Iran claims trillion-dollar claims
According to a report by TASS on the month day, Major General Ali Shamkhani, Deputy Commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps of Iran in charge of legal affairs, stated that the United States should compensate Iran for the trillion-dollar loss caused by the sanctions imposed on Tehran.
The report states that the Iranian Defense Ministry's news bureau, citing General Shamkhani, said: "The Americans should pay Iran trillions of dollars in compensation for the damage caused by their obstruction of our country's development."
This dated photo material shows pedestrians walking past anti-American propaganda paintings on the streets of Tehran, the capital of Iran. (Xinhua News Agency)
Shamkhani pointed out that the United States began imposing sanctions on Iran after the Islamic Revolution and the occupation of the "den of spies" (the U.S. Embassy in Tehran), not after Washington's withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal. He said that the U.S. government supports terrorist organizations in the Middle East, harming Iran's national security. The U.S. intelligence agencies are training militants to carry out terrorist attacks in southeastern Iran.
The Iranian Ministry of Defense's news agency quoted Shamkhani as saying, "Terrorist groups in southeastern Iran are carrying out terrorist attacks using American weapons. They have admitted that these attacks are trained by U.S. intelligence agencies."
The report states that the terrorist organization "Justice Army" is active in the Sistan-Baluchistan Province in southeastern Iran, with their camps located in the border areas adjacent to Pakistan and Afghanistan. They have launched terrorist attacks against soldiers and civilians. On the mentioned date, several Iranian police officers were killed in an attack.