Recently, due to the influence of the Russian election, the Ukrainian army's combat intensity against Russia has gradually begun to escalate on the Russian-Ukrainian battlefield. Since March 12 this year, according to reports quoted by Red Star News, at least thousands of Ukraine armed men crossed the border and launched attacks on towns and villages in Russia.

但是,耐人寻味的是,These militants who attacked Russia were not nominally affiliated with the Ukrainian army ,这些部队严格来说应该算是俄罗斯现政府的反对派武装,比如像最近存在感极高的“自由俄罗斯军团”、“俄罗斯志愿军”等。


而且,从他们在社交媒体上公开的言论来看,这些武装组织似乎大有扭转俄乌战局的趋势,比如“自由俄罗斯军团”在近期就声称他们已经攻入到了俄罗斯境内,“解放”了边境地带的一个村庄,甚至他们在社交媒体上敦促俄境内的公民不要抵抗他们, There is a sense of vision that "the king's army determines the Central Plains in the north".

但是,这类武装组织我们之前都几乎未曾听说过,而且他们似乎就是在最近突然声名鹊起的。那么,这些看起来把俄罗斯当成“待解放的故土”的武装组织究竟是什么来历呢?他们和俄罗斯政府曾经又有什么恩怨纠葛呢? Today, Junwu Junjun will tell you about these Russian opposition organizations abroad.

The first is the "Free Russia Corps", which recently seems to be powerful. As an armed group that started such infiltration operations as early as May last year, the armed group's enemy defense strategy is biased towards guerrilla warfare. It also diverts the Russian army's energy in various military operations and serves as a vanguard force in harassing and destroying Russian native towns and villages.

After all, judging from its name, this organization is an anti-government armed force with a full Western flavor. Of course, this is indeed the case. According to Russian media reports, the "Free Russia Corps" is actually composed of current exiled Russian government opposition personnel and some surrendered Russian soldiers. It is not difficult to see that this "Russian Free Corps" seems to be the same type as our Imperial Association Army active during the Anti-Japanese War.

Moreover, in terms of its political background, it is very similar to the Royal Association Army. Its founder, Ponomarev, is also a former Russian political elite who has serious political differences with the top leaders of the current Russian government. After all, from 2007 to 2016, his identity was a member of the Russian Duma.

Before entering politics, Ponomarev was also the vice president of Yukos Petroleum Company. The founder of Yukos Oil Company is the famous Mikhail Khodorkovsky. As a famous oligarch who once dared to publicly challenge President Putin, he once took advantage of the special period of the disintegration of the Soviet Union to make a fortune by embezzling the original state-owned assets, and Ponomarev also obtained a huge amount of wealth from it. Of course, whether it is Khodorkovsky or Ponomarev, they cannot rely on the support of Western countries for completing these "operations".


During Yeltsin's administration, Khodorkovsky was also the spokesperson "trained" by Western countries in Russia at that time. He was the "ideal high-level" to rule Russia in the eyes of Western countries. After all, his political tendencies were extremely pro-Western. Of course, as an important subordinate of Khodorkovsky, Ponomarev is also a "fanatic believer" of Western countries 'values. He is also a strong opponent of the current Russian government.

So, since 2014, Ponomarev has been openly supporting the Ukraine regime. Similarly, after arriving in Ukraine in 2016, everyone can guess the following plot. Ponomarev was quickly packaged by the West as a "democracy fighter" against President Putin. With various buffs and the support of the West, by recruiting Russian immigrants and defectors in the Russian army online, Ponomarev became an important leader of the "Free Russia Corps", coordinating the current Ukrainian army's combat strategy and launching an attack on Russia.


Of course, since the relatives of most members of the armed group are still living in Russia, members of the "Free Russia Corps" still have some scruples when "attacking cities and seizing land" for Western countries. Overall, the organization is a "well-behaved" opposition armed force backed by Western countries.

However, the "Free Russia Corps" cannot represent all types of opposition armed forces in the current Russian government. Among them, there are many extremist organizations. Among them, the "Russian Volunteer Army", which often cooperates with the "Free Russia Corps", is a representative of this aspect. The organization is composed of far-right elements and neo-Nazis who oppose President Putin.

Therefore, for the "Russian Volunteers", there is basically no bottom line for them to do things. For example, on March 2, 2023, Russia accused Ukraine of sending an armed team to Bryansk Oblast in Russia to open fire on civilians. After this incident, the "Russian Volunteers" quickly claimed responsibility for the incident through social media.


Similarly, the leader of the armed group, Denis Nikidin, is not easy to deal with. In addition to being an out-and-out neo-Nazi member, this guy was also a member of the skinhead party. You know, almost all members of the Russian skinhead party are villains known for their cruelty. In the Soviet era, these people would have spent the rest of their lives in Gulag prison. Of course, such people are also the "key focus of attention" of the Russian police today.

It is not difficult to see that almost all of the opposition forces currently serving as anti-Russia vanguard in Ukraine are caused by historical issues that the current Russian government has failed to completely resolve. With the support of the West and Ukraine, these opposition forces that cannot survive in Russia have resurfaced in Ukraine. This is not over yet. Various separatist forces that were once famous in Russia are also a force that cannot be ignored in the current Russia-Ukraine conflict.


For example, the "Chechen Battalion" armed organization supported by the Ukrainian army can be heard from the name. Their main force is the Chechen separatists who the Russian army failed to completely eradicate in the two Chechen wars. These people fled around the world. The United States and Ukraine also collected all of them and reorganized them into a force of nearly 1000 people. Because they had been fighting the Russian army for a long time before, and because they themselves had a deep feud with the Russian army, their own combat capabilities cannot be ignored.

In addition, some remnants of soldiers who were once defeated by the Russian army have also joined the Russia-Ukraine conflict. For example, the "Georgian Battalion" supported by the Ukrainian army. The core of this organization is the Georgian veterans who were "cleaned up" by the Russian army during the Russia-Georgia conflict in 2008. After receiving support from the West and Ukraine, they also integrated into the Ukrainian army's combat system to help the Ukrainian army fight against the Russian army on the battlefield.


On paper, although these opposition forces of the Russian government seem massive, these opposition forces all have one thing in common, that is, they are all defeated by the Russian government and President Putin, and they were all defeated at a time. The original foundations have been basically eliminated, and now they can survive some lives by relying on the United States, the West and Ukraine.

However, there is a problem that is also very serious for them now. That is, the current situation in Ukraine is also Wang Xiaoer's New Year. The Ukrainian army is also facing the problem of serious shortage of ammunition and personnel, especially after the fall of Bakhmut and Afdeevka. Unless NATO invests heavy troops to personally intervene in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, it will be difficult for the Ukrainian army to change its current decline.


Under such circumstances, how can the combat strength of various Russian anti-government armed groups backed by the Ukrainian army be strong? On March 12, the same day that the "Free Russia Corps" issued the "Inviting Russia" issue, the Russian Federal Security Service issued a document claiming that some Ukrainian armed forces combatants were stopped by the Russian army while trying to cross the border, and the Russian army was in the process of exchanging fire. Killed more than 100 enemy troops.

Moreover, in May last year, the Russian Ministry of Defense also announced that in a combat operation, the Russian army also eliminated more than 70 Ukraine terrorists who entered Belgorod Oblast. But the Ukrainian army


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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