The emperor guards the country, and the king dies the country

In recent years, demonstrations have frequently occurred in some Western countries, but they have adopted a "double standard" attitude when treating their own country and other countries.

When people in their own countries spontaneously organize demonstrations, they often regard them as a manifestation of "disrupting social order" and use "violent means" to arrest them;

However, when the same scene occurs to the people of other countries, these countries call it a "beautiful scenery". This double standard is really incomprehensible.

As one of the most powerful countries in the world, the United States is no exception.

When Floyd, a black man, was killed on his knees by a white policeman, and events such as the economic crisis and the presidential election intertwined, some "beautiful landscapes" also emerged in the United States, but this double standard is really unflattering.

Parade for the "Black Man Floyd was Killed by a White Police Officer on his knees" incident

In countries such as Germany, France, Australia and Japan, demonstrations have become a common social phenomenon without exception.

Recently, another refreshing "beautiful scenery" has emerged in Catalonia, Spain. ** According to march organizers, 400,000 people have taken to the streets, chanting the slogan "Independence, not unification." **

Catalonia is located on the Mediterranean coast and has a unique geographical location and huge economic advantages. Many people are familiar with the city of Barcelona. It is not only a Mecca for football fans around the world, but also one of the busiest ports in Europe.

With its status, Barcelona has made huge contributions to Spain's economic growth. In fact, the region's GDP accounts for nearly one-fifth of the country's total, enough to support nearly 16% of the country's population.

400,000 people march in Barcelona for the independence of Canada and Thailand

However, this also means that for a long time, Catalonia needs to transfer some wealth to other poor areas. The Spanish authorities will take away 1/10 of Catalonia's GDP every year to subsidize the economic development of other areas.

After the economic crisis and the European debt crisis, the Spanish economy was severely hit, causing Catalonia to bear more fiscal expenditures for the whole country.

Against this background,"Catalan independents" Artur Mas was elected president of Catalonia's autonomy in 2010 and began to promote Catalonia's "independence movement." 。 这股独立运动的核心理念是让加泰罗尼亚摆脱对西班牙中央政府的依赖,成为自主的国家。

In 2014, Catalonia held an informal independence referendum. Although the referendum had no legal effect, it was meaningful. The success of this referendum threatened the unity of the Spanish center and forced it to pay attention to Catalonia's "demands."

In 2017, the Autonomous Government of Catalonia held another independence referendum. Although it was authorized by the regional council, the referendum was still illegal in the eyes of the Spanish authorities.

People fighting for Catalonia independence

This dispute triggered a conflict between the Spanish authorities and Catalonia, and the situation eventually escalated into a "bloody" conflict. In the end, the Spanish authorities took coercive measures and took over the Autonomous Prefecture of Catalonia and terminated Catalonia's "independence movement."

However, in the eyes of some Western countries, demonstrations and demonstrations are necessary means to change the status quo. But surprisingly, these marches and demonstrations not only failed to promote the independence of these regions, but also made the crisis worse.

Looking back at history, many regions have held demonstrations for "independence", such as Scotland in the United Kingdom and Texas in the United States. These demonstrations aimed to call for independence and strive for national freedom.

有时,他们称别的国家的游行示威为“beautiful scenery line”,甚至鼓励其进行;但是却对自己国家的那些组织游行的人破口大骂,认为他们破坏了国家的社会秩序。

Ministry of Foreign Affairs-Hua Chunying

Sometimes, they claim to pursue "peace and freedom", but in fact, they pose a threat to the safety of people's lives.

** **

How can this double standard not make people feel angry and indignant? How ridiculous it is!

Patriotic, let's be together!

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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