For some time, the issue of higher train ticket, air ticket changes, and refund fees has been the subject of heated discussion.

据澎湃新闻报道,今年全国两会期间,Zheng Yueming, a representative of the National People's Congress and chairman of Lianhong New Technology, brought forward the "Suggestions on Further Reducing the Refund and Change Rates of Train Tickets and Airline Tickets", suggesting further reducing the refund and change rates of plane tickets, and free of charge more than 7 days before flight departure. Refund and change, at the same time, it is recommended to increase the number of train ticket changes and reduce the change costs.

A lot of expenses are spent on refunds and changes of air tickets and train tickets 郑月明在建议中指出,随着经济社会的快速发展和人民生活水平的提高,乘坐高效便捷的火车和飞机出行已成为公众生活中的常态。但 The current train ticket and air ticket rules are based on the rigid requirement that passengers pay in full advance. The number of ticket changes is unreasonable, and the refund and change fees are high. The annual refund and change fees charged by railway transport companies and airlines should be astronomical., affecting the travel experience of passengers, increasing the financial burden on passengers, and suspected of using monopoly resources to make improper profits. 例如铁路方面,按照中国铁路12306的规定,旅客仅可免费改签一次;开车前不足24小时,改签票面乘车日期之后的列车时,按改签费前后较低票面价格的15%计;开车后在当日24时之前,改签次日及以后列车时,按改签前后较低票面价格的40%计。火车票退票费的核收实行梯次标准:距票面乘车站开车前8天以上的不收退票费;开车前48小时以上、不足8天的,按票面价格5%计;开车前24小时以上、不足48小时的,按票面价格10%计;开车前不足24小时的,按票面价格20%计。以北京到上海的高铁为例,二等座票价662元,根据时间不同,退票费用约33元至132元;一等座票价1060元,退票费用约53元至212元。
Similar problems also exist in terms of air tickets. 通过网络购票平台随机测试,花1000元左右购买一张机票,根据退票时间的不同,退票费用预估高达200元至700元不等。前段时间“机票1800元退票费1500元”的话题登上热搜,网友反应强烈。此外还有消费者投诉,一些航空公司在退改规则上“抠字眼”或通过模糊定义设置障碍,退票费减免的优惠政策并未完全落到实处。


Does not affect the secondary sale of tickets and reduces the cost of refund and change

Free refund and change of tickets more than 7 days before flight departure

Zheng Yueming said that with the diversification of booking methods, online booking has become the mainstream, and ticket purchasing methods such as standby have been further improved. Passengers can check the remaining ticket status in real time through their mobile phones, purchase tickets anytime and anywhere, and can also wait to buy tickets. Generally speaking, normal refund and change procedures can be operated through mobile phones, which will not affect the re-sale of tickets or subsequent passengers 'purchase of tickets, and will not have much impact on the transportation plans of railways and airlines.

Zheng Yueming mentioned in the proposal to be submitted at this year's "Two Sessions" that the current rules for refunds and changes of train tickets and air tickets have unreasonable rules and obviously high costs, and should be further optimized and adjusted.

一、建议主管部门组织铁路运输企业、航空公司、行业专家等进行调研和论证,推动修改火车票、飞机票退改签规则,降低退改签费率。在非节假日时间段,对于不影响车票二次出售的退改签行为,免收或大幅降低相关费用。减少火车票退改签的时间和次数限制,大幅降低退改签费用。 It is recommended to increase the number of free train ticket changes from 1 to 2, and reduce the refund charging time to two levels within 24 hours and more than 24 hours before driving; the refund rate within 24 hours is reduced to 5%, and the refund fee is waived for more than 24 hours.

二、建议有关部门督促航空公司尽快出台优化规则,进一步放宽各类限制规定,进一步降低飞机票退改签费率,Free refunds and changes more than 7 days before the flight takes off.

media:Train tickets can be changed twice for free? Reducing refund and change rates should be accelerated "It is recommended to increase the number of free train ticket changes from 1 to 2, and reduce the refund charging time to two levels within 24 hours and more than 24 hours before driving. ;24小时以内退票费率降至5%,24小时以上免收退票费;降低飞机票退改签费率,航班起飞前7天以上免费退改。”今年两会,全国人大代表郑月明提出的议案,引发网友点赞。
退改签难、退改签贵,为人诟病已久。特别是机票退改签,存在规则不透明、不同航司标准不统一、文字陷阱多、退费不痛快等弊病。在乘客眼里,退机票往往意味着吃亏,原先花大价钱买的机票,扣除手续费后,退回来的钱永远被打“骨折价”。“机票1800元,提前一个月退票要收1500元”“买机票实付6069元,几分钟后退款仅269元”……机票退票手续费之高令人咋舌。相较起来,火车虽明确了退改签规则,但也存在划分时间过细、只允许改签一次、退改签费率偏高等问题。 Whenever there are changes in passengers 'travel, they are afraid of high handling fees and less and less room for regret, which will affect the travel experience. 车票、机票退改费率高,已非一朝一夕,但近年也出现松动和改善迹象。比如今年春运期间,火车票改签规则优化,改签乘车日期当天及之前车票的不收取改签费,改签乘车日期之后车票的根据办理时间梯次核收改签费;东航、南航等多家航空公司年前宣布,扩大免费退改的范围,退改签手续费平均降百元。但总体而言, The optimization of the refund and change fee rules has not been applied for a long time, the progress is too slow, and there is not enough sincerity to keep up with the general expectations of passengers. 超高退改签费,有历史沿袭的因素。过去,车票、机票售卖不便,旅客退改签意味着企业人力、运营成本增高,这部分费用需要在票价里扣除。而且,当时乘坐火车、飞机出行的人毕竟是少数,企业二次售卖较为困难,随意退改签导致空座率上升,企业损失不小。因此,铁路、航空公司收取较高退改签费用,是为确保收益、弥补损失,也是变相要求乘客“落子无悔”,有其必然性。
Today, ticket purchases, refunds, and ticket changes are all completed online by passengers, and the labor costs required by companies are close to zero ;坐火车、乘飞机出行现在已是大多数人的首选,客源充足,在技术支持下,多车次、长时间、全自动候补实现,这名乘客退的票下一秒就能转卖给候补的其他人,企业以高成本、高损失为由推行高退费率,不符合当下实际。很多需要退改签车票、机票的乘客, The long reservation time will not affect the secondary sales of railways and airlines at all, and it is unreasonable to charge a high refund and change fee. ,还会给乘客留下专赚手续费的印象,影响行业整体观感。有鉴于此,让畸高的退改签费退出市场,可谓正当其时。


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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