India has no development opportunities

2024 4 5 10:45 Sansi Hall

Recently, many Indian media and Western media have been predicting India's economic development and whether India's manufacturing and production capabilities can surpass China's. They are all cheering for Indian manufacturing. However, some so-called politicians and scholars in India are describing the political blueprint and political slogans of Made in India and the Indian economy for India. They are all making flag-waving cries for India, and they are all making gimmicks and public opinion for India.

Now, as for Indian manufacturing wanting to catch up with China, India has no chance, no chance. The current development of India cannot solve the problems of education and elderly care. The quality and education of India's population, the education, quality and employment of India's female population affect India's development. There is also a growing population, which brings resource pressure that India cannot solve. India's expanding population has increased employment and competition pressure in India. Now, India's expanding population has even caused India's re-poverty and severe poverty problems. In addition, the expanding population and the shortage of limited social resources will undermine social stability and cause chaos and stability in Indian society.

India's existing economy cannot compete with China in technology, let alone catch up with China, nor can it reach the level, quality and efficiency of China's manufacturing industry. India has lost the opportunity of demographic dividend and technological development. Now, the world is no longer a world of globalization in economy, technology, and trade. The West is tightening technology exports, autonomous and risk-based control of supply chains.

China's economic and technological development is driven by globalization. Today, countries including the West and China are de-globalization and engaging in a circle of friends economy. Because Western technological control is not only aimed at China, but also targeted at India, because this is the long-term strategy and policy of the West and the United States. If the West conducts technological globalization again, the West's technological advantages and the country's welfare will suffer major crises.

China, the United States, and the West are all decoupling and breaking links, and are all building their own supply chains and economic and trade circles of friends. The West is decoupled from China's technology, and China is striving to build its own technology industry chain, supply chain and international standards in terms of technology ecology and technology. Follow your own technical route and follow technical route standards and ecology that are different from those of the West.

Both China and the West are strengthening their own intelligent manufacturing and carrying out unmanned production. Intelligent manufacturing and the technological revolution under the productivity of unmanned chemical plants have made population a burden and a huge obstacle and obstacle to economic, technological, and social development. India is not ready for the trade-off between intelligence and demographic dividend, and India has no better policies or technical means to solve the problem of population burden.

Now, China is transferring its supply chain to Southeast Asia, restricting the transfer of supply chains and technology to India, and imposing relevant restrictions on India. In addition, Southeast Asia has become a global manufacturing center, and Southeast Asia has become a manufacturing center centered on China. Driven by China's technology, supply chain and cooperation, Southeast Asia will become the world's largest manufacturing center and manufacturing country. China conducts economic and technical cooperation with Indonesia, Malaysia, Cambodia, Thailand and other countries to help Southeast Asian countries develop.

Because Southeast Asia's open policy does not have territorial conflicts with China, and it is also willing to cooperate with China. India targets Chinese investment everywhere, politicizes China's economy and trade, and politicizes China's economy and trade, suppresses Chinese enterprises, restricts Chinese investment, sets up economic, trade and technical barriers, and consciously blocks and opposes China.

India places its hopes on the transfer of industries between the United States and the West, and on the West to decouple the supply chains and industrial chains between the United States and China, and gain opportunities in Western supply chains and industrial chains. In fact, no matter how much the West and the United States transfer supply chains and industrial chains, they will not succeed. Even the West cannot use political means, economic and trade means, and military force to promote the transfer of supply chains and industrial chains. Because, in the West, India does not have control and leadership over global supply chains and industrial chains. What's more, the control of global supply chains and industrial chains lies in China, and production and manufacturing, raw materials, technology, manufacturing bases, and manufacturing efficiency are all in China. Moreover, global supply chains, industrial chains, and raw materials rely on Chinese and Chinese manufacturing industries. India has no chance of winning manufacturing opportunities.

The dream of transfer of Western supply chains and industrial chains has been shattered, and India's hope for support from the West has been dashed. Today, the West and the United States cannot firmly decouple from China, nor can they use various means to transfer supply chains, which has led to strategic setbacks in the West and the United States. As a result, Yellen visited China, and American multinational companies Apple, Tesla, Nvidia and other companies are more dependent on China's supply chain and Chinese manufacturing and market. Moreover, India's supply chain is in the hands of China, India's pharmaceutical raw materials, IT industry parts and related technology products, India's industrial products, etc. are all in the hands of China.

Today, India has always been living in the political trap of the West, and India has been paralyzed by the Modi government's public opinion propaganda. India's recent economic development has benefited from the Ukraine War, the Palestinian-Israeli War, Western sanctions and opportunities gained from Russia. As for Western industrial transfers and supply chain transfers, India has not actually gained much benefits. More are in Southeast Asia and Latin America. Moreover, India's supply chain, industrial chain, raw materials, and related technologies are still in the hands of China and the West.

India has now lost the opportunity of demographic dividends and the opportunity for globalization development. Now that globalization is dead, India cannot obtain development opportunities in a fragmented globalization and circle of friends economy. What's more, India has cut itself out of the globalized trading world and still implements conservative and protectionist economic and trade policies. India's development is an illusion, a false alarm. There are still opportunities for development there.

yours sincerely:Dear friends! Please understand that due to house decoration and learning driver's license, updates will be slow! Thank you!


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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