At present, China is in the process of transforming from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture, and agricultural production is still dominated by small-scale farmers per household. To strengthen socialized agricultural services, restructure small-scale farmers 'production methods, and introduce small farmers into the track of modern agricultural development, problems such as "who will farm the land" and "how to grow good land" will be solved.
Agricultural socialized services are an effective way to solve the problem of "who will plant the land" and "how to plant good land". During the critical period of spring plowing preparation, General Secretary Xi Jinping recently emphasized the need to strengthen socialized agricultural services during an inspection of the 10,000-acre grain production comprehensive demonstration area in Xiejiapu Town, Dingcheng District, Changde City, Hunan Province. Further promoting the accelerated development of agricultural socialized services and providing more professional, scientific and efficient services to small farmers will not only assist spring plowing production, but will also provide inexhaustible impetus and solid guarantee for increasing grain production and increasing farmers 'income.
At present, China is in the process of transforming from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture, and agricultural production is still dominated by small-scale farmers per household. On the one hand, with the rapid development of industrialization and urbanization, a large number of young and middle-aged rural laborers have gone out to work, and there is a serious shortage of rural labor. Many villages have become hollow villages and elderly villages. The phenomena of sideline, aging, and part-time grain planting are prominent."Who will farm the land" has become a difficult problem that needs to be solved urgently. On the other hand, small farmers 'production faces problems such as land fragmentation, extensive management, high production and operation costs, poor quality, and low efficiency. Their ability to prevent and control production risks, natural risks, and operational risks has become a constraint on the development of modern agriculture and farmers' income. The biggest obstacle to "how to grow good land" must also be given enough attention.
By strengthening socialized agricultural services, reconstructing small-scale farmers 'production methods, and introducing small farmers into the track of modern agricultural development, problems such as "who will farm the land" and "how to grow good land" will be solved.
Agricultural socialized services can effectively solve the problem of "who will farm the land". Judging from existing practice, agricultural social service organizations can provide full-time trusteeship or semi-trusteeship services to farmers. The so-called full-service trusteeship service is to provide small farmers with the entire industry chain of "farming, planting, management, prevention, collection, finance, and insurance" services. The so-called semi-trusteeship service is to provide farmers with multiple mode services such as single-link trusteeship, multi-link trusteeship, and key link comprehensive trusteeship such as contract farming and seed planting, spraying, irrigation and fertilization, and mechanical harvesting on the premise of fully protecting farmers 'operating autonomy. Different from large-scale land management, agricultural socialized services are a form of large-scale agricultural management explored by farmers in practice without changing land management rights. They not only solve the problem of insufficient rural labor, but also allow farmers to "leave their hometown without losing land and not planting crops to ensure income", which is in line with the current reality of China's agricultural and rural development.
Agricultural socialized services can effectively solve the problem of "how to grow good land". Small farmers basically farm land, and many of them are "old masters" in farming. However, extensive production management, low production efficiency, and low degree of organization make it difficult to keep up with the development of modern agriculture. Compared with small farmers, operators of agricultural social service organizations have a fine division of labor, understand management, understand cooperation, understand industry, understand technology, understand markets, and understand finance. They are also new varieties, new technologies, new agricultural machinery, and new models. Promoters and practitioners can provide more scientific, professional and refined services to small farmers, help small farmers improve their production and operation levels, enhance their ability to resist risks, and diversify and plant good land.
Agricultural socialized services can effectively solve the problem of land fragmentation. In the vast rural areas, the cultivated land of each household is divided into different plots, one in the east and the other in the west. It is impossible to concentrate contiguous production, cannot carry out large-scale mechanized operations, and cannot promote new varieties, new technologies, and new models on a large scale. It is impossible to centralize unified prevention and control of pests and diseases, and it is impossible to conduct intensive management and standardized production, resulting in low standardization of agricultural products, difficulty in maintaining the quality stability of agricultural products, and difficulty in creating a unified brand of agricultural products. Agricultural socialized services can centralize land for unified cultivation, management, harvesting, and sales without changing farmers 'land contracting rights, implement standardized production, create agricultural product brands, and improve agricultural quality, efficiency and competitiveness.
Agricultural socialized services can effectively help small farmers reduce costs and increase efficiency. Small farmers have small production scales and decentralized operations, making it difficult to form scale advantages and reduce mechanical operation costs through large-scale mechanized operations. Small farmers have high transaction costs when connecting to the "big market" and cannot form a price advantage. They have low bargaining power when purchasing seeds, pesticides, fertilizers and other agricultural materials and selling agricultural products. What they buy is expensive and what they sell is cheap, resulting in planting costs. Rising and declining profits. Agricultural socialized service organizations have relatively strong resource integration capabilities. Before production, they improve bargaining power and reduce the purchase price of agricultural materials through centralized procurement of agricultural materials; during production, they reduce the use of seeds, pesticides, and fertilizers by providing large-scale, intensive, and mechanized services., reduce mechanical operation costs, achieve cost reduction and efficiency improvement; after production, by providing professional cleaning, drying, storage, sales and other services, post-production losses are reduced, grain is sold at a timely and appropriate price, and farmers are reduced to reduce losses and increase income.
Farming season waits for no one, but spring is better than gold. All localities must continuously improve the level of socialized agricultural services, use services to help agriculture promote spring plowing, use technology to strengthen agriculture to support spring plowing, and advance spring plowing preparations in an orderly manner to lay a solid foundation for a good grain harvest throughout the year.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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