经文化和旅游部数据中心测算, During the three-day Qingming Festival holiday, there were 119 million domestic tourists traveling across the country, an increase of 11.5% compared with the same period in 2019 on a comparable basis; domestic tourists spent 53.95 billion yuan on travel, an increase of 12.7% compared with the same period in 2019.

On the 6th, there were many tourists enjoying flowers in the National Botanical Garden. During the three days of the Qingming Festival holiday, parks across Beijing received a total of 5.4494 million tourists. Photo by Wang Yi (Zhongjing Vision)

On this year's Qingming Festival, various places continue the tradition of "remembering heroes" and "returning to their hometowns to pay homage to their ancestors." Red tourist attractions in Shanxi, Guangdong, Chongqing, Sichuan and other places carry out Qingming Festival sacrifices to heroes. Tourists commemorate the revolutionary martyrs and inherit the red gene through various forms such as visits, cloud festivals, and participation in themed cultural activities.

与此同时,不少家庭在本地和周边乡村开启了微旅游。携程旅行网数据显示,假期期间,Domestic local tour orders increased by 211%, and domestic rural tour orders increased by 239%

From "entering Zizi to catch roasting" to "Tianshui is hot and hot"... emerging tourist destinations such as Zibo, Tianshui, Tai 'an, Kaifeng, and Jingdezhen have become new hot spots during the holidays. 去哪儿旅行网数据显示,清明节假期北京至天水的火车票部分车次商务座和一等座早早售罄,天水酒店预订量增长12倍;开封、泉州在“王婆说媒”“簪花游”特色文旅标签带动下,酒店预订量同比分别增长4.5倍、3.3倍。途家民宿平台上,截至4月6日,天水民宿预订量同比增长18.8倍,并有效带动了兰州、酒泉、陇南等地民宿预订。

Judging from the structure of tourists, the enthusiasm for traveling among the "special forces" group of college students during the Qingming Festival is still high. 去哪儿旅行网数据显示,18岁至25岁游客群体占平台客群比超过20%,是最活跃的出游群体。

"Tourists 'choices of destinations show a diversified trend, pursuing unique and recognizable products or scenarios. An old street, a vegetable market, and a unique cuisine may all become the trigger for a city to explode." Xiao Peng, a researcher at the Qunar Big Data Research Institute, said.

On the 6th, people admired the blooming crabapple flowers on Dali Road in Tianjin City. Photo by Du Penghui (Xinhua Agency)

Hiking and enjoying flowers and outdoor hiking have become popular holiday themes. 鞍山梨花节、洛阳牡丹文化节、天津海棠花节等相继开幕,全国各地市政公园、郊野公园、主题公园和游乐园、历史文化街区、商圈、重点旅游村镇等迎来游玩热潮。踏青赏花被玩出了新高度,社交平台上,国风穿搭、新中式、汉服妆造等成为赏花游的热门关键词。飞猪旅行网数据显示,假期国风赏花热度同比增长近3倍,杭州、苏州、无锡、洛阳、武汉等是赏花游热门城市;包含登山体验的旅游产品预订量同比增长超5倍,黄山、泰安、乐山等是假期登山游热门目的地。此外,大熊猫“福宝”归国,引爆了动物园参观热潮。同程旅行数据显示,假期国内动物园旅游搜索热度环比上涨192%。

During the Qingming Festival holiday, the number of inbound and outbound tourists was close to the level of the same period in 2019, with 1.041 million inbound tourists and 992,000 outbound tourists. 港澳居民返乡祭祖、探亲访友、观光购物等需求增加,东南亚等近程市场的海外侨胞入境人数上升明显。同程旅行网数据显示,入境机票最热门的目的地为上海、北京、广州,成都、杭州、青岛、厦门、昆明等城市的入境机票热度同样较高。


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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