This year's "Government Work Report" proposes to actively cultivate new consumption growth points such as smart homes, cultural tourism, sports events, and "trendy products" of domestic products. In recent years,"trendy products" of domestic products have led new consumption trends and become an important part of residents 'consumption. Experts said that we must start from product innovation, brand operation, and grasping new consumption trends to further tap the consumption potential of the "national trend".

(Data photo, released by Xinhua Agency)

Stimulate new consumption hotspots

At present, the sales of domestic "trendy products" are growing rapidly, constantly forming new consumption hotspots and showing many highlights. "High-quality domestic products carry national spirit and excellent traditional culture, while 'trendy goods' represent fashion consumption and quality consumption trends. The cross-border collision and blending of domestic products and 'trendy goods' has stimulated new hot spots in residents 'daily consumption." Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao said.

Online shopping has become an important channel for the consumption of "trendy products" of domestic products. Data shows that 58.3% of users have purchased domestic "trendy products" online. Taking this year's Spring Festival as an example, various dragon element products have set off a "national trend" craze. Founded in 2010, Wen Tongzi is a national trend brand of fabric dolls. The dragon element series dolls it designed are deeply loved by consumers. According to the person in charge of the brand of Wen Tongzi Market, the current online sales of the main series of dolls have exceeded 10 million yuan.

The "trendy products" of domestic products have also gradually achieved results in going abroad. The growth rate of overseas business of many "national trend" consumer companies such as Bubble Mart and Famous Premium Products is eye-catching. Bubble Mart's financial report shows that its Hong Kong, Macao and overseas business revenue reached 1.066 billion yuan last year, a year-on-year increase of 134.9%. "Domestic 'trendy products' have opened up overseas markets with their strength, which reflects to a certain extent the improvement of the competitiveness of domestic consumer goods." Li Ziwen, associate researcher at the Institute of Industry of the China Academy of Macroeconomics, said that against the background of weakening global consumer demand,"trendy products" of domestic products in the fields of clothing and footwear, beauty, 3C electronics, cultural and creative innovation are bucking the trend and constantly "breaking the circle" and going out to sea "has become an important carrier of export trade and cultural communication.

Innovation leads new trends

In March this year, Tmall platform teamed up with 13 domestic brands to create a domestic brand park in Shanghai and released more than 100 new domestic products. Consumers can not only watch exhibitions and check in for free offline, but also purchase the same products. "At present, domestic products 'trendy products' have covered many daily consumption areas such as clothing, food, housing and transportation, and have performed well in many popular areas such as beauty, health care, and home furnishing. They have also driven many cultural and tourism consumption such as national style photography and ancient city tours." Nan Yu, associate researcher at the Economic Growth Research Office of the Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said.

Young people have become the main consumer of domestic "trendy products". Data shows that in 2023, the number of "post-90s" and "post-00s" users who have purchased domestic "trendy products" online will exceed 150 million. Li Ziwen said that as the "Generation Z" consumer group gradually becomes the leading force in consumption, the innovative development of domestic "trendy products" continues to meet the diversified, personalized and circle-oriented consumer needs of new consumer groups.

More and more consumers are willing to pay for domestic "trendy products" that adhere to independent innovation and cultural traditions. For example, national fashion costumes represented by horse-faced skirts and Hanfu continue to attract the attention of young consumers, and the topic of "Why do young people like new Chinese styles" has become a hot search. "I like airplane sleeves with horse-face skirts best, which not only retains the traditional style, but also facilitates daily commuting. In order to match it well, I also specially purchased a new Chinese hairpin." Li Yan, a post-95s consumer who lives in Datong, Shanxi Province, told reporters.

Build brand competitiveness

Whether it is a time-honored brand that is "popular" or a new domestic product that is "out of the circle", if you want to truly transform from an Internet celebrity to a permanent celebrity, you need to persevere in building brand competitiveness in terms of product quality, after-sales protection, and service attitude. Lin Zhijie, associate professor at the School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University, suggested that on the one hand, strengthen the image and cultural connotation of the national trend brand, innovate and integrate traditional culture with modern "trendy products", deeply explore the cultural connotation of the brand, enhance consumers 'sense of brand identity and belonging, and enhance the added value of the brand; on the other hand, adhere to quality, make domestic products synonymous with high-quality and win the trust of consumers.

At present, the number of time-honored Chinese brands across the country has reached 1455. In order to further enrich consumption supply, the Ministry of Commerce has proposed to focus on four consumption-promoting tasks this year, including promoting the protection, inheritance and innovative development of time-honored brands, and laying a solid cultural foundation for the consumption of "trendy products" of domestic products.

Vice Minister of Commerce Sheng Qiuping said that in the next step, we will focus on time-honored brands to promote the consumption of "trendy products" of domestic products. For example, we will guide pedestrian streets, business districts, and one-quarter-hour convenience living circles in various places to carry out consumption promotion activities according to local conditions in conjunction with the peak consumption season, promote the concentrated exhibition and sales of time-honored brand products in pedestrian streets, and create more immersive consumption scenarios that restore the original historical appearance.

Reporter/Li Siyu

Laiyuan/Economic Daily (original title:Exploring the growth points of consumption of "trendy products" of domestic products--the fifth item of economic work throughout the year)

Editor/Zhang Yi Reviser/Chen Bo

Review/Zhang Junhong Final Appeal/Chen Ying


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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