1. Current situation of gas

The absolute gas emission of the whole mine is 3.24m³/min, the relative gas emission is 1.45m³/t, and the absolute gas emission of the coal mining face is 0.91m³/min. It is determined to be a low gas mine.

2. Ventilation management

1. A mine "one pass and three prevention" plan must be prepared every month. The ventilation department is fully responsible for mine ventilation management and comprehensively implements the ventilation management system and relevant ventilation technical requirements.

2. Each fully mechanized working face adopts independent ventilation systems.

3. When making major adjustments to the mine ventilation system, a ventilation system transformation plan and safety measures must be prepared and submitted to the chief engineer of the mine for approval before implementation. Anti-wind exercises are carried out once a year. Before reversing the wind, an anti-wind exercise plan must be prepared, and an anti-wind exercise report must be summarized after reversing the wind.

4. We must insist on conducting comprehensive wind measurement every ten days, making records, and adjusting the air volume in a timely manner based on the wind measurement results to ensure that the effective air volume at each operation site meets the needs, and that the wind speed, temperature, gas concentration and other harmful gas concentrations comply with the "Coal Mine Safety Regulations" stipulate that no wind or breeze operation is prohibited.

5. The Ventilation Department shall conduct a comprehensive inspection of the ventilation facilities every ten days, and promptly notify the production dispatch to arrange for handling if the roadway is found to be in disrepair. A comprehensive inspection shall be carried out on all ventilation facilities once a week to deal with problems found in a timely manner.

6. All personnel underground must take good care of all ventilation facilities. When passing through the air door, close the door behind them. It is strictly forbidden to open both air doors at the same time. When passing through a vehicle, it is strictly prohibited to hit the damper with the vehicle.

7. If a planned wind shutdown is planned, wind shutdown measures must be taken; if an unplanned wind shutdown is caused by power failure or other reasons, the staff in the area affected by the wind shutdown must immediately stop working and evacuate to the wind inlet alley.

8. If the local ventilator stops for some reason, the power must be cut off and people must be evacuated; before ventilation is restored, the gas must be checked first; only when the maximum gas concentration in the wind stop area does not exceed 1% and the carbon dioxide concentration does not exceed 1.5%, and the local ventilator can be manually turned on when the gas concentration in the airflow within 10m near the ventilator does not exceed 0.5%.

9. When the gas concentration exceeds 1.0% or the carbon dioxide concentration exceeds 1.5% and the concentration does not exceed 3%, safety measures must be formulated to control the emission of gas through the wind flow, and reported to the chief engineer of the mine for approval before implementation; When the gas concentration or carbon dioxide concentration exceeds 3%, special gas emission measures must be formulated and reported to the chief engineer of the mine for approval before implementation.

3. Gas management

1. Gas inspectors strictly implement the gas inspection and inspection system, and the gas inspection records should be matched with the underground sign board, inspection record manual, and gas account.

2. Gas inspectors strictly follow the procedures to transfer shifts.

3. The setting of gas inspection locations and the number of inspections comply with the provisions of the "Coal Mine Safety Regulations"; the gas situation is reported every day according to procedural specifications.

4. When the main fan of the mine is powered off and the gas concentration in the system airflow is less than 0.5%, the main fan can be directly started to restore normal ventilation. If the gas concentration is greater than 0.5%, the return air explosion-proof door should be opened first, and then the main fan should be started to control the gas concentration in the exhaust air of the main fan to not exceed 0.5%.

5. Only when the gas concentration in all locations in the area affected by the wind shutdown is less than 1%, power can be supplied to the area. The order of power transmission is as follows:First, high-pressure, then local fans, and finally supply production electricity to the working face.

6. Conduct gas level appraisal every year, and conduct mine gas management based on the appraisal results.

7. Improve the gas inspection system, strictly implement the "one shot, three inspections" system and the "three comparisons" system of original gas inspection records, gas boards and gas daily reports, and strictly prohibit off-duty, vacant shifts, missed inspections and false inspections.

8. Personnel entering the well:When mine managers, engineering technicians, district team leaders, ventilation cadres, shift cadres, blasting workers, underground mobile electric fitter, water pumping personnel, and security inspectors enter the well, they must carry portable tile detectors with them to check the gas concentration at the work place. Only when the gas concentration is less than 1%, can they operate.

9. Manage and use the tile inspection instruments well, and carry out regular maintenance to ensure that they are in good condition.

10. Check the ventilation conditions and gas concentration of each underground working site at least three times per shift, and all mining working faces must be equipped with automatic gas detection, alarm and power-off devices.

4. Technical measures to prevent gas accumulation in fully mechanized mining faces

1. Strengthen ventilation. Strengthening ventilation is the fundamental measure to prevent gas accumulation in the upper corner.

2. Adequate air volume must be allocated according to regulations.

3. Arrange a separate return air duct to ensure the reliability of the ventilation system.

4. Diffusion ventilation is prohibited in fully mechanized mining faces.

5. Timely disposal of gas accumulated in the upper corner of the working face. Increase the air volume or increase the wind speed to the gas storage location to dilute and discharge the gas; if necessary, take measures to discharge gas.

6. Strengthen inspections. Strengthen management of places where gas is easy to accumulate underground. Check its concentration frequently and try to make its ventilation as fair as possible. If gas exceeds the limit, deal with it promptly.

5. Safety technical measures to prevent gas explosion and combustion

1. It is prohibited to carry tobacco and ignition tools down the well.

2. Electric furnaces are prohibited underground, and electric welding, gas welding, and welding with torches are not allowed underground and wellhead rooms. If it must be used, safety measures must be formulated and reported to superiors for approval.

3. Strictly control electric arcs and sparks. Mining safety type, mining explosion-proof type or mining safety spark type electrical equipment should be used in gas mines.

4. When there is a power outage or wind shutdown, the gas inspection staff must be notified to check the gas; when power transmission is resumed, it must be inspected by the gas inspection staff before the power transmission can be resumed.

5. Strictly implement the "one shot, three inspections" system. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the management of blasting work. The amount of sealing mud must meet the requirements stipulated in the "Coal Mine Safety Regulations". It is never allowed to shoot blasting if blasting mud is not filled enough or mixed with combustibles and explosives are deteriorated.

6. In order to prevent the explosion-proof performance of mechanical and electrical equipment from failing or sparks occurring during work and flames generated by blasting from igniting gas, the "Coal Mine Safety Regulations" also stipulate gas concentration limits for the following situations:

① When the gas concentration in the airflow of the mining face reaches 1%, the use of electric drills must be stopped; when it reaches 1.5%, the work must be stopped, the power supply must be cut off, and the treatment must be carried out; when the gas concentration accumulated in individual locations of the mining face reaches 2%, it must be processed immediately. Within 20 meters around, the machine must be stopped and the power supply must be cut off. The machine is only allowed to start when the gas concentration drops below 1%.

② When the gas concentration reaches 1% in the sea within 20 meters around the blasting site, blasting is prohibited.

③ When the gas concentration in the return air lane of the mining area and the return air lane of the mining face exceeds 1%, the operation must be stopped and effective measures taken to deal with it.

④ When the gas concentration in the main return air of the mine or one wing return air chute exceeds 0.75%, the chief engineer of the mine must find out the cause, deal with it, and report it to the chief engineer of the Mining Bureau.

6. Monitoring system security measures

1. The coal mine safety monitoring and monitoring system has a 24-hour duty system, with at least one person per shift. Staff should have professional knowledge of computers, coal mine safety and production technology.

2. Establish and improve the rules and regulations of the coal mine safety monitoring system, equip corresponding staff, and ensure uninterrupted duty 24 hours a day. Staff are managed according to special types of work, and are employed with certificates after passing the training.

3. Mines should set up special power supply lines for coal mine safety monitoring systems, install lightning protection electrical grounding devices, and equip fire-fighting equipment and other safety protection facilities to ensure that the equipment is in good condition and the data transmission is accurate.

4. The security monitoring system should be equipped with anti-virus software to monitor network viruses in real time, update the virus database and client anti-virus software in a timely manner, and regularly backup and detect database information to ensure data security.

5. No unit or individual may change the settings and parameters of the coal mine safety monitoring system network platform without authorization.

6. Anyone who deliberately destroys, damages, or alters the facilities of the coal mine's full monitoring system, causing interruption or distortion of the upload of safety monitoring data, shall be dealt with by the public security organ in accordance with the relevant provisions of the "Law of the People's Republic of China on Public Security Administration Penalties"; if a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with the law.

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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