In order to thoroughly implement the new energy security strategy of "Four Revolutions, One Cooperation", implement the "National Standardization Development Outline" and the "Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Intelligent Development of Coal Mines" and "Several Opinions on Accelerating the Digital and Intelligent Development of Energy" and other documents. Requirements to accelerate the construction of an intelligent coal mine standard system and cultivate and develop new productive forces, the National Energy Administration recently drafted and issued the "Guidelines for the Construction of an Intelligent Coal Mine Standard System"(hereinafter referred to as the "Construction Guide"). The relevant situation is now interpreted as follows.

1. Drafting background

Coal mine intelligence is the technical support and urgent need for the high-quality development of the coal industry. The coal mine intelligence standard system plays a fundamental and leading role in promoting the development of coal mine intelligence. The "National Standardized Development Outline" issued by the Party Central Committee and the State Council clearly states that the improvement of relevant standards should be accelerated around the needs of intelligent transformation in energy and other fields. The "Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Intelligent Development of Coal Mines"(Fa Gai Energy [2020] No. 283),"Several Opinions on Accelerating the Digital and Intelligent Development of Energy"(Guonengfa Technology [2023] No. 27) and other documents have clarified key tasks in areas such as coal mine intelligence standard system construction. In order to further improve the level of intelligent coal mine construction and strengthen the top-level design of the intelligent coal mine standard system, the National Energy Administration, after extensive research and fully listening to opinions and suggestions from relevant parties, organized and drafted the "Construction Guidelines", clarifying the intelligent coal mine standards. The system framework and key construction contents guide the formulation and revision of relevant standards and promote the implementation of standards.

2. Overall requirements

Adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly implement the new energy security strategy of "Four Revolutions, One Cooperation", follow overall planning and orderly implementation, lay a solid foundation, innovation-driven, emergency use comes first, dynamic improvement, and international integration., the principle of open cooperation, with the main line of promoting the deep integration of the new generation of information technology and the coal industry, formulate and improve relevant standards and specifications, and promote the establishment of complete systems, reasonable structure, connected and supporting facilities, Scientific and rigorous coal mine intelligent standard system.

The "Construction Guide" proposes that by 2025, an intelligent coal mine standard system with reasonable structure, clear levels, clear classification, and scientific openness will be initially established to meet the basic needs of intelligent coal mine construction; by 2030, the intelligent coal mine standard system will be basically improved, forming a relatively complete series of standards in the design, well construction, production, management, operation and maintenance, and evaluation of intelligent coal mines.

3. Main contents

The "Construction Guide" focuses on building an intelligent coal mine standard system that adapts to industry development trends, meets technological iteration requirements, and leads industrial transformation and upgrading, comprehensively improves the level of intelligent coal mine construction, and comprehensively considers the intelligent coal mine construction cycle and system levels, mainly including basic general purpose, information foundation, platform and software, production system and technical equipment, operation and maintenance guarantee and management.

Basic common subsystem 是煤矿智能化标准体系其他子体系的基础,对煤矿智能化领域的基础共性要求进行规定,包括基础标准、通用标准、设计标准、评价标准4个部分。

Information basic subsystem对煤矿智能化系统信息传输和处理所需要的基础设施进行规定,包括信息网络、数据标准、数据中心、信息安全4个部分。

Platform and software subsystems 对煤矿智能化平台载体及应用软件涉及的架构、功能要求、开发管理等进行规定,包括地理信息平台、管控智能平台与煤炭工业软件、数据智能平台、算法智能平台与智能视频系统、数字孪生系统5个部分。

Production system and technical equipment subsystem 对煤矿智能化技术装备和系统的设计、制造、功能要求、测试等进行规定,包括井工煤矿智能化系统与装备、露天煤矿智能化系统与装备、智能洗选系统与装备3个部分。

Operation and maintenance guarantee and management subsystem 服务于煤矿智能化建设关键技术标准,为装备和系统正常运行提供保障,对智能化煤矿的生产运行、经营管理进行规定,包括运行维护、设备状态保持、生产管理、智能化园区4个部分。

4. Organize and implement

国家能源局将全面贯彻落实党的二十大和二十届二中全会精神,深入落实党中央、国务院关于积极稳妥推进碳达峰碳中和的决策部署,推动智能化技术与煤炭产业融合发展,扎实推进煤矿智能化标准体系建设: one is健全工作机制,建立煤矿智能化标准体系工作机制,研究建立煤矿智能化领域标准化组织,在年度能源、煤炭行业标准立项中重点支持;second is 强化专业支持,组织煤炭行业有关标准化管理机构、标委会等研究推进煤矿智能化国家标准、行业标准、团体标准制修订;third is 推动成果转化,组织煤炭行业相关企业、科研机构等加快煤矿智能化技术协同创新,推动重要科技成果转化应用,加速国内标准和国际标准的双向转化;fourth is 加大宣贯实施,结合煤矿智能化示范项目建设,强化相关标准宣贯实施,加大煤矿智能化相关技术标准宣传培训,支持煤炭企业因地制宜推广应用先进技术标准。


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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