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** Author| ** First Finance and Economics Lin Zhiyin

Recently, the price of the hemorrhoid drug Taining (Compound Carragonate Suppository) has increased more than ten times in six months, attracting market attention.

Xi'an Janssen Customer Care Center stated that the drug has been discontinued from November 2023. The reason is that the main active raw materials of compound carraginate are naturally extracted and non-renewable. Currently, there are no raw materials that can be sustainably supplied for production worldwide.

First Financial Reporters saw on some e-commerce platforms that some pharmacies quoted Taining (Compound Caraginate Suppository) for a box of 6 pieces, priced more than 200 yuan.

Hemorrhoids are a very common anorectal disease, which occurs in young and middle-aged people aged 20 to 65. Clinically, they include bleeding, swelling, prolapse, pain, itching and anal discomfort.

Hemorrhoid medication refers to drugs specifically used to treat hemorrhoids symptoms, including two categories: topical drugs and oral drugs. Topical drugs mainly come in the form of suppositories, lotions and creams, which relieve the discomfort caused by hemorrhoids by reducing inflammation and relieving pain, promoting inflammation absorption, mucous membrane healing, or clearing heat and dampness.

The above-mentioned Tanning belongs to western medicine. Public information shows that the drug was first marketed in China in 2001, and the holder of the marketing authorization is Xi'an Janssen. The drug is also the exclusive variety of Xi'an Janssen. After it was launched, it once entered the top five positions in the domestic hemorrhoid sales market. However, because its price was higher than that of brand products such as Ma Yinglong Hemorrhoids Cream made in China, and the advantages in treatment effect were not obvious, it eventually became "lost" in fierce market competition.

Zhongkang CMH-Kaisi System Data Display:In the out-of-hospital market, in 2021, 2022, and 2023, the sales of the entire anorectal and hemorrhoid drugs will be 2.326 billion yuan, 2.437 billion yuan, and 2.321 billion yuan respectively, and the average unit price is 22.73 yuan/box, 23.54 yuan/box, and 24.15 yuan/box respectively. Among them, in 2021, 2022, and 2023, the sales of Taining (Compound Carragonate Suppository) will be 70 million yuan, 78 million yuan, and 77 million yuan respectively, and the average unit price is 27.08 yuan, 30.03 yuan, and 30.21 yuan respectively.

Currently, in the hemorrhoid drug market, proprietary Chinese medicines occupy an absolute leading position.

According to the "Development Situation Analysis and Prospects Strategic Analysis Report of China's Hemorrhoid Medicine Industry" released by Zhiyanzhan Industrial Research Institute, in 2022, the market size of China's proprietary Chinese medicine for hemorrhoids will reach 4.218 billion yuan, with a market share of 84.82%, while the market size for western medicine for hemorrhoids is 755 million yuan, accounting for the remaining 15.18%.

Among local Chinese companies, in addition to the listed company Ma Yinglong (600993.SH), there are also Shandong Yantai Rongchang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Jingxiutang (Pharmaceutical) Co., Ltd. and Jiangxi Ruijin Sanjiu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., etc., which occupy a certain market share in the market for hemorrhoid medication products.

It is worth mentioning that since March 28, as of April 10, Ma Yinglong's share price in the secondary market has increased by more than 13%.

In 2022, Ma Yinglong achieved operating income of 3.532 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 4.35%, including 1.488 billion yuan for hemorrhoid treatment products, a year-on-year increase of 7.52%. As one of the company's hemorrhoid treatment products, Ma Yinglong Musk Hemorrhoid Cream sold 143 million units.



Author: spike

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