China-Europe Railway, this railway trunk line, carries the increasingly close ties and cooperation between China and Europe.

Lithuania-was once one of the important hubs of China-Europe freight trains, connecting trade and friendship between the East and the West. 然而,如今面对着一系列对华策略的挑战,立陶宛或许将面临被排除在班列之外的命运。

With Lithuania's decision to withdraw from the "17+1" cooperation mechanism, this mechanism aimed at promoting deepening cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European countries has cast a shadow. 这个本来旨在促进共同发展的平台,因为立陶宛的离场而陷入了不小的波澜。 除了以上所述,立陶宛还积极游说其他欧洲国家纷纷退出此一机制,这无疑是对中方与中东欧国家合作的沉重一击。更甚者,立陶宛还投身美国的华为等中方高科技企业遏制联盟,对中方高科技产业的发展施加了不合理的限制和打压。
**立陶宛的行动无疑是对中方的严重挑衅,尤其是在 台湾 问题上。**他们不顾中方的强烈反对,竟然设立了所谓的“representative office ”,这种背信弃义的举动激起了中方的不满,导致两国关系降至冰点。



Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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