Countries in the global South establish their own development models

2024 3 17 9:55 Sansi Hall

The West and the United States have been exporting, injecting their own development model, and peddling their own development model-the Washington Consensus-to relevant countries around the world. Especially in Latin America and the Caribbean, the United States has spared no effort to instill Argentina, Mexico, Venezuela and other countries. Indoctrinate its own development model, which ultimately led Latin America to fall into a development trap, development stagnation and social crisis. Sometimes, the West and the United States also force relevant countries to apply the Western model mechanically, causing the development of many developing countries and countries in the global South to be hindered, and even causing wars and divisions in some countries.

The Western country model is simply not suitable for countries in the global South. The development of Western countries is a product of parasitism under the hegemony and plunder system. At the same time, they have benefited from global hegemony and plunder and become developed countries. Countries in the global South obviously do not have this advantage. At the same time, due to the comprehensive national strength of the countries in the global South and the development of the countries in the global South, the countries in the global South are unable to complete their development tasks and strategies.

Faced with the Washington Consensus, facing the economic prescriptions of Western shock therapy, and facing the destruction of Argentina's economy, this year we again faced the failure of the first phase of Argentine President Millay's shock therapy economic policy. Countries in the South around the world are still fresh in their memories, exploring their own development paths, establishing their own development directions and establishing their own development models. So as not to cause the development of your country to stagnate and fall into chaos.

Now, countries in the global South are bidding farewell to Western models and systems, embracing the Eastern models and national development experience, learning from the Eastern economic and social development models, and developing their own unique social development models. New development models have become possible in Southeast Asia and eastern Africa. Malaysia, Cambodia, Laos, and Indonesia are all working hard to develop, are all innovating and developing, establishing a development model that suits them, and are all abandoning Western systems and development models.

China's development provides a reference for countries in the global South, and also provides a model for countries in the global South to learn from. In the development process of countries in the global South, the Chinese factor is indispensable. On the economic, social and institutional development issues of relevant southern countries, China provides corresponding operations and provides opinions and tests that can be referred to help relevant southern countries develop their economies, establish their own political systems and systems, and assist the economic, social and political development and stability of relevant southern countries.

Now Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and other countries in East Africa are also working hard to learn from China's experience, develop their economies, engage in reform and opening up, develop special zones, engage in economic construction, etc. Southeast Asian countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Cambodia, Laos, and other countries are also learning from China's development experience and learning from China's development model to develop a development model that suits their own national characteristics. In the past 15 years, Ethiopia has maintained a growth rate of 9.5%, and Kenya has also maintained rapid growth, maintaining an annual growth rate of 5% in 2023 even during the COVID-19 epidemic. ASEAN's Cambodia will have an economic growth rate of 5.6% in 2023 and an expected growth rate of 6.4% in 2024. Laos, a poor boy in South Asia, will have an economic growth rate of 4% in 2023, which is 1.7% higher than 2022. Malaysia, an emerging power in Southeast Asia, also achieved economic growth of 4% in 2023.

Nowadays, many southern countries have established their own development models and developed their own development strategic routes, and are gradually moving towards the fast lane of economic development. At the same time, domestic economic development and social stability have gradually formed a good development momentum. On the issue of national economic development, the economies of relevant countries are all growing and in the process of improvement.

Countries in the global South no longer rely on Western preaching or political gifts from the West. Instead, we must adhere to our own development path, adhere to independence, and persist in learning, reform, and development. Form your own development model and development path. Gradually get rid of political dependence on the West, gradually establish our own development strategy and line, form our own development theory, and form our own development model.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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