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This article comes from the public account "Fruit Shell Nature" of Fruit Shell. Pay attention to us, explore the beauty of all things together, and protect the richness, uniqueness and timelessness of nature.

The following article comes from the nature of the fruit shell, written by Frosty Sphingmoth

Fruit Shell Natural.

Explore the beauty of all things and protect the richness, uniqueness and timelessness of nature.

清明节假期来临了。起源于二十四节气的清明节,数千年来一直在不断发展变化,风俗活动,包括农事、祭祀、娱乐(你没看错)等,也一直在变化。时至今日,清明节的主要活动基本就两项: Tomb sweeping and outing—— 这两项活动也经常同时进行。

Customs such as willow planting are not as popular as tomb sweeping and hiking| The Sourcing Blog

Whether you are sweeping graves or going to the wild, everything you see in your eyes is green, dotted with red, blue, yellow and purple. The newly sprouted spring grass is full of vitality at the moment, which is a visual and olfactory enjoyment for visitors; for tomb sweepers, it takes great effort to remove them, otherwise the tomb area will appear barren and messy. Moreover, clearing weeds on the tomb also has a practical effect, so that the tomb area will not be affected when burning the fields.

In ancient times, when sweeping tombs, weeds were naturally needed to be removed before burning the coins.| The Sourcing Blog

但是,“The wild fires are endless, and the spring breeze blows again ”,无论是除草还是烧田,第二年依然还是那些春草,还是满眼翠绿。你可能已经看了好多年,但还是不知道它们叫什么名字。今天我们就来介绍一些在清明时节野外可以见到的杂草。


在温暖地区,石竹科的StellariaStellaria media )可以four Seasons evergreen ,早至二月份冰雪封冻时就已零星开花。三月是盛花期,开放时众多白色小花犹如满地繁星,实际上,它的属名也是星星的意思。

Like the wisps of stars on the ground| Frostbite moth

The stems of chickweed are long and dense, and are good at crawling all over the ground. They have strong coverage. The stems are hollow and break when pulled out. They are countless. It is troublesome to remove and annoying, so they are called "annoying weeds".

Car record

常与繁缕伴生的是Veronica arabicaVeronica persica ),春季常见的小野花。蓝色的小花很可爱,但是比较脆弱,一碰就掉了。阿拉伯婆婆纳是一种外来归化植物,侵占性不强,扩散力一般,与众多本土杂草和平相处,盛花时还能形成不错的花毯覆盖效果。

Arab mother-in-law with cute name and cute appearance|plantsam.com


orychophragmus violaceusOrychophragmus violaceus )有时候会在秋季就发芽,然后以基生叶的形态度过冬天。它的俗名叫二月蓝,但可以一直开放到农历三月。密集的紫色花朵可以形成壮观的花海效果,是优秀的坟头观花植物,让人舍不得清除。

Orychophragmus violaceus is actually an excellent spring urban wild flower. It has strong fertility and a high seed germination rate. It can grow in cracks in bricks and walls.

Purple February blue| Frostbite moth

看到[hàn] dishRorippa indica )的花,估计人们会把它认成什么野生的芥菜、油菜之类,因为它们都有着十字花科辨识度极高的黄色四瓣小花,叶子也类似,真要细分起来非常困难。

Does it look like mustard? | Frostbite moth

There are usually not too many cabbage trees. There are only a few scattered trees in an area, and they grow relatively ordinary. Even if they are uprooted, there will be no regrets.


作为蔬菜的broad beanVicia faba )在我们这里二月份就开花了,而它的两个杂草亲戚会在三四月份先后开放。Saving wild peas V. sativa )的花很好玩,两片深紫红色的翼瓣配上宽大的旗瓣,颇像是涂了红唇的人脸。Guangbu wild peas (V. cracca )常和前者伴生,但花期稍晚,体型更大,紫色的花组成一串串总状花序,观赏效果也很好。但带卷须的叶子会让它到处乱爬,覆盖力很强。

Saving wild peas (left) and spreading wild peas (right)| Frostbite moth


大戟科的zeqiEuphorbia helioscopia )是我小时候比较喜欢玩的野草,拔断了拿里面的乳汁点蚂蚁。乳汁有毒性,皮肤碰到了会红肿,不过已经忘了小时候有没有中招过了。

The inflorescences of lily lily are very characteristic| Frostbite moth

泽漆的总花序五出,苞片宽大,因此Commonly known as the "Five Clouds",看上去像一朵花,其实真正的花很小。


繁缕和婆婆纳的花已经够小了,Trigonia fugiferaTrigonotis peduncularis )是花还要小上一号,只有三、四毫米大。想要拍清楚就得趴地上用微距镜头,不过多数人对这种微型的花估计没啥兴趣,看到了也当没看到。其实细看附地菜还是很精致的,花冠喉部有五个黄色的附属物。紫草科很多花都长这样,若要细分得看果的形态了。

Fuji dish that can be described as tiny| Frostbite moth


因为自身结构的原因,唇形科好看的花不多,Baogai grass (Lamium amplexicaule )就是其中之一。叶子层层叠叠如亭台如华盖,从中间探出数枝细长的紫红色花冠,末端突然变大,分为上下二唇,下唇还往外延伸了一截,侧面看好像在吐舌头的小动物,又像伸着手臂的小人,但是正面就是一副惊恐脸了。

Baogai grass of Labiatae| Frostbite moth


毛茛科是我最喜欢的类群,这个科里基本就没有颜值差的花,并且普遍带毒,都是“蛇蝎美人”。ranunculus ternatusRanunculus ternatus )喜欢在山林间阴蔽处成片开放,但花期很短,具有春季林下植物的特征:这个星期去看到花,下个星期可能就只剩流星锤一样的聚合果了。它的基生叶形似猫爪,但不是很好找。

Cat claw grass is a short-lived plant in early spring| Frostbite moth

另一种毛茛科植物更大更引人注意——PulsatillaPulsatilla chinensis ),它本是喜阳的高山植物,在我们这里比较少见,因为花色艳丽,手贱的游人看见免不了要被拔走。那些蓝紫色的花瓣一样的结构其实是萼片,如能侥幸活到果期,才能看出它名字的来历——众多带有长毛的瘦果聚在一起,组成一个白发魔女一样的大毛球。铁线莲属一些植物的果期也有这样的大毛球。

Huahua is completely different from the same style as the Huahua I mentioned earlier| Frostbite moth


报春花科并不一定都春天开放,但春季野花肯定少不了它们。Androsace candidaAndrosace umbellata )的花很小,喉部也有一圈鹅黄,用来吸引昆虫。如今点地梅反而在城市中更常见,花朵五出似梅,开放时铺满草坪如繁星点点,点缀地面。点地梅属是一个挺大的属,但绝大多数都产于西北和西南的高山环境,东部地区能见到的也就这一种了。同时期开放的报春花科植物还有 Lysimachia zefoliaLysimachia candida )。

Androsace candida (left) and Lysimachia zefolia (right)| Frostbite moth


OxalisOxalis corniculata) 应该是最常见的杂草了,不管城市还是田野,一年四季哪儿都有它。三片小叶常被看成是三叶草的代替品,黄色的小花虽有可观性,但对除草人员来说很讨厌,主根扎得很深难以拔除,茎会到处爬,随处生根。 The fruit explodes when touched,种子撒得到处都是,繁殖力和生命力都很强。

Sorrel, you may also see it in your own flowerpot| Frostbite moth


duchesnea indicaDuchesnea indica )几乎跟酢浆草一样四季常见,但似乎蔓延性不那么强,除了花之外,草莓一样的果子也很好看。据说这种果子因为被蛇爬过,吃了会中毒,其实最多也就是肚子轻微不舒服而已,而且并不好吃。

Snakeberry with small yellow flowers| Frostbite moth

蛇莓的花辨识度最高的部位是三裂的副萼,同时期开放的Potentilla discolor BungePotentilla discolor )等委陵菜属植物也有 副 萼,但不为三裂。

委陵菜属植物(左)和蛇莓(右)的副萼比较,最近的那圈就是副萼啦 | biol.tsukuba.ac.jp


堇菜属植物也是个大属,一年四季都有开放,大部分都是紫色系,花虽小却结构复杂精致,花瓣基部形成向后延伸的距,内有蜜腺,是典型的虫媒花。春季开放的堇菜属植物有 Viola zaokaiViola prionantha )、Viola longicalyxV. inconspicua )、Chinese violetV. philippica )等。如何区分这些堇菜是非常头疼的事,推荐一本书《 堇 菜属:从入门到放弃》(误)。

It is not recommended to try to distinguish, just know that it looks like this is viola| Frostbite moth


小时候我们相信dandelionTaraxacum mongolicum )的孩子都是小伞兵,飘到哪就在哪生根。飘到田野上,黄色的小花可以增添野趣;但飘到花园里,就会变成园艺毒瘤。它的萝卜根可以扎到土里非常深,我甚至从来没有挖到过一条完整的根。 If you break the roots while weeding, each piece will grow into a brand new gardening cancer. 更不用提那些伞兵了,它们的扩散速度虽然没有那么快,但是扎得深,站得稳,占领一块地只是时间问题。对付这种踩不死的菊科植物,只有寻求化学武器了。

The "little paratrooper" dandelion is a new chrysanthemum in the next year| Frostbite moth

同时期开放的菊科植物还有YellowwortYoungia japonica ),但是植株细弱,比较好清除。

黄鹌菜。谁来解释下这些菊科小黄花有什么不一样? | Flower View


我经常在山间野坟上看到BroussonetiaBroussonetia papyrifera ),不知它们为何喜欢这种环境。构树同样适应城市环境,可以在墙缝里长到很大。桑科植物没有多好看的花,但往往有比较好吃的果子。构树的果子俗称**“构桃”** ,红彤彤很惹人喜爱,小时候经常摘来吃,好吃不好吃已经忘了,但据说那些果子在被人摘下来之前,已经被很多虫子先尝了一遍。

开花的“男”构树 | 霜天蛾

The vibrant spring wild flowers lift people's spirits, but the late spring season when the flowers fade gives people an infinite sadness-the flowers may bloom again next year, but the people who are sleeping will not wake up again.

In these two activities during the Qingming Festival, tomb sweeping can be regarded as a kind of communication with the deceased, and outing and playing make people still in the world feel the power of vitality. Isn't the combination of life and death like the lush spring flowers on a lonely grave in the wild?

"Death is not the opposite of life, but it lasts forever as a part of life."

author:Frostbite moth

This article comes from Shell Nature (ID:GuokrNature)

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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