Just now, Yingshan police in Sichuan reported the results of the investigation into the incident of "students being beaten in the women's toilet":

case notice 3月21日晚,我局在工作中发现,疑似我县某校学生被殴打视频在网络上传播,我局迅速组织精干力量,全力开展调查。
目前,3名被侵害人在家属、老师的见证下,经法医检验无明显伤势。 All nine infringers have been brought to the case, of which three infringers over the age of 14 have been administratively detained in accordance with the law, and six infringers under the age of 14 have been ordered by their guardians to strictly discipline them. 相关心理辅导、善后处置等工作仍在进行中。
营山县公安局 2024年3月23日

3月22日,四川南充营山县城北实验学校发生一起疑似校园霸凌事件。视频显示,一名女孩遭到多名同学轮番殴打,拳脚相加,耳光声声入耳。整个过程中,女孩孤立无援, However, someone on the side shot the video coldly and even made a harsh laugh。据知情者透露,被欺负的女孩因害怕被报复,不敢向家长反映此事。

What are the regulations on the age of accountability for serious violent crimes by minors? 近期,涉未成年人恶性犯罪案件频发,引发广泛关注。最高人民检察院检察长日前表示,要加强未成年人检察工作,坚持对侵害未成年犯罪“零容忍”;要高度重视未成年人犯罪预防和治理,对未成年人实施的故意杀人、故意伤害,致人死亡等严重犯罪,符合核准追诉条件的,要依法追究刑事责任。
So, what are the regulations on the age of accountability for serious violent crimes by minors? How to prevent student bullying incidents from turning into vicious violence cases?
Special procedures under specific circumstances
Persons aged 12 to 14 are criminally responsible for committing crimes

  • A person who has reached the age of 16 shall bear criminal responsibility for committing a crime.

  • A person who has reached the age of 14 but not the age of 16 who commits the crimes of intentional homicide, intentional injury causing serious injury or death, rape, robbery, drug trafficking, arson, explosion, or release of dangerous substances shall bear criminal responsibility.

  • A person who has reached the age of twelve but not the age of fourteen commits the crime of intentional homicide or intentional injury, causing death or causing serious injury to a person by particularly cruel means, and if the circumstances are serious, he shall bear criminal responsibility if the prosecution is approved by the Supreme People's Procuratorate.

Yuan Ningning, deputy director of the Juvenile Affairs Governance and Legal Research Base of China University of Political Science and Law, said that there are now corresponding measures and countermeasures for serious violence against minors, no matter how old they are.

For juvenile offenders who have not reached the age of criminal responsibility, such as those under the age of 12 or 14, or those who are between the ages of 12 and 14 and have not been approved for serious violent crimes, the Law on the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency also stipulates relatively strict measures.
Yuan Ningning said that for serious violence against young minors, Article 45 of the Law on the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency has a strict measure-special corrective education. For minors who have no way to apply penalties, they must be sent to special places for closed-loop management, and the education, public security and judicial administrative departments must carry out psychological and behavioral corrections.

experts:Bullying should be investigated in a timely manner
Prevention evolves towards violent crime

So, how to prevent student bullying incidents from turning into vicious violence cases? 苑宁宁表示,加害人如果达到了违法犯罪的程度,应该及时向公安机关报告。对于受害人来说,要求学校进行心理干预、心理辅导等,以缓解未成年人可能遭受到的心理冲击或伤害。如果有相关损失,可以从民事诉讼角度求偿。

At the same time, according to the "Regulations on the Protection of Minors in Schools" issued by the Ministry of Education, schools and teachers have relevant obligations of care and investigation for student bullying. When signs of student bullying are discovered, teachers should promptly intervene and report to the school. Report, and report to the public security organ if the circumstances are serious.

Yuan Ningning:Many children think that because they are young, the law has nothing to do about bullying others or breaking the law. This is actually a very wrong concept, and there is an urgent need to eliminate this misunderstanding among children through legal popularization.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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