The emperor guards the country, and the king dies the country

In the early days of China's reform and opening up, economic construction was in a critical period, and many regions were still struggling in poverty. 相反,战败国日本早在20世纪初就取得了很不错的经济成就,许多华人看到这种情况,就选择移民到日本,希望能够利用其快速发展的机遇。

Mount Fuji in Japan

1945年,中囯人民重新挺立起来,但是作为第二次世界大战主战场之一,中华大地几乎成了一片废墟,需要进行长期的休养生息。 Economic development is relatively slow, but China needs talents from all walks of life.

However, due to the overall economic depression in the country in the 1930s and 1940s, wage conditions were naturally much worse than those of countries with already developed economies (such as Japan). ** Because of this, many talents cultivated by the motherland have been lost overseas, and a considerable part of them have chosen Japan, which is developing rapidly. ** Some people have even lived overseas for more than ten to twenty years and have never returned to their motherland again.

Chinese queue up to fly back home

However, the number of Chinese returning from Japan has increased recently. This has caused people to question why these people wanted to go to Japan at the beginning, but now they want to return to their motherland? 实际上,这些回国的人早就预见到了这种情况。尽管日本经济发展迅速,但高压生活和高房价让许多人负担不起。即使是日本本地的大学毕业生,也有约90%无法购买房屋。对于移民到日本的人来说,他们甚至无法享受基本的福利补贴,早年赚的钱也填补不了这个巨大的缺口。

Japanese young white-collar workers in the office

不仅如此,Japan is an island country and is in an environment where earthquakes occur frequently. Some places where natural disasters occur frequently cause people to panic. 一年两年没有遇见,几十年后总会有一次。相对而言,中国则更为安全。

In addition, China's rapid economic development in recent decades has even surpassed many countries and become a world-class superpower. 其经济水平已经数一数二,有望超过美国。这也是吸引众多外国人前来中方长期居住和工作的原因之一。

在这个时候,那些曾经离开祖国移民到日本的华人,自然而然地开始想要回到自己的故土,甚至最近出现了一股日籍华人回国的潮流,希望能够重新回到中方的怀抱。 However, when they were excitedly and hopefully preparing to set foot on the Chinese customs, they suddenly received an unexpected piece of news.

此刻的中方已然非同往昔,经济飞速增长的同时,人口也在剧烈膨胀。尤其是诸如北京和上海这样的大城市,Population density has reached alarming levels, so there is a need for " 永久居留证”的发放可谓是十分谨慎。

Those Japanese Chinese who once left the motherland now want to return to the embrace of the motherland, but they have received unexpected news that their "green card" application has been rejected.

However, who can blame for this?

Patriotic, let's be together!

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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