Russian media:Four suspects in the terrorist attack on a concert hall in the suburbs of Moscow have been identified.

当地时间3月22日晚,莫斯科近郊一音乐厅发生枪击事件,已造成超过60人死亡、至少145人受伤。据俄罗斯《报纸报》3月23日援引俄罗斯发布新闻的Telegram账户“Baza”的帖子称, There are six alleged suspects in the terrorist attack, four of whom have been identified.

The newspaper reported that according to a post posted on the Telegram account "Baza" on March 23, the four identified suspects are all Tajik citizens, and they are:Nasridinov Mahmadrasur, 37, Ismonov Rivoddin, 51, Saforzoda Shosin, 21, and Nazarov Rustam, 29.

The report also said that it is not clear which suspects have been arrested.

As of press time, no Russian official response to the above news has been seen.

According to multiple media reports such as RIA Novosti, a shooting incident occurred on the evening of March 22 local time at the "Krokus City" concert hall in Krasnogorsk, a suburb of Moscow, killing more than 60 people and injuring at least 145 people. The gunmen were several unidentified people dressed in camouflage uniforms. They also threw grenades or Molotov cocktails, starting the fire. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on March 22 that the shooting incident at the "Crokus City" concert hall was a "terrorist attack."

Russian media:Suspects involved in the terrorist attack in the suburbs of Moscow used cash to buy cars two months ago

A shooting incident occurred on March 22 at a concert hall in the city of Krasnogorsk, a suburb of the Russian capital, Moscow. According to a report by "Russia Today"(RT) TV station on March 23, photos show that the suspect involved in the terrorist attack used cash to purchase a white Renault car on January 4, 2024.

▲ 据俄新社3月23日报道,该媒体掌握的照片显示,莫斯科近郊一音乐厅恐袭事件的嫌疑人乘坐一辆白色汽车逃离现场。此图为报道配图

According to previous reports, The Russian Federation Security Service preliminary statistics show that this terrorist attack in the suburbs of Moscow has killed 60 people and injured more than 100 others. According to Russian media reports, the gunmen were three unidentified people dressed in camouflage uniforms. They also threw grenades or Molotov cocktails, causing a fire. According to a report by the Russian News Agency earlier on March 23, photos held by the media showed that the suspect in the terrorist attack fled the scene in a white car.

news link: Three children were killed in a serious terrorist attack on the Moscow State Concert Hall 当地时间3月23日,据俄罗斯莫斯科州卫生部发布的消息,在该州“克罗库斯城”音乐厅严重恐袭事件中有3名儿童遇难。此外,目前共有121人在医院接受救治,其中有3名儿童。
Russian analysts:The attacker's actions were planned by professional professionals for a long time

In addition, some Russian political analysts believe that from the photos and videos circulated on the Internet, the attackers acted extremely professional,"just like mercenaries." Some veterans of the Russian Special Forces said that from eyewitnesses and live videos, the attacker clearly planned for a long time. In addition to shooting at the crowd, he also carried explosive devices.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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