NATO's hired coalition is vulnerable

2024 3 21 2:20 Sansi Hall

Faced with NATO's hiring coalition forces to launch an invisible war against Russia, the Internet, the media, and the media are now full of a lot of remarks about Russia's failure. They unanimously believe that in the face of a strong NATO, Russia cannot resist NATO's attack and defeat NATO's attack will inevitably fail in the end. Russia will lose to NATO in the battlefield in Ukraine, become a slave to NATO, and be destroyed and dismembered by NATO.

Is the NATO mercenary coalition really that powerful? Is it indestructible? If NATO enters the war, will Russia really be vulnerable and will it be dismembered and defeated by NATO? In fact, these views are based on seeing the large number of NATO countries, failing to discover NATO's weaknesses, and failing to discover NATO's weakness. The more NATO clamors, the more guilty and timid it becomes. NATO's participation in the war is more a vent of anger.

Since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, Russia and NATO have had many contacts and countless battlefield confrontations. If NATO's hired coalition forces were really so good at fighting, Russia would not have won more land and battle victories in the Ukraine battlefield. NATO hired coalition forces cannot complete NATO's mission or defeat Russia, which is more resilient and more capable of fighting.

1 NATO is now strong on the outside but weak on the inside. Many NATO countries are internally empty and full of crises. How can they fight Russia? NATO military equipment was donated to Ukraine free and paid, becoming cannon fodder on the Ukraine battlefield. NATO countries are now struggling on the issue of military equipment and do not have enough military weapons to compete with Russia.

NATO is a politics of being strong on the outside but tough on the inside. Now NATO has huge differences on the issue of participating in the war. Even though France and Germany agreed to send troops to Ukraine, the United States, the leader, has never said anything or nodded in agreement. At this stage, NATO is more clamoring for war, because while Russia is highly armed and its arms production capacity is advancing rapidly, NATO has only a handful of weapons in its hands.

2 NATO is financially empty and cannot make ends meet. How can it provide support to Ukraine and help Ukraine defeat Russia? At present, the social and economic development of the entire West has stalled. Whether it is Canadian geese far away from Europe, Australia kangaroo economic and social development has problems, and social security is relatively tense. What's more, the situation in NATO's Europe, Germany, France, Italy, and England's Britain is even worse.

The economy and society of France and Germany are in a state of stagnation and crisis. Because of the energy crisis, rising energy prices, and the increase in living costs, corporate costs, and social operating costs in Europe, the entire Europe is overwhelmed, and the people, society, and government are all under tremendous pressure. Now, many NATO countries are deeply in debt, and many countries 'fiscal deficits are soaring. Once the war starts, NATO will get tens of thousands of taels of gold, and NATO will have to go bankrupt. How can it save Ukraine and participate in the war?

3. If NATO fails, it will fail in democracy. Once the mercenary coalition forces suffer heavy losses in the battlefield of Ukraine and public opinion in relevant NATO countries rebounds, there will be a major political turning point. When public opinion and votes are influenced, NATO's will and political stance to war will be shaken and will be counterattacked by public opinion. Putin has no worries in this regard.

When Western societies face their own soldiers and die in Ukraine on the battlefield in Ukraine, NATO people will rebound from public opinion and march on the streets. Because the war in Ukraine has nothing to do with NATO, why should we sacrifice our sons to work for NATO and Ukraine?

4 The West hopes that the Afghan Mom Anti-War Movement will emerge again in Russia to destroy and attack the Putin regime. They will create public opinion, confuse, and encourage anti-war political organizations in Russia and shape social public opinion, and oppose the Putin regime and government's Ukraine war behavior.

Now, Putin is cracking down on anti-war dissidents and eliminating Western colonizers and related individuals, institutions and organizations in Russia. Putin has signed decrees to crack down on reactionary and anti-government armed groups in Russia, crack down on local armed forces and other stabilization measures.

5 Once life and death are in place, NATO cannot unite, because the United States will not pay for any NATO country, will not break out a nuclear war with Russia for any NATO country, and relevant NATO countries will not sacrifice their own interests and people's lives for the United States or Ukraine. Now, NATO can only enter the battlefield in Ukraine by hiring coalition forces.

If NATO hires coalition forces to gain battlefield advantage in the Ukraine battlefield, it also poses a major security threat to Russia. Putin will never be soft. He will definitely press the nuclear button and nuclear bomb Paris, Berlin, and London. By then, NATO countries will have to seek self-protection.

6 The NATO army has no combat effectiveness, NATO military equipment is short, and the army lacks actual combat and combat experience. The Russian army has gained certain combat capabilities and combat experience through more than two years of experience in the Ukraine battlefield. What's more, NATO lacks military strength and has tight troop resources.

In addition, according to "Observer Network", Germany and France are facing many officers and soldiers retiring from the army, and their troops cannot be replenished, which is not enough to cope with a large-scale war. Now, even if Germany and France engage in war mobilization, it is difficult to recruit enough troops. Because, in times of war, no one wants to die.

7 The Ukraine War has been fought for more than two years, and NATO's weapons and equipment do not have absolute advantages. Now Russia has also found the technology to crack NATO military equipment and formed the ability to attack NATO military equipment. Russia already has the ability to crack and destroy NATO military equipment. You can tell a thing or two by looking at the pictures of Patriots, Hamas, and Leopard II being violently beaten by Russia on the battlefield in Ukraine.

Over the past two years since the Ukraine War, Russia has basically had a general understanding of NATO weapons technology. While NATO military equipment and technical support for Ukraine, it also leaked its military technology secrets in advance. NATO weapons technology is no longer mysterious. Russia has cracked the technical secrets of some NATO weapons and equipment. Some NATO weapons technology is not mysterious to Russia.

8 Russia has strategic depth, which is four times that of the entire Europe. What's more, Russia's territory spans Eurasia and stretches for tens of thousands of kilometers. How to fight NATO, how to compete with Russia on the battlefield, and strategic advantages. NATO is only 2000 kilometers deep. It will be solved with one charge and one round trip.

If you have strategic depth, you will have strategic barriers, you will have strategic chips, and you will have the capital to fight protracted wars and wars of attrition. Because the strategic depth lies in the rear area of land, food, resources, factories and weapons production capabilities. This is Russia's war confidence and Russia's war bargaining chip. The war is fighting resources, food, and high-speed rail productivity.

9 Russia's national resources have the potential and ability to support a long-term war. The West and NATO related countries cannot support a long-term war or a protracted war of attrition. Some NATO countries cannot afford it, and their economy, society, equipment and politics cannot afford it. Once the war becomes protracted, political collapse within some NATO countries will occur, political alliances will collapse, and governments will fall.

War is fought with resources, and Russia has no shortage of resources. Russia has sustained war potential and war capabilities. Because of its land area and its self-sufficiency in resources, Russia's oil and steel are not a problem. As long as NATO continues to participate in the war, it will be clear at a glance who will win.

10 Russia has strong weapons production capabilities. The stimulation of the war in Ukraine has revitalized Russia's military industry and also given Russia's military industry opportunities to expand and expand production. Now, Russia's artillery production is several times that of NATO. The production of artillery shells in one day reaches 1.2 million. Can NATO do that?

At present, NATO lacks weapons production. Even if NATO adjusts to its wartime military production status, it will not be as good as Russia's weapons production and weapons production. This is not a flattery of Russia, this is the reality. The reality is that NATO's manufacturing industry has become hollow and the manufacturing industry has withered. Who told Western countries to collectively play finance, virtual economy, and an economic model that moves away from real to virtual.

11 The international political environment is not conducive to NATO. Now, the international community does not support NATO mercenaries participating in the war or NATO's war policy. Because by sending a mercenary coalition into the Ukraine battlefield, NATO deliberately expanded the scale of the Ukraine war, pushed the entire world into the Ukraine battlefield, and took the entire world as a hostage in the Ukraine war.

The international community opposes NATO's political impulse and political clamor. The international community pays attention to NATO's every move and the direction and position of NATO's war in Ukraine. Today, Macron's troops and the political roars of Poland and other NATO countries are arousing concern and uneasiness in the international community.

If NATO hired coalition forces appear on the battlefield in Ukraine, NATO will be isolated and opposed by the global community. The current international situation is urgent. China has sent ambassadors to mediate, and the international community advocates a ceasefire and an end to the war. If NATO goes its own way, it will surely encounter political isolation and opposition from the global community.

The current battlefield situation and the international situation are unfavorable to NATO and Ukraine. However, NATO is constantly inciting and promoting war, which obviously violates the will of the international community. NATO's insistence on adhering to its will lead to NATO being isolated and isolated on the Ukraine issue, but will instead form a favorable international situation for Russia. NATO's hiring of coalition forces to participate in the war can only trigger a larger European conflict and a stronger regional conflict.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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