清明节假期即将到来April 4 - 6(下周四—周六)There are three days of holidays in total. April 7 (Sunday) is a working day

Please keep this high-speed rail and high-speed travel guide

** 高速免费If you choose to travel at high speed during the holidays免费通行时段预计为4月4日0时(开始时间) 4月6日24时(结束时间)免费车辆包括 7座以下(含7座)载客车辆 允许在普通收费公路行驶的摩托车
免费时间怎么算?Ordinary toll roads车辆通过收费站收费车道的时间为准 高速公路 以
车辆驶离收费站收费车道**的时间为准 通过人工通道驶入高速的车辆,不建议在ETC车道下高速。因没有入口信息,出口栏杆机不会抬杆,只能折返至人工车道驶出。 It is recommended that car owners try to choose the same type of lane (that is, what is on the lane should be under the lane) to avoid unnecessary trouble, especially ETC vehicles. alternate ticket purchase

** **

In addition, train tickets for the Qingming Festival short holiday have been on sale recently. You can choose the official "leak detection artifact"** Railway 12306 's standby ticket purchase function.


  • 每名旅客可提交6 waiting orders to be redeemed,每个订单最多可添加9 passengers
  • 旅客提交候补订单时,可选择预售期内Any 3 ride dates,累计最多可选择60 combinations of "date + train number",每个车次可选多个席别。
  • 候补订单截止兑现时间The latest is 20 minutes before driving,旅客可根据实际情况自主选择修改截止兑现时间。
  • 临时新增旅客列车席位优先配售给已提交候补订单的旅客。旅客在提交候补订单时,可选择Accepting the purchase of new passenger train tickets that meet travel needs,如铁路部门临时新增旅客列车,在车票起售时,铁路12306将自动优先配售给已提交候补订单的旅客,旅客There is no need to manually inquire about additional train information before purchasing tickets

common problems:

*How to pay for standby ticket orders?

候补购票需预付款,按订单不同组合需求中Calculation of the maximum amount of ticket payment(卧铺按下铺票价计算)。 候补购票预付款支付成功后,系统将持续尝试兑现候补需求,若有匹配需求的车票,系统将自动生成已支付订单,If the advance payment is greater than the actual ticket payment, the system will automatically refund the difference ticket payment ;若无法满足需求的席位,将在截止兑现时间自动终止兑现,用户主动终止或系统自动终止候补的,系统自动原额退还预付款。 铁路12306候补购票不收取任何手续费。

*What are the redemption rules for waiting ticket purchases?

The submission time of standby orders is consistent with the operating time of the 12306 website (including mobile client); the redemption time of standby orders is 24 hours; and the standby termination time is no later than 20 minutes before driving. You can independently set the termination redemption time when submitting a standby order, or you can modify and proactively terminate the redemption at any time after submitting a standby order. (No later than the latest termination time)

*How do I know if I have a waiting ticket purchase successfully?

登录12306及时查询候补订单状态,候补兑现结果以订单查询结果为准。When the standby order is successfully redeemed, the redemption fails, or the order is automatically refunded 均通过用户选择的通知渠道(短信、微信或支付宝)推送通知消息。推送消息的同时,也会发送邮件通知(用户邮箱须激活)。


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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