March 12

Former Chinese gymnast and Olympic champion Yang Wei

Because of the way children are educated,

Become a hot topic on the Internet!

杨威日前在社交平台上传了一条视频,分享了和双胞胎女儿在家里的生活日常,杨威自曝,The twin daughters, who are supposed to be in the first grade of primary school, are currently studying at home.

Yang Wei said that because his child had several illnesses last year, he decided to stop his twin daughters from going to school for the time being and chose to go to school at home.

视频中杨威介绍,The children were taught privately at home, and his wife Yang Yun took up the position of class teacher. She also formulated an exclusive class schedule, with a tutor for each type of class. Some courses were arranged at home and some were arranged in the company's conference room. Yang Wei served as the driver and logistics officer.

Yang Wei said that because it is one-on-two teaching, the teacher's lectures are more detailed, so small that they can find out if they write wrong strokes. "After one class, I feel that the children's learning efficiency has improved more than one level."

In addition to the main course in the morning

In the afternoon, Yang Wei will take his twin daughters to practice gymnastics

"Equivalent to an afternoon of physical education class"

杨威称,几天下来,He feels much more worried than going to school ,“以前被家长群里的划不完的消息狂轰滥炸,现在的家长群里面就三个人,消息只有关于两个孩子的简洁的学习报告。”

杨威还提到,I used to be worried that my two children would be infected with various viruses outside and would catch a cold every once in a while when they returned home.,现在就在眼皮子底下,放心了不少。

after the video was released

It triggered heated discussions among netizens

Some people very much agree with his approach

"Parents no longer have to stand guard every day and do handicrafts."

was also expressed:

We still have to let our children go to school to experience it.

Collective life and making friends

some people even bluntly said:

"Don't you go out forever

Have you come into contact with others?"

media:Olympic champion Yang Wei lets his children go to school at home. What should I think?

在家上学在多年前就曾引起舆论关注。2017年,教育部印发《关于做好2017年义务教育招生入学工作的通知》,高度关注接受“私塾”“读经班”等社会培训机构教育的学生, It is required that home learning should not be used to replace compulsory education uniformly implemented by the state without authorization. This is the first time that the state has explicitly stopped "home schooling" and "private school" education. 从报道看,杨威让双胞胎女儿在家上学可能是暂时的,但是即便是暂时的,Parents who do not send school-age children to compulsory education schools are also not supported in accordance with the Compulsory Education Law. 中国《义务教育法》规定,适龄儿童、少年的父母或者其他法定监护人应当依法保证其按时入学接受并完成义务教育。
此前中国一些孩子在家上学,很多并不是真正的在家上学,而是家长把孩子送去“私塾”,而由于“私塾”没有进行全日制义务教育的资质,也没有按规定开齐开足义务教育课程,所以把孩子送去“私塾”接受义务教育,难以保障适龄学生接受完整的义务教育。总之, The premise of "home-schooling" is that it requires professional teaching qualifications and provides complete compulsory education without affecting the healthy growth of children. 一方面,因种种原因,现实中确实有一些孩子有在家上学的需求,有的家庭也有条件实施在家上学。另一方面,随着社会的发展,有个性化教育需求的家庭可能会越来越多。因此, **如何进行规范、引导就显得至关重要。



Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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