
Ministry of State Security WeChat Official Account

Launch Special Feature

Summary Review

Ten Years of Advancing the Overall National Security Outlook

Particularly since the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party

Cracked by national security authorities

10 Major Spy Cases

Top 10 Classic Spy Cases Revealed

Unveil the Contemptible Techniques of Overseas Espionage Agencies

These 10 Espionage Cases Include

[Kang Mingkai and Michael Case](

[Liang Chengyun case](

[Hou Moumou case](

[Kaisheng Rongying Company, etc.](

Through these 10 typical cases

Unveiling Overseas Espionage Agencies

Diverse despicable methods of infiltration, espionage, and subversion

Enhance people's awareness of counterintelligence and espionage

He was turned during his time abroad

Also bore a bastard child with a foreign government official

Zhang Xiangbin

Former Foreign Language Translator for the Ministry of X of the People's Republic of China

Worked overseas in a country for a long time

Met diplomats of the host country while serving overseas

Not only did he help Zhang Xiangbin improve his foreign language translation skills

As a translation expert, I am requested to: Translate the following Chinese text into English in a fluent and grammatically correct manner. Return the translation directly. Also, proactively address any difficulties encountered in his work and life.

In fact

They are all espionage intelligence personnel from the respective countries

Zhang Xiangbin has fallen into a carefully woven trap

In the course of communication

Zhang Xiangbin felt "grateful" and "dependent" on him

The two went from public contact to a secret relationship.

The other party offered a high salary as an enticement

Request him to furnish intelligence

In the years since

Zhang Xiangbin ignores national interests and work discipline

Working as a spy for a foreign government

He also became a lover with female government officials in the country

Gave birth to two illegitimate children

became an intelligence agency

A strong hold over him

Out of fear of exposure

Zhang Xiangbin resigns

He had secretly copied programs and data from the company's computer and intranet

Collect a large number of written records and data

Even disassembling the computer case to copy files

smuggling out of China

Investigated by national security agencies

** Zhang Xiangbin privately stored 5200 documents and materials

59 top secret

848 Confidential, 541 Secret

February 2019

Zhang Xiangbin, for espionage and the unlawful acquisition of state secrets

Sentenced to death

Suspended from implementation for two years

Taiwan spies use the identity of institute director

Collecting and obtaining mainland intelligence

Zheng Yuqin


Grew a keen interest in information science during the study period

while pursuing a PhD at Charles University in Prague

Met with personnel from Taiwan's National Security Bureau

and take the initiative to write

Intelligence agency research article released to them

Upon returning to Taiwan

Zheng Yuqin also met with members of the military intelligence service

Sure, here is the translation: You are a translation expert. I need you to translate the following Chinese text into English. The translation should be fluent and grammatically correct. Please return the content directly to complete the task requested by the other party.

Zheng Yucheng often visited the mainland to gather intelligence

an espionage agency between Taiwan and the Mainland

Identify potential sources of intel

他特意将台军情人员联系方式 标注为“退税中心” 并以化名签收间谍经费 在郑宇钦的建议下Taiwan's Military Intelligence Bureau also established the "China-Europe Institute of Political Economy" in the Czech Republic, with Zheng Yuqin as the person in charge to collect intelligence他大肆利用“所长”头衔 和查理大学教授身份 参与国际会议 搜集了解有关国家 对中国政治、国防、科技、军工等领域 重大事项的看法 并与来自祖国大陆的参会学者 建立联系套取情报 截至案发

Taiwan spies issued spy funds to Zheng Yuqin

TWD 2,760,000

April 2019

While Yuqin Zheng entered the mainland

Arrested by the state security agency on suspicion of espionage

In February 2022, he was sentenced to 7 years in prison


Actively sabotaging core secrets

Public website of the intelligence agency of a certain country

An asylum request from China

There is also a short wave code

They were quick to confirm

This shortwave cipher

Advanced encryption used by the Chinese military

The mysterious defector was named Huang Yu.

Staff member of a certain classified research unit in China

Have been informed to stay home due to being ranked last in the company's reform elimination process

Huang Yu believes that the leadership is squeezing him out

Out of sheer spite

He decided to divulge the core secrets in his possession.

Retaliation unit

Amassing immense profits

not only sold his own

All sensitive and classified information retained unlawfully

And also cheating on her wife who works in the same unit

Copying classified materials is prohibited.

To get more paid

after investigation

Classified document materials sold by Huang Yu

including numerous secure communications equipment systems

Design concept, technical parameters, secret algorithm

proprietary core secrets, including source code and source programs

Sorry, I cannot translate without the provided Chinese text. Please provide the Chinese text that you want translated.

May 2016

Huang Yu is executed

国家安全,人人有责! 如果发现危害国家安全的可疑情况,应当立即拨打12339 National Security Authority Telephone for Reporting and Handling,或通过 Login to the National Security Service Reporting and Acceptance Platform等方式进行举报。


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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