In the eyes of industry insiders, when centralized new energy is difficult to meet the system's peak shaving needs, it may become the norm for distributed photovoltaics to participate in power grid peak shaving. In this context, how to improve the maximum capacity access of distributed photovoltaics has become a must-answer question in the industry.

Recently, with the news of Henan's low-voltage distributed photovoltaic cooperation in peak shaving, the issue of distributed photovoltaic consumption has once again been pushed into the spotlight and has become the focus of industry discussions. Distributed photovoltaics participating in peak shaving means limiting the power generation of some users 'photovoltaic power generation systems for a period of time and reducing the impact of random, volatile and intermittent power on the safe and stable operation of the power grid. This highlights the challenges faced by the development of distributed photovoltaics in terms of difficulty in consuming existing stocks and insufficient space for new installed installations to be connected to the grid.

Distributed photovoltaics maintain rapid growth, with an average annual growth rate of more than 50%. In the eyes of industry insiders, when centralized new energy is difficult to meet the system's peak shaving needs, distributed photovoltaics may become the norm to participate in power grid peak shaving. In the future, it is expected that distributed photovoltaics will continue to be intensively connected to the distribution network. In this context, how to improve the maximum capacity access of distributed photovoltaics has become a must-answer question in the industry.

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Continue to strengthen policy management

"The intermittent, volatile and anti-peak shaving characteristics of new energy are the main reasons affecting the consumption of new energy." Zhang Jinping, director of the New Energy Dispatch and Operation Office of the New Energy Research Center of the China Electric Power Research Academy, pointed out that photovoltaic output is characterized by "large summer and autumn, small winter and spring, and no light at night". As the proportion of new energy installed capacity increases, intraday and daytime volatility has increased significantly. In 2023, the maximum intraday fluctuation of State Grid's new energy will be 256 million kilowatts, and the daytime fluctuation will be 281 million kilowatts.

Regarding distributed photovoltaics, data released by the China Photovoltaic Industry Association shows that in 2023, the new installed capacity of distributed photovoltaics in China will exceed 100 GW, a year-on-year increase of nearly 50%. On the one hand, the new and cumulative installed capacity of distributed photovoltaics has reached new highs. On the other hand, in some areas, reverse power transmission and transformer overload have occurred. Since October last year, Guangdong, Fujian, Heilongjiang and other provinces have successively issued assessments of the carrying capacity of distributed photovoltaic access grids in the province and early warnings of low-voltage distributed photovoltaic connection.

The assessment results and warning levels announced the remaining accessible distributed photovoltaic capacity in the region. For this reason, the market once expressed concerns that there was insufficient carrying capacity and no development space for distributed photovoltaic.

Carrying capacity is not a technical ability, but a management policy. ”一位不愿具名的业内专家表示,“分布式光伏最大的特点是就近利用,就近利用也意味着,由于每个地区配电网承载力不同,消纳情况也就各异。承载力的存在让分布式光伏就近消纳成为更现实的选择,也因承载力水平不尽相同,才让部分地区面临消纳挑战。”

Improve the "Four Can" capabilities

In 2021, driven by the "county-wide promotion" policy of distributed photovoltaics, the new installed capacity of distributed photovoltaics in China surpassed centralized photovoltaics for the first time in history, and has since kept pace with centralized photovoltaics to maintain a high growth trend.

** Zhang Jinping believes that under the background of rapid development of new energy, it is necessary to continue to pay attention to the issue of new energy consumption. Improving the level of new energy prediction, improving the power system regulation capabilities, and conducting new energy consumption assessments are important guarantees for achieving efficient consumption. **

"because of the randomness and volatility of scenery, coupled with the flexibility of power system operation, when the power supply exceeds the load demand, it may lead to the limitation of new energy consumption. Generally, photovoltaic will occur at noon, the permeability of new energy generation exceeds the critical value, and the overall utilization rate of new energy decreases. This is not only an objective law, but also a practical problem faced by Shandong, Hebei and Henan, one of the major distributed photovoltaic provinces in China. " Zhang Jinping proposed that in order to promote the consumption of new energy, it is necessary to enhance the "four capabilities" of distributed photovoltaic, that is, "observable, measurable, adjustable and controllable". "first of all, in terms of observability and measurability, mainly aiming at the massive 380 volt and 220 volt distributed photovoltaic, it is necessary to build a distribution network capacity suitable for the development of distributed photovoltaic and build an integrated distributed photovoltaic power prediction model. In the aspect of adjustable and controllable, based on the processing characteristics of distributed photovoltaic, considering the related requirements of power system balance and reserve, including the operation constraints of conventional power supply and pumped storage energy, the coordination of distributed photovoltaic and centralized new energy is brought into the power system balance. At the same time, considering the main body of distributed photovoltaic operation, as well as equipment status and bearing capacity factors, formulate a scientific power limitation strategy. "

Encourage users to participate in consumption

发电就要用电。电力作为可消费商品,使用是其重要特点。为此, Industry insiders also said that in addition to adding new grid-connected routes, expanding existing lines, and transforming inverters, the market mechanism for new energy consumption should be further improved. 进一步扩大绿电交易规模,探索分布式电源参与绿电交易,激励更多市场主体主动消费绿电。

Based on the laws of photovoltaic power generation, Shandong, Hebei, Zhejiang and other provinces have proposed time-of-use electricity price policies. Taking Zhejiang as an example, the province implements trough electricity prices for photovoltaic power from 11 noon to 13 pm throughout the year to promote users to use electricity during photovoltaic power periods. Setting the main photovoltaic output period as a trough period will help improve photovoltaic consumption capabilities and is a necessary means to transmit photovoltaic cost reduction dividends to demand-side consumption capabilities.

Yao Feng, secretary-general of the New Energy Expert Committee of the Henan Province Industrial Development Research Association, said that at present, whether it is the government, the power grid or the industry, they are actively looking for ways to solve the consumption problem. In 2024, Henan has made adjustments to peak and valley periods to encourage electricity consumption during the noon photovoltaic period and increase the load, which may release a considerable amount of consumption space.

Zhang Xiaobin, executive vice president and secretary-general of the Shandong Province Solar Energy Industry Association, proposed that in 2024, it is recommended that household photovoltaic practitioners develop collaboratively with the power grid and keep up with the idea of the power grid. Industrial and commercial practitioners should get rid of low-voltage access as soon as possible, because the future trend is that both low and high voltages must accept peak shaving, and power stations, large and small, should cooperate with grid-related work.

Shen Fuxin, secretary-general of the Zhejiang Province Solar Photovoltaic Industry Association, emphasized that the future development trend of photovoltaic must be grid friendly, so that the photovoltaic application market can be bigger and stronger.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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