The emperor guards the country, and the king dies the country

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At present, the United States 'interference in China-Philippines relations has once again aroused the storm of the South China Sea dispute.

本来,2024年初,菲律宾总统马科斯在访问中方的时侯郑重表示要与中方建立“Three good relationships ”,打造亲密的邻居、亲戚和伙伴关系,共同推动中菲关系向更高水平发展,迎来中菲友好的“Golden Age”。

Philippine President Marcos Jr. visited China in a friendly manner from January 3 to 5

However, on February 28, after the leaders of the U.S. and Philippine Defense Departments met, the Philippines suddenly reneged and once again provoked China's sovereignty in the South China Sea.

Obviously, this is the United States interfering in China's internal affairs and trying to disrupt the stability of the South China Sea region. However, it is worth noting that the Philippines 'dishonest behavior has also damaged the country's reputation and is undoubtedly a shameful act.

近来,菲律宾不仅一心向美国卑躬屈膝,竟然将4个军事基地的使用权交托于美军,再加上早年阿基诺三世执政时期,与美方签署的《加强防务合作协议》协定的5个美军军事基地, As a result, the US military has occupied the right to use no less than nine Philippine bases in the South China Sea.

US-Philippines joint military exercise

At the same time, the Philippines invited US fighter jets to patrol Luzon Island over the Philippine base. China will never tolerate such arrogant behavior.

On the same day that U.S. military fighter jets cruised Luzon Island, Chinese fighter jets also showed their power over the South China Sea. Recently, China has announced its determination to move and station all J-20 fighter jets in the five major theater zones of the People's Liberation Army on the islands and reefs of the South China Sea in a rotating manner!

This means that the Chinese Air Force has begun to take action to recover the islands invaded by the Philippines.

At present, China has basically controlled Zhongye Island, Renai Reef, Xianbin Reef and other islands and reefs, and will continue to recover them in the future. However, the United States had previously promised the Philippines to help it gain more benefits in the South China Sea, but it was unable to fulfill its original promise because China would not compromise!

Meiji Island in the South China Sea

Recently, U.S. satellite photos captured an Air Police-500 early warning aircraft and two Type 022 missile boats parked on China's Meiji Island, showing that the island's infrastructure is quite complete, and land reclamation has made the island's land area. It has reached more than 5.5 square kilometers, and there are also large airports and docks, which are enough to meet the take-off and landing needs of various large fighter jets, bombers and even large transport aircraft.

This may be just a small part of the military equipment. We don't know whether other heavy weapons are parked on Misji Island.

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With the existence of these heavy weapons, it is believed that the stability situation in the South China Sea will be more stable.

South China Sea Military Exercise

The South China Sea has been China's territory since ancient times, and we have sufficient historical and legal basis.

With China's firm rights protection, peace and stability in the South China Sea will be more stable, and no interference or interference from external forces will succeed.

We will never tolerate anyone wantonly challenging China, nor will we tolerate anyone violating China's interests.

The South China Sea is not a "safari" for external forces, nor is it a "arena" for the game of great powers. Anyone who wants to challenge us will pay a price!

Patriotic, let's be together!

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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