activity time

March 22, 2024 (Friday) 14:00-17:00


activity content

In recent years, the global nuclear drug market has developed vigorously. As more and more therapeutic drugs are launched, the global nuclear drug market will reach about US$30 billion in 2030. From the perspective of the domestic market, China has huge room for development of radiopharmaceuticals. However, due to the certain half-life and radioactivity of nuclide drugs, the research and development, clinical trials and production of nuclear drugs have formed high entry barriers and entry barriers.

In this issue, Jiangning Pharmaceutical Valley College focuses on "Clinical Development Strategies for Nuclide Drugs" and brings together talents in front-line scientific research, technology application development and industrialization of nuclide drug development to communicate and share with you.


agenda of activities

host: Tang Yuchen

Investment Director of Enlightenment Star




_Leadership Speech_


speech topic:Multi-molecular scale tumor nuclide diagnosis and treatment

speakers:Hong Hao

Professor, School of Medicine, Nanjing University


speech topic:PET probe targeting tumor tissue characteristics

speakers:Yu Bo

Researcher, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Tongji Hospital Affiliated to Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology


speech topic:Clinical development strategy of integrated diagnosis and treatment RDC nuclide drugs

speakers:Zhang Tao

Director of Molecular Imaging and Therapy Laboratory, Nanjing Medical University


speech topic:Non-clinical research on radiopharmaceuticals and considerations before initiating clinical phase I

speakers:Wu Haowei

General Manager of Midu (Nanjing) Biotechnology Co., Ltd.



_ 1. How to gradually break through nuclear drug innovation_

_2.Analysis of RDC Drug Application Prospects_


Tang Yuchen启迪之星投资总监

[Dialogue guest]

Hong Hao南京大学医学院教授

Yu Bo华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院核医学科研究员

Zhang Tao南京医科大学分子影像与治疗实验室主任

Wu Haowei米度(南京)生物技术有限公司总经理


expert profile

Hong Hao

Professor, School of Medicine, Nanjing University

Professor and doctoral supervisor at Nanjing University School of Medicine, was selected into the 2019 National Talent Youth Project. In 2008, he received a doctorate in biochemistry and molecular biology from the School of Life Sciences of Nanjing University. He conducted postdoctoral research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In 2014, he served as a research assistant professor in the Department of Radiology of the University of Michigan. In 2019, he joined the School of Medicine of Nanjing University. The main research direction is the research of new molecular imaging reagents, especially the design of reagents that can be used for positron electron tomography imaging. At the same time, it focuses on the application of new biomedical materials as multimodal imaging reagents and integrated reagents for animal and plant disease diagnosis and treatment, as well as studying the biological mechanism of material-living organism interactions. Won the Berson-Yalow Award (2012 &2016) and other awards from the American Society for Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. He has published more than 120 SCI research papers in top journals such as Nature Nanotechnology, JACS, ACS Nano, and obtained 5 patents authorized by China and the United States. Among them, peptide-targeted nuclide drugs are in the clinical transformation stage.

Yu Bo

Researcher, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Tongji Hospital Affiliated to Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Researcher and doctoral supervisor of the Department of Nuclear Medicine, Tongji Hospital Affiliated to Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, selected into the National Youth Talent Program, member of the Experimental Study Group of the Nuclear Medicine Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, and member of the Traditional Chinese Medicine and Natural Medicine Professional Committee of the 13th Council of Hubei Province Pharmaceutical Association. He is mainly engaged in research on molecular imaging of positron emission computed tomography (PET) and interventional immunotherapy. As the first author (and co-author), he has published many research papers in Nature Communications, Angewandte Chemie, Advanced Materials, Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology, Inorganic Chemistry and other journals. Hosted and participated in many national-level projects. As a co-leader of the project, he was funded by the Society of Interventional Oncology (SIO) and presided over a project on interventional treatment of liver cancer. Received the SNMMI "Travel Award"(2018), SIR "Featured Abstract (2019, 2020)" from the Nuclear Medicine Association.

Zhang Tao

Director of Molecular Imaging and Therapy Laboratory, Nanjing Medical University

Ph. D., researcher, high-level introduced talents from Nanjing Medical University, director of the Molecular Imaging and Therapy Laboratory, deputy director of the Department of Nuclear Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy (presiding over the work), and executive director of the Clinical Transformation Center of Nuclear Medicine. It is mainly engaged in research on nuclide drug labeling and integrated precise diagnosis and treatment. So far, in Nature Chem., J. Am. Chem. Soc., J. Control Release., ACS Nano., J. Nanobiotechnol.,

  1. High-level journals such as Med. Chem. have published more than 40 SCI papers, undertaken 6 scientific research projects including strategic consultation on new drug research and development of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and national nature, and applied for 1 U.S. patent and 5 Chinese patents. Among the research results, one molecular imaging probe (18F-PSMA) has achieved clinical and commercial transformation. Senior member of the Chinese Optical Society, young member of the Special Committee of Biomedical Photonics, member of the Chinese Chemical Society, and senior member of the Chinese Pharmaceutical Society. Guided college students in extracurricular academic research, participated in innovation and entrepreneurship competitions, and won the first prize in the "Challenge Cup" national prize, provincial special prize and other awards.

Wu Haowei

General Manager of Midu (Nanjing) Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

General Manager of Midu (Nanjing) Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Master of Pharmaceutical Engineering and Science from the University of Leeds, UK, and nearly ten years of experience in new drug research and development, innovative drug management and CRO operations. Participated in the design of dozens of pre-clinical and clinical studies on innovative drugs, including a large number of radiopharmaceuticals. Led the team to complete 20 domestic clinical approval applications for radiopharmaceuticals, including multiple Sino-US double reporting projects. As the main person in charge, he completed China's first original and local research on 18F radiopharmaceutical.

Tang Yuchen

Investment Director of Enlightenment Star

The investment director of Enlightenment Star was selected as a volunteer service expert of the Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Development Promotion Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, a member of the Technical Manager Service Group of Jiangsu Province, an expert from the Expert Database of the Enterprise Service Center of the Nanjing City Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, and a member of the Intellectual Property Expert Talent Pool of Jiangning District of Nanjing City. It has long been committed to equity investment and innovation and entrepreneurship guidance, focusing on entrepreneurial projects in the fields of intelligent manufacturing, new medicine, life and health. investment cases: Nanjing Tujie Intelligent, Nanjing Hongjun Intelligent, Nanjing Ruiyuan Industrial, Nanjing Polaris Software, etc. He has served as a judge of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Jiangsu Enterprise (R & D Institutions) Innovation Competitions, a review expert of professional field project roadshows in the 2nd and 3rd Jiangsu Province patent (achievement) auction seasons, and a review expert of the first Guangdong and Northwest Intellectual Property Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition. It has long been invited to serve as a guest comment on project roadshows of Nanjing Jinyuzui Daily Roadshow, Zero 2 IPO Entrepreneurship, 36Krypton and other brands.


Author: spike

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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