Recently, the Suzhou General Airport (tentative name) site selection report and feasibility study report (including special topics) preparation and submission of service project bidding project was officially open for bidding! The project budget amount is RMB 8 million. 根据通知要求,潜在投标人应在苏州国企采购交易管理平台获取招标文件,并于2024年4月7日14点30分前递交投标文件。
It can be seen from the name of the airport that Suzhou is bidding for this time is a general airport, different from a civil aviation airport. General aviation airport refers to an airport that is specially used for civil aviation "general aviation" missionsIt is specifically responsible for other flight missions in addition to personal flights, passenger transportation and cargo transportation, such as official business travel, air tourism, aerial aerial photography, aerial surveying, agricultural and forestry spraying and other special flight missions. 此次苏州启动通用机场项目选址和可行性研究,是在通用机场方面加紧布局。据悉,江苏省约10万平方公里面积内,There are 9 civil transport airports, 分别是南京禄口国际机场、无锡硕放机场、 常州奔牛国际机场、徐州观音国际机场、南通兴东国际机场、扬州泰州国际机场、连云港花果山国际机场、盐城南洋国际机场、淮安涟水国际机场。
尽管江苏省的机场密度位居全国前列,However, Suzhou, which has the largest permanent population in the province, has not been able to own an airport of its own for many years. **


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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