention to the implementation of measures to ensure social security and stability during the festival.

The circular requires that the supervision of accident-prone industries and fields should be strengthened. In terms of transportation safety, it is necessary to strengthen the dynamic supervision of "two passengers, one dangerous and one cargo" and vehicles with large passenger capacity, and strictly investigate illegal and illegal behaviors such as "three supermarkets and one fatigue," illegal operation, and illegal carrying of passengers; organize a comprehensive investigation of hidden risks on key road sections, and closely strengthen supervision and control; and railway and civil aviation departments should actively deploy transport capacity to ensure the safe travel of passengers. In terms of tourism safety, it is necessary to strengthen the safety management of tourist scenic spots, sightseeing amusement projects, and large-scale amusement facilities, timely release relevant information about the weather, number of tourists, transportation and accommodation in popular tourist attractions, and strengthen the guidance of passenger flow; it is necessary to effectively increase safety warning signs, safety counsellors, and emergency rescue materials reserves to ensure safety and order. In terms of fire safety, it is necessary to focus on "nine small places", mixed production and operation sites of multi-formats, and places with dense personnel and high risks, and continue to carry out "guarding Sanqin" fire safety centralized anti-disaster and major rectification actions. In terms of forest and grassland fire prevention and fire fighting, it is necessary to strengthen the short-term and imminent forecast and early warning of meteorological and fire risks, earnestly implement the forest and grassland fire prevention and extinguishing work to scientifically standardize the use of agricultural fire, strictly manage the use of fire in sacrifices, and so on, and earnestly "hit early, small, and hit."

通知要求,要结合安全生产治本攻坚三年行动,狠抓重点领域安全管控。 In the mining field, we must strictly control the "safety control" of resuming work and production, carry out solid mine safety supervision and dynamic rectification, and severely crack down on various illegal activities. 危险化学品领域要紧盯“两重点一重大”企业安全风险防控措施落实,扎实开展硝酸铵生产使用、油气储存等重点企业专项治理,强化安全风险评估整治。城镇燃气领域要聚焦燃气经营、输送配送、燃气使用、管线改造和燃气具生产销售等环节,开展燃气管道“带病运行”开展安全专项治理,加大老旧燃气管网改造和维护力度。建筑施工领域要以高支模、深基坑、脚手架、隧道等危险性较大的分部分项工程为重点,深入排查整治房屋市政、水利、电力、铁路、民航等领域建设工程重大事故隐患,加强施工现场安全管理。其他行业领域也要结合实际,深入开展安全专项整治,落实落细各项安全防范措施,严防失管漏管导致事故发生。

The notice emphasized that all localities and departments must strictly carry out law enforcement supervision and inspection, and main leading cadres must take the initiative to take responsibility, go deep into front-line supervision and inspection, conduct open and secret investigations, keep a close eye on major risks and hidden dangers, grasp them to the end, and resolutely maintain the bottom line of safety. All relevant departments and units must follow the principle of "three controls and three musts" and combine the ongoing three-year campaign to tackle the root causes of production safety, organize targeted supervision, inspection and guidance services during holidays to effectively plug security loopholes. For major accident hidden dangers discovered in inspections, strict supervision shall be implemented, and administrative penalties shall be increased for relevant units and individuals that fail to investigate hidden dangers and fail to implement rectifications in place, and accountability shall be strictly pursued.

Wang Jianping, director of the Sichuan Bureau of the National Mine Safety Supervision Administration, led a team to supervise the resumption of production after the festival

From March 26 to 28, Wang Jianping, director of the Sichuan Bureau of the State Mine Safety Supervision Administration, led a team to inspect the resumption of work and production of mines in Meishan City and Chengdu City.

The inspection team adopted a "four no's and two straight" approach to conduct surprise inspections of Huaping Building Materials Factory of Renshou County Wangyang Jianbao Cement Co., Ltd., Nongle Mirabilite Mine of Pengshan District Rongxing Chemical Co., Ltd., and Dujiangyan City Lafarge Cement Co., Ltd. The limestone mine in the western section of Dajianbao. Focusing on the implementation of the deployment requirements for mining enterprises to resume work and production after the holidays, the main responsibilities for production safety, and the investigation and management of major hidden dangers, the mining supervision department conducts inspections on the acceptance of resumption of work after the holidays, daily supervision and law enforcement, investigation and supervision of rectification of major hidden dangers, etc., local government leaders conducted comprehensive spot checks and inspections in contact with the work of ensuring the mine. At the same time, in accordance with the work requirements of "inspecting enterprises and supervising government affairs" and "inspecting enterprises and inspecting government affairs", the mine safety supervision work in Renshou County, Pengshan District and Dujiangyan City was inspected.

"At present, it is a critical period for mines to resume work and production. Some mines in Sichuan are characterized by 'small, scattered and backward'. Workers and managers are highly mobile. If newly recruited workers are not properly trained and management personnel are not on duty after the holiday, it is easy to occur. Production safety accidents occur." "Regulatory authorities must strictly control the acceptance of resumption of work and production to avoid rushing into action." During the inspection, Wang Jianping organized and held a feedback meeting on the inspection situation to feed back the problems found in the inspection to the municipal, county (district, municipal) governments and regulatory authorities, and required the mine safety supervision authorities to learn business, strengthen law enforcement, prevent accidents, and ensure safety, and promote the implementation of the "Two Opinions on Administration","Eight Hard Measures" and the three-year action plan to tackle the root causes of mine production safety were implemented.

王剑平强调,各级政府、监管部门和矿山企业要认真贯彻习近平总书记关于安全生产工作的重要指示批示精神。矿山企业要严格落实安全生产主体责任,配齐配强管理人员和专业技术人员,扎实开展重大隐患排查治理工作,认真落实矿领导带班跟班制度,抓好职工安全教育培训和生产现场管理。矿山安全监管部门要严格监管执法,严肃查处矿山重大事故隐患,严格处理处罚,事故隐患一定要督促整改到位,努力实现安全生产专项整治“两个根本”的目标要求。 Governments at all levels must study and solve major problems in the field of mine safety production, implement the responsibility of ensuring and linking mines, accelerate the construction of mine mechanization, automation, informatization, and intelligence, and persist in promoting mine safety and high-quality development with new productivity.

Relevant persons in charge of the bureau office, the Non-Coal Mine Supervision Division, and the Fifth Supervision and Law Enforcement Division participated in the inspection.

###Henan's high gas, coal and outburst coal mine production capacity account for more than 74%

Recently, the Henan Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology organized the 2024 Provincial Coal Mine Gas Prevention and Control Work Conference (hereinafter referred to as the Conference) in Xinxiang City to publicize and implement the "Coal Mine Production Safety Regulations" and comprehensively analyze the situation and existing problems faced by Henan Province's gas prevention and control work., arrange and deploy the province's coal mine gas prevention and control actions in 2024.

The meeting emphasized that Henan Province is one of the provinces with the most serious coal mine gas disasters in the country. The number of mines with high gas and coal and gas outburst accounts for a relatively large number, making disaster prevention and control extremely difficult.

According to the "Henan Province Coal Mine Gas Level Announcement in 2023" publicly released by the Coal Mine Safety Supervision Division of the Department of Industry and Information Technology of Henan Province, combined with the Fenwei Coal Mine Production Capacity Database data, among the 147 announced coal mines, the total production capacity of 60 low-gas mines is 37.1 million tons, accounting for 25.88% of the total production capacity; The total production capacity of 15 high-gas mines is 11.82 million tons, accounting for 8.25% of the total production capacity; The total production capacity of 72 coal and gas outburst mines is 94.43 million tons, accounting for 65.87% of the total production capacity; the production capacity of high-gas and outburst mines accounts for 74.12%.

The meeting also mentioned that some prominent problems in gas prevention and control include the rise of paralysis and luck ideas, inadequate implementation of management responsibilities, repeated prohibitions of illegal and illegal activities, and the need to improve law enforcement effectiveness.

The meeting pointed out that the coal industry in Henan Province has anchored the "double zero" goal, adhered to precise policies, and treated both the symptoms and root causes. It has done a lot of work in gas prevention and control, and achieved certain results. In 2023, it will exceed the gas extraction and utilization target set by the state. The number of coal mines in the province has dropped by 13% year-on-year, severely cracking down on a number of violations of laws and regulations.

The meeting requested that the province's coal mine gas prevention and control actions in 2024 should be taken as an opportunity to effectively solve the deep-seated contradictions and problems existing in coal mine gas prevention and control in Henan Province, and push gas prevention and control work to a new level.

First, we must coordinate development and safety, adhere to bottom-line thinking and red-line thinking, and promote the transformation of coal mine safety management model to preventive prevention. Second, to strengthen the implementation of management responsibilities, we must establish and improve the technical management system, and tighten the technical management responsibilities of the chief engineer. Third, we must strengthen comprehensive gas prevention and control, strictly identify coal mine gas levels, optimize mine mining deployment, strengthen gas overrun control, and make good use of safety monitoring systems. Fourth, we must strengthen regional governance, conscientiously carry out the demonstration of the gas control technical route of "one mine, one policy, one policy for each side", strictly implement comprehensive burst prevention measures, and strengthen mine gas extraction. Fifth, we must strengthen innovation drive, carry out scientific and technological research on the "stuck neck" problem of gas prevention and control, strengthen exchanges and interactions between "industry, academia and application", and actively promote new technologies and new equipment. Sixth, it is necessary to carry out evaluation and demonstration to improve the ability to prevent gas risks in outburst mines. Seventh, we must strengthen supervision and law enforcement, implement precise supervision of gas prevention and control, and severely crack down on illegal and illegal activities.

Shandong Bureau of the National Mine Safety Supervision Administration has solidly carried out a three-year campaign to tackle the root causes of coal mine production safety

The Shandong Bureau has thoroughly studied and implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on production safety, conscientiously implemented the deployment requirements of the Party Central Committee, the State Council, the Ministry of Emergency Management, the State Administration of Mine Safety, and the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, and solidly carried out a three-year solution to the root cause of production safety in coal mines. action.

Carefully deploy specific tasks to tackle the root causes. Cooperate with the Provincial Energy Bureau to formulate the "Provincial Work Plan for the Root Cause of Coal Mine Production Safety", and make every effort to promote the steady implementation of the three-year campaign to tackle the root cause. In conjunction with the Provincial Energy Bureau, a one-year diagnostic physical examination for coal mine production safety was carried out. In accordance with the "Opinions of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council on Further Strengthening Production Safety in Mines","Production Safety Regulations in Coal Mines", and the Production Safety Committee of the State Council on Preventing and Curbing Serious Production Safety Accidents ", new regulations and new requirements such as" Hard Measures for Serious Production Safety Accidents "were identified in 11 aspects, and hidden dangers and weak links were identified one by one mine.

We will conscientiously carry out physical examinations for resuming work and production safety during key periods. 精准调度掌握企业复工复产情况,组织开展明查暗访、突击检查;紧盯灾害严重煤矿、大班次生产煤矿进行“体检”,已体检35处煤矿。开展远程监察54次,监察107处煤矿,查处问题隐患178条。强化“两会”期间煤矿安全监察,每天除1名局领导值班值守外,其他局领导均带队开展监察执法,各监察执法处和业务处室坚守在一线,加大检查频次和力度。

Focus on the prevention and control of major disasters and carry out "double specialized and double inspections". 逐矿开展隐蔽致灾因素普查治理专项监察,逢矿必查,全面掌握隐蔽致灾因素。聘请专家,与监管部门共同开展冲击地压、水害防治、防灭火“双专双查”,科学编制现场检查方案,严格执行三级审查把关制度,紧盯重点要素、重大风险管控、重大灾害治理关键环节,确保查深查细查透,目前已开展“双专双查”煤矿11处。

Strengthen the inspection and supervision of enterprises and promote the implementation of main responsibilities and regulatory responsibilities. 对山东能源集团等2家煤矿上级企业开展主体责任监察,查处问题29条。对1家产煤市、2家产煤县(市、区)矿山安全监管工作进行监督检查,查出问题27条,提出建议15条,有力推动监管责任、主体责任落实。

Continue to maintain the high-pressure posture of "cracking down on illegal activities and curbing violations". 采取“四不两直”、夜查突查等多种形式严厉打击“七假五超三瞒三不两包”等严重违法行为。全面开展执法预审,常态化开展执法监督,确保严格公正执法。治本攻坚三年行动开展以来,共监察71矿次,发现一般隐患2054条,重大事故隐患2条。

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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