"The King's Revenge" is about to begin.
2024年美国总统大选尘埃落定,特朗普时隔四年再度归来。(另见本号文章Who Will Be Awarded the Crown of Understanding?)很多分析认为,Trump will become**“美国历史上权力最大的总统”**。大权在握的特朗普,在内政外交上大展拳脚之余,也少不了要清算诸多的“敌人”“叛徒”。**懂王的“猎杀时刻”即将到来……******复仇大计,酝酿已久。****离开白宫的四年里,特朗普并不好过。第一任期内爆出的通俄门、性骚扰等丑闻,在他下台后继续发酵,多个社交媒体账号遭到集体封杀,海湖庄园遭美国联邦调查局突击搜查……
2022年8月8日,FBI闯入特朗普南佛罗里达州的住所海湖山庄,搜查他离任期间涉嫌非法取走的政府文件。 至今,他仍面临4项刑事诉讼,官司缠身不得安宁。(另见本号文章《Long Live! Despite All Serious Charges Being Proven, He Still Has a Chance to Become President...》)**但特朗普并未因此放缓重返白宫的脚步,相反他将过去的经历形容为“政治迫害”,并把“复仇”贯穿竞选活动始终,最终成功吸引大批选民、赢得选举。**去年12月,特朗普在他创建的个人社交平台“真实社交”上转发了一项“关于民众如何看待他第二任期民调结果”的调查,其中“复仇”一词被提到最多。**足以见得,特朗普的“复仇大计”,已经深入人心。**美媒分析,特朗普既然已经赢得大选并即将重返白宫,那么他便有了民众赋予的权力去实施他的惩罚计划。****彻底清算,水火不容。****据美国全国公共广播电台统计,2022年以来,特朗普已发出100多次威胁,表示将“调查、起诉、监禁或以其他方式惩罚”曾针对他的政治敌人。特朗普重返白宫后,究竟哪些人会被清算呢?**拜登家族:首当其冲跑不掉。今年6月,特朗普曾表示,要任命一位特别检察官来追击拜登及其“背后的犯罪家族”。特朗普先后20余次在社交媒体上发出直接或间接威胁,宣称要在第二任期内对拜登家族动用联邦政府权力。他特别强调,要下令让美国联邦调查局对这位“美国历史上最腐败的总统”进行突袭、调查、起诉和监禁。Although Trump won the election, Biden sent his congratulations immediately and expressed his intention to peacefully transfer power.权力,但凭着特朗普的脾气,很可能不会对拜登手下留情。**Nancy Pelosi: An elderly woman hard to hide.
Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is a sworn enemy of Trump's who he "hates to the core." The most famous incident was when Trump delivered his State of the Union address, she tore up the speech copy in front of the whole world. Pelosi tore up the speech. She also encouraged the FBI to raid Trump's home after he left office to gather evidence for the "leak gate" case, and vigorously pushed for the court to rule on over thirty serious charges against Trump. In this election, Pelosi even cursed that even if Trump wins, he might die in office due to deteriorating brain function. It can be said that Pelosi not only ruined Trump's reputation but also nearly took his life. Naturally, Trump would not tolerate this old lady. In this year's month, Trump filed criminal charges against Pelosi, believing that she used her position to learn in advance that she would face prosecution from the Department of Justice, thus giving her "stock god" husband the opportunity to sell the company's stock two months in advance, and therefore must be subject to legal sanctions. With power soon in hand, Trump is likely to send this 80-year-old "sworn enemy" Pelosi to prison to relieve his heartache.
Mark Zuckerberg: "Public Enemy"”很慌张**。** 扎克伯格是“脸书”的创始人、硅谷大佬。**2020年国会山骚乱事件发生后,“脸书”封禁了特朗普的账号,自此特朗普与扎克伯格的关系就变得紧张起来。**特朗普指责扎克伯格在2020年大选期间与奥巴马密谋,利用“脸书”阻挠特朗普当选。虽然“脸书”2023年就恢复了特朗普的账号,但今年大选期间特朗普还是多次威胁扎克伯格,扬言他要是再敢故技重施,将来就让他“坐穿牢底”。面对懂王的威胁,求生欲极强的扎克伯格明显慌了,表示“今年不支持任何一方候选人”。(另见本号文章《He Panicked Too!》) 2019年9月,特朗普曾在白宫会见扎克伯格 。
巴拉克·奥巴马:new hatred一起算。
Obama and Trump's long-standing feud has deep roots.
Trump has consistently questioned Obama's "American" identity, which once put Obama, who was seeking re-election, in a crisis over the legitimacy of his candidacy. Ultimately, it forced the hospital in Hawaii, where Obama was born, to publicly release his birth certificate.
The continuous exchange of insults and taunts between the two persisted without end.
Trump believes that the reason the United States is "no longer great" lies in the radical policies during Obama's tenure, so he vows to run for president to reverse this process and "Make America Great Again."
However, Obama believed that he was "politically ignorant and lacked the ability to be president," which greatly stimulated Trump.
During his first term, Trump overturned many of Obama's "political legacies," deepening the rift between the two.
During this election period, Obama leveraged his political influence, publicly supporting Harris and frequently engaging in verbal sparring with Trump.
Some American media claim that one of the reasons Trump is running for office again is to prevent the Democratic Party from continuing to govern and to avoid opening "Obama's fourth term." Liz Cheney: The Party Traitor要遭殃**。**
前众议院共和党会议主席莉兹·切尼,曾是众议院共和党的三号人物,更是共和党大佬前副总统切尼之女。她与特朗普虽同为共和党人,但因政治理念差异极大,成了水火不容的政敌。 切尼父女都是共和党人。现年83岁的老切尼在老布什政府当过国防部长,2000年又和小布什搭档赢下大选,成为美国第46任副总统。国会山骚乱发生后,她曾主导对特朗普的弹劾与调查。今年大选中,她更是呼吁本党选民支持哈里斯而非特朗普。**特朗普嫉恨“背叛”,认为她“犯有叛国罪”“显然应该入狱”。**特朗普即将再度掌权,切尼也许会收到一封特别的“邀请函”,内容可能是他曾放出的狠话:参加一场“电视直播的军事法庭”,或一场“让她拿着步枪站在那里,九个枪管对她射击”的真人射击比赛。约翰·凯利和马克·米利:四星上将别想逃。Retired four-star general约翰·凯利,曾是特朗普首任内的白宫幕僚长之一。两人虽曾朝夕相处,但终因政治反目成仇。凯利表示原因是发现特朗普“欣赏甚至崇拜希特勒”,于是在今年大选投票日前几天公然背刺前老板,称他是标准的“法西斯分子”。特朗普对此非常恼怒,指责凯利“完全堕落”,得了“特朗普精神错乱综合症”“又笨又硬”。同样的,Makmili也是退役四星上将和特朗普首任内“旧臣”,当时曾任美军参谋长联席会议主席。米利当时试图恪守美军的政治中立立场,既不想损害美军形象,也不想给美国招致无妄之灾,常暗中抵制特朗普的一些“危险冲动”。
According to US media, during the final period of Trump's first term, to prevent misjudgments between China and the US, Milley secretly called the Chinese military to inform them that the US military would not launch an attack on China.
Angry Trump accuses Milley of "treason" and "should be executed," while Milley counters that he is a "complete fascist."
除此之外,特朗普前私人律师Michael Cohen、曼哈顿地区检察官Alvin Prague及其代表的检察官群体、司法部特别顾问和特别检察官Jack Smith、参议员Adam Schiff、美国前联邦调查局长Christopher Ray等人,都有可能成为特朗普的清算对象。 ****美国法治,正在崩塌。****明年1月20日,特朗普就要重返白宫,正式成为下一任总统。最近,众多美国媒体、专家都在纷纷预告,特朗普极有可能运用法律手段来惩罚对手。毕竟在大选期间,特朗普的词典里,从“开除”“驱逐”到“入狱”“死刑”,可谓是应有尽有。都说美国政治更像一场真人秀——“你永远猜不到下一集会发生什么”。**但有一点可以确定的是,**The politicization of the judiciary in the United States is intensifying, and the so-called "rule of law" has become a tool for politicians to target their opponents...
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