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** Author| ** First Finance and Economics Release

Spring is approaching, and crayfish are on the market one after another. As the industry gradually matures and the early warming of the weather, this year's crayfish prices have dropped significantly compared with previous years.

The cost of shrimp seedlings is low, and the price of crayfish is also reduced “去年2月份的时候我们‘大青’能卖80多元一斤,今年开年才40多元一斤,今年的虾苗目前才几元一斤,比往年下降幅度大了太多。”潜江市虾跳供应链管理有限公司总经理田忠玲告诉第一财经记者,今年开年时小龙虾的价格几乎是去年的一半。 即使小龙虾的价格下跌,田忠玲认为,目前销量较往年变化不大,因为市场需求比较稳定。对于这种市场变化,消费者们都感到欣喜:“今年能早早吃到平价虾了。” 进入4月,潜江小龙虾的价格仍较往年维持在低位。潜江市政府扶持的虾谷360平台显示,4月10日,“大青”的建议零售价为36元一斤,比去年同期的便宜了十几元。 田忠玲预测,从目前来看,今年全年小龙虾的价格都不会很高,因为今年虾苗便宜。 对于虾苗价格下滑的原因,一位在湖北潜江从事了十多年小龙虾生意的业内人士表示,现在潜江春夏秋冬一年四季都有虾,养殖模式越来越成熟,该扩的产能也扩得差不多了,产业变得成熟,虾苗比较大众化了,虾苗便宜,那么虾就便宜。 不仅是供应端,销售端的从业者也感受到了小龙虾价格的下滑。 “今年湖北潜江升温迅速,小龙虾上市期相比去年提前了,由于前期符合规格的收获量比较大,2月底的价格相比去年上市前期下降2成左右。今年3-4月的价格依然同比去年下降2成左右,销量同比去年翻倍。”盒马水产采购董丁健表示,“上市初期小龙虾价格偏高,随着气温升高收货量不断增加,价格会一路走低。”

Higher gross profit margin for catering

With the advent of spring, minced garlic, spicy, thirteen fragrant, sauerkraut, steamed crayfish and other flavors have become frequent guests on the dinner table. On April 10, the staff of Neon lobster told reporters that all kinds of crayfish in the store are 62.8 yuan per jin and the weight is 5-7 yuan. Red helmet stores sell 2 jin of crayfish between 158 yuan and 188 yuan, the price is related to cooking techniques and taste, the weight is 7-9 yuan. Crayfish practitioners generally do two types of business, one is to sell fresh crayfish, and the other is to sell cooked crayfish in restaurants. The first financial reporter learned through the interview that the average gross profit margin of crayfish farming is about 40%, while for restaurants, the gross profit margin of selling crayfish dishes can reach more than 50%. Thus it can be seen that the gross profit margin of fresh crayfish sold at the breeding end is relatively low, while the gross profit margin of ready-to-eat crayfish in restaurants is relatively high, and it is usually easier to guarantee a certain profit in the snack economic model of light-asset stores. In Tian Zhongling's view, the light asset operation at the catering end is very important, and the 15-square-meter shop model of Qianjiang Shrimp Tiantian supply chain Management Co., Ltd. is more suitable for crayfish business. "some crayfish stores with hundreds or thousands of square meters are expensive in rent and decoration, and the price of crayfish has to be higher, but the small store model only needs 1 or 2 employees, especially in the process of mild economic recovery, the ability to resist risks is very strong. Our business costs are also low, and consumers are also beneficiaries." **


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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