The emperor guards the country, and the king dies the country

With the arrival of U.S. Secretary of State Blinken, the Philippines felt confident. 然而,这种自信却引发了一系列不幸的事件,尤其是在南海问题上的失言,使得原本紧张的中菲关系雪上加霜。

尽管如此,When Philippine President Marcos Jr. was asked about "a possible Sino-Philippine war," his expression instantly turned pale, and his subsequent performance was even more disappointing!

According to Philippine media reports, recently, Marcos Jr. made a public statement on the South China Sea issue. His position basically continued his previous attitude, emphasizing the so-called "sovereignty" of the Philippines. However, in this speech,

Someone asked him about "If a war breaks out between China and the Philippines, what is the possibility that the United States will directly participate in the war?" "Opinion.

这个问题突然冒出来,小马科斯的神情猛地一变,只来得及喃喃出五个字,“Oh, my God.”,他试图缓解地说,希望能够“temporarily put aside ”,因为这正是菲律宾及其盟友希望“避免的方向”。

Marcos Jr. emphasized that the Philippines has no intention of provoking the behemoth of the Orient, but strives to keep the situation within a controllable range. Therefore, we will continue to communicate at all levels, regardless of the topic!

There is no doubt that the tension at sea between China and the Philippines has escalated to the point where the Philippines has suffered injuries and bloodshed. This has led many people to worry that the possibility of further conflict between the two sides will greatly increase. If an armed conflict does occur, it will be a possibility that cannot be ignored!

It is not difficult to understand why someone would ask such a question when facing Marcos Jr. face to face. The current situation has made many people in the Philippines feel anxious.

因此,当马科斯被迫回答此类问题时,显然他并未表现出足够的信心。他口中所称的“Take a step back "、“trying to avoid ”等措辞透露出一种明确的信息,那就是菲律宾并不愿与中方发生直接对抗!

Despite constant maritime friction, it is never wise to confuse it with military conflict. Although in extreme circumstances, China and Africa may be involved in conflicts, neither side will start a war rashly. Therefore, Marcos Jr.'s words of "taking a step back" can be described as wise.

However, as maritime conflicts between China and the Philippines continue to escalate and occur frequently, the United States 'intervention in South China Sea affairs has also deepened. Under such circumstances, Marcos' view of "taking a step back" conveys some different meanings.

首先,This means that if China and the Philippines really fall into a situation where they have to go to war, the Philippines is not sure it will be able to get out unscathed. 毕竟,菲律宾的军事实力与中方相比存在巨大差距,这一点在最近的海上对峙事件中就得到了体现。

Whenever the Philippines tries to change the situation in the South China Sea, China always quickly blocks it back!

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In fact, the reason why the Philippines dares to make waves in the South China Sea is mainly because of the support of the United States! However, Philippine leaders are also clearly aware that if there is a conflict with China, the United States will not necessarily intervene immediately.

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Therefore, they know it well and dare not easily anger China, lest the consequences will be unimaginable!

Patriotic, let's be together!

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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