"Although the price of new energy vehicles has dropped, insurance has cut off the leeks." Recently, many new energy vehicle owners have reported that they have experienced a sharp increase in premiums when purchasing auto insurance, or even been refused insurance. However, in the face of "new energy auto insurance is losing more and more money", insurance companies are also complaining endlessly.

The reason why new energy vehicle insurance has a "dilemma" phenomenon of "car owners claiming more money and insurance companies claiming losses" is not complicated. On the one hand, compared with traditional fuel vehicles, new energy vehicles are equipped with smart devices such as batteries and a large number of sensors, making repair and maintenance costly and difficult. 如果使用了车身一体化压铸工艺,车身修复难度更大,必然会提升理赔难度。

On the other hand, the ownership rate of new energy vehicles is not high. 截至2023年底,全国新能源汽车保有量达2041万辆,仅占汽车总量的6.07%。新能源汽车相关维修、定损等环节的成本,无法拥有像传统燃油车那样的规模化效益,保险公司不得不提高保费标准来尽量维持收益。

It should be said that in the more than two years since the issuance of China's exclusive commercial insurance clauses for new energy vehicles, insurance institutions have actively launched exclusive insurance products for new energy vehicles, which have played a positive role in protecting the rights and interests of new energy vehicle owners and promoting industrial development. However, it should also be noted that although the exclusive clauses highlight the structural characteristics of the "three electric" system of new energy vehicles and cover the use scenarios of new energy vehicles driving, parking, charging and operating, it is still difficult to adapt to the underwriting needs of new energy vehicles in the actual market underwriting process.

The problem is that the current auto insurance pricing mechanism for new energy vehicles still uses the traditional auto insurance pricing method. 要看到,与传统燃油车保险标的不同,新能源汽车重塑了产业生态,车主差异与驾驶行为风险可以通过大数据实时获取。而保险行业的经营管理模式、风控模型及定价理赔都是基于传统业务形成的。如果保险机构对待这些风险的办法,仍然停留在原来简单的条款、价格、手续费、退款折扣上,就难以满足新能源汽车投保的个性化需求,“就像拿着旧地图,根本找不到新大陆”。因此,破解当前新能源汽车投保“两难”,还得在市场化改革的方向上寻求解题新思路。

First, innovate the pricing mechanism for new energy vehicle insurance. 新能源汽车天然拥有丰富的驾驶行为数据,而这些数据恰恰是保险公司实现精准定价的重要因素。因此,在保障用户隐私的前提下,需要相关部门出台政策,助力打通驾驶行为数据壁垒,为险企创新和完善风险评估模型、实现保费精准定价提供基础支撑。

On this basis, the independent pricing coefficient of auto insurance will be liberalized. 传统车险的价格是保险公司根据车型的定价、车主的年龄等信息计算得来,不能识别车主差异。而通过试点并推广UBI车险,根据车辆的使用时间、里程、驾驶者实时驾驶行为实现不同定价,有利于险企控制整体赔付率。显然,这也能从根本上解决当前家庭自用车和网约车的车险之争。

Secondly, encourage car companies to participate in insurance business across borders. 相较于传统险企,车企掌握着丰富的车辆数据和驾驶数据,不论是对车辆风险,还是对驾驶员风险的评估,可以做到更高的准确性。再加上车企本身已建有资源丰富的售前售后服务体系,在现有的体系内增加一项销售保险和保险理赔的业务,并不会新增太多成本,同时自己做保险方便直达客户,跳过中介和维修厂等中间环节,可以提供更加便捷的维修理赔服务。因此,车企入局车险赛道,能丰富车险行业的产品形态,让新能源车险从车主“买的嫌贵、卖的喊赔”的怪圈中走出来。

In addition, it is necessary to reduce the maintenance costs of new energy vehicles. 比如,车企通过针对性的研发设计和技术创新,在车辆的可维修性和易保养性上,降低新能源车辆的维保成本,也有利于为合理控制保费腾出更多空间。

A scientific and reasonable premium mechanism is not only related to the rights and interests of existing car owners, but also affects the acceptance of new energy vehicles by more potential consumers. What can be expected is that with the expansion of the new energy vehicle market, the establishment of new premium calculation models, and the reduction of maintenance costs, the "dilemma" of new energy vehicle insurance is expected to be solved.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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