The emperor guards the country, and the king dies the country

在全球范围内,人们皆知莫斯科遭受了一场可怕的袭击,At least 143 people have been killed and hundreds injured,然而这个数字还在不断攀升,随着更多伤者不幸离世。

这场悲剧的发生时间点极为关键,It is worth noting that this coincides with Putin's recent re-election.

对莫斯科实施袭击的动机不外乎两种: The first is to undermine Putin's just-started atmosphere of unity, arouse dissatisfaction among the Russian people through terrorist attacks, try to create turmoil in the country, and take the opportunity to provoke a so-called "color revolution" to disrupt Russia.

Secondly, we can see a trend that triggers a chain reaction. This trend consumes Putin's energy through the frequent occurrence of terrorist attacks in order to achieve the purpose of restricting Russia.

In this case, the identity of the murderer seems obvious. As for the statement calling itself the "Islamic State" terrorist organization, it may be just to shift responsibility or to strike while the iron is hot.

This view is supported by the fact that Putin took immediate action after the attack, canceling all rallies in Moscow this weekend, tightening control of airports and stations, suspending courses at many universities in Moscow, and ordering the Russian Security Service to intensify investigations into terrorist activities to prevent a second attack.

在这种情况下,俄罗斯以迅雷不及掩耳之势逮捕了11名疑犯。这11人中,有4名直接与最近的恐怖袭击事件有牵连,其中1人更是直言不讳地指出,他一个月前在社交媒体平台“电报”上被人联系,接到了一个毫不留情的任务: Shooting everyone indiscriminately in the concert hall.

Not only that, the person also said that his employer provided weapons and financial support.

On March 4, he sneaked into Russia from Turkey and carried out the terrorist attack. Later, he and three other companions tried to catch a ride to the Russia-Ukraine border and tried to cross into Ukraine, but were eventually arrested in Russia's Bryansk Oblast.

Importantly, according to further interrogation, the four suspects admitted that Ukraine had provided them with "omissions" in crossing the border. This goes without saying that Ukraine has a close connection with this terrorist attack.

考虑到“Islamic State”所发动的极端恐怖主义几乎都是自杀式的,根本不涉及撤退计划,这一点更加彰显了乌克兰,或者说其背后的美方,涉嫌参与的可能性。

** **

In view of this, Putin has ordered an offensive throughout Ukraine.

Mr Zelensky


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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