Recently, Putin has had a lot of troubles! In addition to encountering Russia's most serious terrorist attack in nearly two decades, it also had to face a tougher stance from France and other NATO countries on the Russia-Ukraine issue.

French President Macron, who has long been regarded as Europe's "dove" towards Russia, suddenly raised his tone on the Russia-Ukraine issue and made remarks that "sending troops is not ruled out."


In the early days of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, he was also wildly criticized by Ukraine for calling for not to "humiliate" Russia.

This 180-degree turn to "hawks" not only caused an uproar in the international community, but also attracted a strong rebound from Putin. For a time, the direction of the Russia-Ukraine conflict became even more complicated.

A battle from afar with the smell of gunpowder becoming stronger.

2月26日,马克龙在“支持乌克兰峰会”后的记者会上表示,“The possibility of sending ground troops directly to Ukraine is not ruled out”,一语惊起千层浪,瞬间引爆了国际舆论。

NATO allies跟不上节奏。

When Macron said this, he caught NATO allies who have long claimed to be on the front line of "aiding Ukraine and resisting Russia" by surprise.

Aid for money and materials is still a small matter. It is no child's play for the "nuclear powers" to fight each other with real weapons. Therefore, NATO countries came out one after another to draw a clear line.

The White House quickly stated that it had no intention of sending troops. In the interview, President Biden even said a "slip of the tongue" such as "We should not enter Ukraine." I don't know if it was what he really meant.

Leaders of Britain, Germany, Italy, West and NATO also said in unison that there were no plans to send troops.


Macron's "theory of sending troops" also caused a strong shock in France. Political opponents on the left and right formed a united front to strongly criticize and oppose it. Foreign Minister Cejurne had to come out to mediate the situation and say that "the threshold of engagement will not be crossed."

Just when the outside world thought that Macron might be "passionate", he once again used his actions to show that he was by no means a whim.

3月16日, 法、德、波兰在“魏玛三 角” 峰会柏林会晤后,马克龙 明确表示Assisting Ukraine and resisting Russia "should not rule out any options"

On the same day, in an interview with Le Parisien, he also emphasized that "it is necessary to take ground action in Ukraine under certain circumstances."

This repetition over and over again seems to be shouting to the world:I'm not kidding.

3月19日, 马克龙的“御用”摄影师在社交媒体上发布了两张马克龙练习拳击的照片。


Faced with Macron's "harsh words", how could Russian President Putin show weakness?

On March 13, Putin made it clear during his visit to the talks that "if our sovereignty and independence are threatened, we can use any weapons, including nuclear weapons, at any time" and was determined to use "nuclear war" to counter the army.

On March 19, the Russian Director of External Intelligence publicly disclosed that "France will send a contingent of 2000 military personnel to Ukraine." Although the French Ministry of Defense urgently denied it, the smell of gunpowder from the two sides fighting from afar has filled the entire Eurasian continent.

"From dove to eagleHelplessness and calculation.

At present, Macron's "theory of sending troops" seems to have been carefully thought out and has no intention of withdrawing it. Why did such a big change come about?

us allies“管杀不管埋”。

The Russia-Ukraine conflict has been postponed for more than two years. The United States, which had frantically encouraged it before the war and generously promised aid after the war, now has a very subtle attitude.

As the U.S. election approaches, the issue of aid to Ukraine has become an important fire point for the two parties to attack each other.

The United States, which has made a lot of money in the war, has the intention of "running away". Trump even claimed to "stop the Russia-Ukraine war within 24 hours" after winning the election.

In this situation, whether Macron wants it or not, Ukraine, a "mess" at the doorstep of Europe, is already in front of him.

Situation on the Russia-Ukraine battlefield“火烧眉毛”。

Recently, Ukraine has fallen into greater strategic passivity.

Uzbekistan's powerful "counter-attack" failed, and the strategic strategic location of Aldeyevka was occupied by the Russian army. At the same time, the "fatigue" of the United States and the West in assisting Uzbekistan gradually intensified, and the Ukrainian army's weapons and material supplies faced huge pressure...

In this context, European leaders 'geopolitical security anxiety continues to rise, but Macron's European neighbors have their own thoughts.

Whether it is the difficulty of reaching consensus at the Weimar Summit or the German Chancellor's refusal to provide the Taurus missile, it seems to be stimulating Macron.

In a recent interview, Macron admitted frankly that "Russia's victory will make Europe lose its dignity."


Macron is full of“接管欧洲”雄心。

Macron has always taken promoting European strategic autonomy as his own responsibility.

This "theory of sending troops" actually conforms to his long-standing grand idea-that as the only nuclear power on the European continent, France will take over the entire European defense.

Specifically, Macron has three ambitions:

one is通过点破美国的“不作为 ” 和德国的“难作为 ” ,全面扭转法国“援乌不利 ”的 形象,以最小代价谋得西方在俄乌问题上的 领导 指挥权。

second is通过试探欧洲盟友态度,进一步统合各国政策,不断稳固自身在欧盟和北约中的特殊地位。

third is通过对外释放强硬立场,缓解当前国内经济和选情带来的内部压力,为自己的政党继续执政创造条件。

The regional situation has become more complex.

At present, the situation on the Russia-Ukraine battlefield is still very anxious. Macron's "proactive attack" this time further increased the uncertainty about the future direction of the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Although many analysts believe that Macron's move is mainly to exert strategic deterrence on Russia through a vague strategy of threatening to "not rule out sending troops," it has in fact greatly increased regional tensions.

俄罗斯总统新闻秘书 佩斯科夫近日表示,在西方成为俄乌冲突的参与者之后,Russia's "special military operations" in Ukraine”已在事实上转变为** 一场“战争”**。

Macron should realize that France, as a member of NATO, cannot only represent itself. The "Common Defense Clause" of the North Atlantic Treaty may be activated at any time.

As NATO continues to expand, the buffer zone between NATO and Russia becomes smaller and smaller, there are more and more areas for both sides to have no limits, and the possibility of a frontal conflict or even a nuclear war is gradually increasing.

After the terrorist attacks in Moscow, Russia is very likely to further increase its offensive against Ukraine in the name of "Ukraine's suspected participation."

Under such circumstances, if NATO countries directly exit and push up the situation, once extreme situations occur, the consequences will be unimaginable.

No matter which party, no matter who it is, should think about this clearly.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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