这几天,美国财政部长珍妮特·耶伦又来中国了。这是 时隔九个月 后,耶伦第二次访华。(另见本号文章 [ 《 耶伦访京华:彩虹 见手青 剁椒鱼头 》 ]( )**此访有一个突出特点——时间长!耶伦在华 行程共 6天时间,从广州开始,在北京结束。 要知道,身为内阁要员的 美国高官对一个国家开展这么长时间的访问,并不多见。 4月4日,耶伦抵达广州白云机场,背着斜挎包走下飞机。 广大网友们对耶伦这次的行程很是关注,下了什么馆子、吃了什么菜,参加了什么活动、见了什么人、说了什么话……一时间,都成了网上热议的话题。 到底是温和派,还是强硬派?**不少分析认为,耶伦是拜登政府中倾向对华接触的温和派,主张“不寻求与中国脱钩”,推动对华建立健康稳定经济关系。 然而,此次访华前,耶伦就故意放出狠话;访华期间, 仍然不忘指责中国!
**访前一周,**耶伦在 佐治亚州 调研 一家名为 Suniva的 太阳能电池制造工厂时,强调 “由于外国政府对企业进行大规模补贴,太阳能进口产品以低价涌入了美国,这使得美国本土产品缺乏竞争力,导致2016年至2020年间,美国相关产业流失了20%的工作岗位” 。She expressed concern that China's new energy industry "excess capacity will spill over to the world", saying that these "excess capacity disrupts global prices and harms American companies and workers."On the first day of his visit to China, 耶伦在广州参加美国驻华商界主要代表活动时发表讲话,再次诋毁“ 中国采取了不公平的经济做法,包括对外国公司的准入设置障碍,以及对美国公司采取胁迫行动”。 她表示,“美国关注中中国制造能过剩问题,中国大量压价出口的商品,损害美国公司的业务和工人的利益,同时也导致供应链过度集中,尤其在新兴领域中出现了新风险” 。 访前与访中,耶伦的论调如出一辙 ,说来说去,都是在 翻炒 “中中国制造能过剩”“中国不公平竞争”。 看来这个面容和蔼可亲、说话慢条斯理的老太太,还真有点“绵里藏针”,用最温和的语调,说着最强硬的话。And what are the facts? In recent years, China's science and technology industry has developed rapidly, and the field of scientific and technological innovation has achieved fruitful results. The "three new products" represented by electric vehicles, lithium batteries, and photovoltaic products have become popular around the world because of their high quality and low price. However, the United States does not think about technological innovation, but links the domestic employment situation with China's "overcapacity." American politicians wantonly attacked "China through financing, direct subsidies, and cooperation with state entities to enhance the international competitiveness of high-tech enterprises and dump cheap products around the world", resulting in unemployment among Americans and hollowing out of U.S. manufacturing, forming a "China Impact". This brain circuit is really ridiculous! "Do as I say, not as I do。以耶伦为代表的美方官员 大肆批判中国补贴、中国政府投资,而美国自己又在做 什么呢?In recent years, the United States has vigorously promoted the "New Washington Consensus" and successively introduced the "Inflation Reduction Act" and the "Chip and Science Act", giving huge subsidies to green technology and semiconductor industries, and trying to use national power to attract industry return, thereby restricting China's strategic industry development.(另见本号文章 [ 《 美丽眼里,“后养的”真的不如“亲生的”! 》 ]( ) 4月8日,美国商务部表示将向台积电提供66亿美元的补贴。 这是《芯片与科学法案》通过后的第二大拨款,仅次于向英特尔提供的85亿美元拨款。 就像《纽约时报》在 耶伦访华期间发表文章所说的,美方试图向中国兜售的观点是: “ 照我说的做,而不是照着我做 (Do as I say, not as I do)。 ”translates as:I can get government subsidies, but you can't! 在耶伦看来,“美国政府干预经济的政策,不是为了让美国获得经济竞争优势,而是出于国家安全考虑”,而“中国政府干预经济,则是为了获得相对于外国竞争对手的不公平经济优势”。 事实上,美国当前对中中国制造品补贴和倾销的认定结果是基于第三方价格做出的,刻意忽略中国与第三方生产者在生产方式、经营规模、最终产品等方面的差别。
这就意味着,美国在判定中国商品补贴和倾销时具有巨大的“自由斟酌权”,而这种“ 自由 斟酌权”时常被放大或滥用,使得中国一直是美国启动反倾销、反补贴调查最多的国家。 有舆论认为,美国这样的“双标”行为,主要是为了 确保 美国能在关键 技术领 域保持领先优势, 在新兴产业领域竞赢中国。The so-called "unfair competition from China" by American politicians is just an excuse to suppress China. **务实地相向而行,“Only then can "vision" become "reality"。**在同北京大学师生交流时,耶伦表示此次来华“ 更好地了解彼此的经济情况及政策,对促进中美经贸合作尤为重要 ”。 无论如何,交流总比不交流好,对话总比不对话强。 6天的行程走下来, 希望 耶伦能认识到, 中国有发展的权利,中国人民有追求美好生活的权利。
In the process of pursuing this goal, China has naturally developed and become stronger, but it does not want to surpass, threaten, challenge, or replace anyone, let alone dominate the world. 每个国家都有维护国家安全的合理需要,但不应泛化“国家安全”概念,以所谓“多元化”为由冲击全球正常贸易投资往来和产供链稳定。 美方制裁限制中国企业、对华加征关税、对华投资限制等措施,在损害中国企业和民众正当权益的同时,也不利于美国企业和民众的福祉。 作为美国经济主要领航者、对华政策的重要制定者,身为 财政部长的耶伦 在中美关系发展中扮演着重要角色。She should make more substantive contributions to promoting China and the United States to move towards each other. She should not just go to restaurants and eat dumplings, let alone just go through the motions and put on airs. 4月6日晚,耶伦抵达北京后,直奔老川办餐厅,“钟水饺”出现在菜单中。 中方欢迎耶伦关于无意寻求对华脱钩的表态,希望美方能够采取切实行动,停止制裁限制中国企业。
双方只有以相互尊重的方式加强对话,以慎重的态度管控分歧,以互惠的精神推进合作,以负责的担当加强国际协调,才能使 “旧金山愿景”变成“实景”。


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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